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Before I moved to MO and became a Chiefs fan, I lived near Houston, TX and was a big Oilers fan. Earl Campbell was a freak and my favorite. They said that each of his thighs was 36 inches in circumference, bigger than my waist. Hard to imagine. I've heard he can barely walk now. Sad.

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Oilers were the most fun team to watch during the Dan Pastorini, Earl Campbell, Bum Phillips days.  Loved Earl Campbell.  Saw his barbecue sauce on sale at our Walmart Store.   Love ya blue.


My buddy when he moved down there said that just before they moved they were known as the Houston Oinkers.  Charlie Jones did their games and he made them a really fun team to watch.

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Dan Pastorini was the anti-Alex Smith! All he did was drop back and heave bombs one after the other. Occasionally, Billy "White Shoes" Johnson would run under one, but the vast majority fell incomplete. What a hoot!


The best part was when the Oilers played the Steelers. It was a blood-letting every time. Long games because of all the time it took to carry the bloody casualties off the field.

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Lots of fans don't remember Marv Hubbard. A big bruising fullback. Used to scream at Buchanan....Look out big red. I'm comming for ya. Had his best games against the Chiefs. Died last year so I will spare him any more remarks. Davidson was the worst. Alzado and Matuszak were also bad dudes. Biletnikof caught everything within 5 yards of him on third down. Drove me crazy. And then Lamonica put the daggar in our heart with the long bomb to Wells and later Cliff Branch. Also hated Cristianson and Dave Casper. Man the list goes on and on. Whats cool is they hated us too. So once agsin I say...even though we are 40 years removed from those days......FUCK EM. Oh and Stabler. Wouldnt want him off the list.

There was nothing better than watching those old Chiefs/Raiders battles. And that's what they were..battles. Listening to Curt Goudy call the games...sheer bliss.

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