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Bad News on Houston?

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#Chiefs OLB Justin Houston has seen Dr. James Andrews, a team spokesman confirms.


The #Chiefs confirm that Justin Houston has seen Dr. James Andrews recently. No word on the rest on it.


I’m told #Chiefs LB Justin Houston was set to visit Dr. Andrews regarding his knee. Some fear he’ll miss the rest of the regular season.

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Dr. Andrews is an orthopedic surgeon, and resides in Birmingham, AL. He is considered by many to be one of the best in his field. The fact Houston is seeing Andrews would indicate the knee is not responding to normal treatment. 


While it is too soon to jump to the conclusion that Houston will be done for the year, the idea he is consulting Dr. Andrews is an indication we are headed the wrong way. 


Initial reports were Houston suffered a PCL sprain. Later, the Chiefs said the injury was less severe, and referred to it as a hyperflexion of the knee. Really, the hyperflexion is the event, and the PCL sprain is what happened as a result of the event. PCL sprains are treated with rest, unless they are serious. 


This is an example of a brace used by patients with a PCL sprain. armor.jpg



Players generally can return with the aid of a brace, after the swelling goes down. The key is not to push the injury recovery too soon. There are two approaches. One, let it heal on its own. Two, surgery. 

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NFL Network's Rand Getlin reports Chiefs OLB Justin Houston (knee) visited with Dr. James Andrews this week, and there is "some fear" Houston won't play again this season.
Reports have varied on the extent of Houston's injury, which was initially reported as a PCL sprain and later a hyperextension. The visit to Dr. Andrews indicates Houston may be exploring the possibility of undergoing surgery. Getting the start in Houston's place last week, Dee Ford piled up seven tackles, three sacks, and a pass breakup. Houston is a definite loss, but the Chiefs are armed with quality depth behind him.



Seeing Andrews is never good news especially as a second opinion. Worry Time.

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If I had my choice, I'd prefer having Justin Houston on the field, as he's paid for, and he's the best defender the Chiefs have.


With that said, the Chiefs are 6-5 with Houston and 2-0 without him.


He's not the most important player on the team, and his backup might benefit from the reps. I will say though that this makes me a lot happier about the Tamba Hali restructure earlier in the year.


There are lots of reasons to talk over injuries with an expert orthopedist. Houston's season isn't doomed just on the basis of these reports.

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We don't know but that this is just a cautionary step. With digital release of medical imaging, it is not likely, but it could be. Surgery means he should be back in 6 months. Which means at the worst, he can be fully healed by training camp. 


I hope this is precautionary, but to me it looks as if the Chiefs are going to have to go it without two of their best players on the team this year. 

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Does this mean that mobious was right and we bashed him like a dog without justification?

I just hope Houston can come back in time to help the team win into the playoffs.

Come back mobious, come back... No, mobious was making crap up. If he got the Houston thing right, he did it by pure luck. 

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Come back mobious, come back... No, mobious was making crap up. If he got the Houston thing right, he did it by pure luck. 

Houston has torn ACL

The problem with Möbius' testimony is that he had the wrong body part, and that he suggested that the confirmation of his injury was imminent. There was no specific mention of the ACL at any point in any of the media reports, and we're two-and-a-half weeks out from his supposed insider information.


With that said, there is the possibility that Houston had the slightest PCL tear, and that during his rehab, he aggravated the injury.


Again, it's really not possible to know without having access to the reports or the imaging.

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We don't know but that this is just a cautionary step. With digital release of medical imaging, it is not likely, but it could be. Surgery means he should be back in 6 months. Which means at the worst, he can be fully healed by training camp.


I hope this is precautionary, but to me it looks as if the Chiefs are going to have to go it without two of their best players on the team this year.

Their two best players.
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If he will be playing with a chance of missing next season, I say shut it down. This is a nice run, but it ain't worth losing him next year. Let the kid play it out and live to fight another day.

I doubt the team doctors and coaches would allow him to play if there were a chance he would create further damage to himself...do you?

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The problem with Möbius' testimony is that he had the wrong body part, and that he suggested that the confirmation of his injury was imminent. There was no specific mention of the ACL at any point in any of the media reports, and we're two-and-a-half weeks out from his supposed insider information.


With that said, there is the possibility that Houston had the slightest PCL tear, and that during his rehab, he aggravated the injury.


Again, it's really not possible to know without having access to the reports or the imaging.


The biggest issue with a PCL sprain is too much mobility too soon. You have to let that ligament rest, and heal. It is easy to make it much worse by trying to push too hard too fast. You hit the nail on the head. Considering the competitive nature of Justin Houston, this was always going to be a concern. 

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Two of their best. If they were their two best, why are they finding ways to win without them?


At least the Chiefs have had depth at the positions where they are losing starters.

The team mentality has really taken hold with team. They are playing together. I think the royals really rubbed off on them.

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The team mentality has really taken hold with team. They are playing together. I think the royals really rubbed off on them.

All true, but the level of competition the last few weeks has also helped the Chiefs.  It would be tough to go into playoff games without their best players.

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All true, but the level of competition the last few weeks has also helped the Chiefs.  It would be tough to go into playoff games without their best players.

Oh Lord another negative Nellie "Doom and Gloom"! This team is battle tested, Justin Houston is a great player no doubt but come on Dee Ford played his ass off last week. Is he Justin Houston? NO, but is he capable of doing his job Hell Yes he sure showed it last weekend! I'm just going to throw this out there, everybody is slobbering over Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers but nobody is saying oh wait look who they have played to get to 13-0, why is it any different for the Chiefs? Why does the reason the Chiefs have won 7 straight only because of the competition. Tired of hearing that garbage.

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We are discussing worst case scenarios because some dude reported there is "some fear" Houston won't play again this season.


Some fuckin' fear? From whom? Did they tell you that? Is your fear detector properly calibrated? GTFOHWTBS

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Oh Lord another negative Nellie "Doom and Gloom"! This team is battle tested, Justin Houston is a great player no doubt but come on Dee Ford played his ass off last week. Is he Justin Houston? NO, but is he capable of doing his job Hell Yes he sure showed it last weekend! I'm just going to throw this out there, everybody is slobbering over Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers but nobody is saying oh wait look who they have played to get to 13-0, why is it any different for the Chiefs? Why does the reason the Chiefs have won 7 straight only because of the competition. Tired of hearing that garbage.

I agree, it's not relevant for either team. The reason is because there is a playoffs. If we were just to rank everybody at the end of the year, then I could see the strength of schedule coming in.

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I'm glad some of you are starting to realize the potential of Dee Ford. It takes time for linebackers to develop in this league and most of you were complaining about how worthless he's been. There was no need to rush him into things with Tamba and Houstin infront


He still has a lot ot prove. One good game against a backup LT doesn't mean anything, but he's got the potential.


Here is the call he received from the Chiefs when drafted in case any of you missed the funny:



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Well, I hope that is true. I appreciate the Chiefs for being cautious. It would be foolish to damage his career by not taking all potential concerns to heart. 


I hope he stays out as long as possible. We want that knee to heal, and for him to be healthy. In the mean time, Ford is getting experience. It is a thin line to walk, but I think the Chiefs will be alright without him. 


I was listening to Indianapolis reporters grilling Pagano and Luck about his return. They were pushing the Colts to get Luck in the game. Here is a man who has a damaged kidney, and idiots are complaining that he is not getting back soon enough, even though his kidney is not 100% healthy. I have complained about the stupidity of some of our reporters. Teicher comes to mind, but he is far from the worst, in the history of the Chiefs. However, these guys we have are now much better, and I don't think we ever got as bad of reporting as I witnessed in Indiana. 


Let's hope for the best. 

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