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Chiefs Update

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As the team has salvaged their ( and our) season I have begun to get a bit more "energized" in my support.


My family and I have moved from DEFCON 1 ( No emotion- No Expectaions) to DEFCON 3 (Wearing Chiefs Gear in Public-Low expectations).  The Raiders win pushed us past DEFCON 2 ( Watching the Game- Expecting Horrible things to Happen and Lose in some totally impossible way- usually a fumble of missed FG)


If things continue, we might get to DEFCON 5 ( Hearts totally in... - Ready for Total Meltdown and Supreme HEART BREAK  with a Playoff Loss)



man o man



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As the team has salvaged their ( and our) season I have begun to get a bit more "energized" in my support.


My family and I have moved from DEFCON 1 ( No emotion- No Expectaions) to DEFCON 3 (Wearing Chiefs Gear in Public-Low expectations).  The Raiders win pushed us past DEFCON 2 ( Watching the Game- Expecting Horrible things to Happen and Lose in some totally impossible way- usually a fumble of missed FG)


If things continue, we might get to DEFCON 5 ( Hearts totally in... - Ready for Total Meltdown and Supreme HEART BREAK  with a Playoff Loss)



man o man



My feeling exactly. I thought I was the only one that did these things. Misery Loves Company.

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As the team has salvaged their ( and our) season I have begun to get a bit more "energized" in my support.


My family and I have moved from DEFCON 1 ( No emotion- No Expectaions) to DEFCON 3 (Wearing Chiefs Gear in Public-Low expectations).  The Raiders win pushed us past DEFCON 2 ( Watching the Game- Expecting Horrible things to Happen and Lose in some totally impossible way- usually a fumble of missed FG)


If things continue, we might get to DEFCON 5 ( Hearts totally in... - Ready for Total Meltdown and Supreme HEART BREAK  with a Playoff Loss)



man o man



Pretty much the same here.  If the Chiefs win this week and the Donks lose, I'll move to little higher.  If the Donks lose the next weekend as well, I'll move to 5.  Until then, it will stay pretty calm around here.  Christmas and moving to winter quarters will dominate for a while.

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I'm here for the ride. I hope they win the rest of their games as it may take that to get into the playoffs. If they manage to get into the playoffs, I hope they win a game. It has been fun watching this 7 game streak of wins. They weren't as bad as they were when they lost to Chicago, but they probably aren't as good as some may believe. Still, anything is possible in the NFL, especially this year. 


Being a fan of the Chiefs is a bit like riding a roller coaster. The lulls in action just set up the thrills that are sure to come later. On this ride, you only get off when you choose. I've been on this ride for twenty one years straight. I almost jumped off once. I was on it intermittently before that. Even if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl one more time, they will coast back down again. So, take it for what its worth and enjoy the ride, that's my philosophy. 

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As the team has salvaged their ( and our) season I have begun to get a bit more "energized" in my support.


My family and I have moved from DEFCON 1 ( No emotion- No Expectaions) to DEFCON 3 (Wearing Chiefs Gear in Public-Low expectations). The Raiders win pushed us past DEFCON 2 ( Watching the Game- Expecting Horrible things to Happen and Lose in some totally impossible way- usually a fumble of missed FG)


If things continue, we might get to DEFCON 5 ( Hearts totally in... - Ready for Total Meltdown and Supreme HEART BREAK with a Playoff Loss)



man o man



Ha! Very nice. Just when you were out, they pull you back in. It has been great. What a fun season so far.

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I see my 35 years of rooting for the Chiefs as a sort of survival test, kind of like a bulldog just clamping down with his jaws and hanging on. The longer I hold on and endure the buffeting of frustrations and dashing of hopes, the sweeter it will be when they finally put it together and win it all. I envision the ultimate Super Bowl party at my house with all my doubting friends invited to watch the Chiefs astound their critics. If they hoist the Lombardi during my lifetime, it won't matter if they immediately sink into mediocrity again or establish a dynasty. I will have had my moment.

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