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Manning & Others PEDS

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Guest 303Chiefs

That's because you are probably a Broncos fan.

Yes, because there is zero hard evidence to prove hers guilty I'm a Bronco fan.


I grew up in the 303, doesn't make me a donkey fan. 44 years on this planet and still a moron.

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Yes, because there is zero hard evidence to prove hers guilty I'm a Bronco fan.


I grew up in the 303, doesn't make me a donkey fan. 44 years on this planet and still a moron.

Lol kid, I just don't think I could bare it if I thought we weren't friends! You have hurt my feelings calling me a moron, I'm crushed. Okay let me try it on your level. Ready? "I know you are but what am I" or "I'm rubber your glue everything you say bounces of me and stick to you"

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Guest 303Chiefs

Lol kid, I just don't think I could bare it if I thought we weren't friends! You have hurt my feelings calling me a moron, I'm crushed. Okay let me try it on your level. Ready? "I know you are but what am I" or "I'm rubber your glue everything you say bounces of me and stick to you"

You're the one who keeps responding to a child.

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I have NEVER been a donkeys fan but I have to take a page from what I post in the locker room.  We have an accusation made by a pharmacist.  An accusation. This is not evidence.  It is not proof.  It has not been scrutinized.  With all that Manning had in 2011 including his multipile endorsements and his public persona it is very hard to believe that he would risk it on this.  


Whatever else do not fall into the trap of believing something just because it is written down or published.  Today a public figure has almost no recourse against any statement that is made against them.  We live in an era of sensationalized news where the National Enquirer headlines gain the most subscribers.  When you see an article like this,  approach the subject with a jaded eye.

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I have NEVER been a donkeys fan but I have to take a page from what I post in the locker room.  We have an accusation made by a pharmacist.  An accusation. This is not evidence.  It is not proof.  It has not been scrutinized.  With all that Manning had in 2011 including his multipile endorsements and his public persona it is very hard to believe that he would risk it on this.  


Whatever else do not fall into the trap of believing something just because it is written down or published.  Today a public figure has almost no recourse against any statement that is made against them.  We live in an era of sensationalized news where the National Enquirer headlines gain the most subscribers.  When you see an article like this,  approach the subject with a jaded eye.

The cool thing is...its another distraction for the DONKEYS!

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If it were the offseason I could see why this dead horse would get paraded around here but seriously...


Chiefs are in the playoffs...a lot of football still to come. As kccrow said..."a highly suspicious" article. I put little stock in it. Therefore I will not comment on it further.

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Denver has said they are going with Osweiler the rest of the regular season and into the playoffs. So, this doesn't matter to them anyway. Its too bad Manning did not quit while he was ahead. His final season will tarnish his career, and that is a shame. He is talking about another return to yet another team. That would be madness, in my opinion. 

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So one guy is making all the accusations against a broad lists of athletes and performers...  And they are all guilty until proven innocent, right?

Unfortunately, the "one guy making accusations" scenario has played out time and time again with performance enhancing drugs and proved to be true. Just think, Jose Canseco was proven to be the one telling the truth when it came to steroids in baseball. That being said, as much as I like seeing the Broncos suffer, I can't see Manning engaging in PEDs. He, of all people, seems to understand how much damage could be done to his public image and the "Peyton Manning Brand". I guess we will see how it all plays out, but the source said that he made up the story, so I doubt that it will have any legs past this week.


A conspiracy theory: Jason Whitlock wrote after the Chiefs/Broncos game about a conversation he had with Jimmy Johnson comparing the end of Dan Marino's career to what appears to be the end of Peyton Manning's. Essentially, Johnson called that they were going to pull Manning because of injury and keep him out because his body is too old for football (major paraphrasing on my part). Is it that far outside the realm of possibility that the Broncos would help the story leak to give them more of a reason to not play Manning, even though he appears to be closer to 100%? I mean, they could use the "We don't want him to be a distraction from wining the division" excuse and then unceremoniously part ways with him in the offseason.

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I read people all over saying that he wouldn't do it because of the reputation and why would he have that motivation? But the thing is, he lost his job due to his neck injury and he wanted to get back. I'm not saying he's cutting corners to do so, but if he did do that, there's the motivation right there. He wanted to return to his prime and show everybody he could. IF he didn't think he could do it naturally, he could do it otherwise. Not saying he did, but there's the motivation. He I s a competitive person with pride who wants to be the best.


I had a similar conversation with somebody who scoffed at the idea of Obama faking his birth certificate or nationality, saying why would he do that? I said that I didn't think that he was from Kenya per se, but obviously there would be motivation to be President of United States. I said an innocent person would say the same thing as a guilty person. They would scoff at the allegations were ridiculous be insulted just like the guilty person would. And they would likely do the same thing. The difference would be that the innocent person would have a real one and the guilty person would have a fake one that looked real no I want to prove was false.


My point? You either believe them or you don't. Anyone who is bad enough to do the bad action, would have motivation and anyone who is innocent, doesn't.

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