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Actually I wasn't, I believe the Chiefs (and Royals) are in it until they are mathematically eliminated. I am a hopeless pessimistic.

Yeah, after the seventh inning in Houston in game four, I became a believer in the Royals.  The Chiefs have a little more to prove but they're also fun to watch this season.

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Man, how big was the blocked field-goal before halftime? And to think, the next play that was pretty big was the forward pass beyond the line scrimmage that the Chiefs challenged. Kudos to Reid for challenging it and as bad as the Chiefs have been on special teams that make teams want to fake punt on us, that block was pretty good.

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Some are concerned with the fact that Manzel ran on the Chiefs. My question to those fans, how many QBs left (in the AFC) run better than they pass?


NE - Brady, nope

Cinci - Dalton, nope

Houston - Weeden, nope (or Indy with Hasselbeck)

Jets - Fitz, nope

Denver - Brock or Manning, nope


I personally wouldn't worry about the Chiefs being ran on by any of those teams QBs.


The best rushing team outside of KC left is Cinci at 14.


Get the D healthy and the could go far.

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Some are concerned with the fact that Manzel ran on the Chiefs. My question to those fans, how many QBs left (in the AFC) run better than they pass?


NE - Brady, nope

Cinci - Dalton, nope

Houston - Weeden, nope (or Indy with Hasselbeck)

Jets - Fitz, nope

Denver - Brock or Manning, nope


I personally wouldn't worry about the Chiefs being ran on by any of those teams QBs.


The best rushing team outside of KC left is Cinci at 14.


Get the D healthy and the could go far.

Hali & Houston would have contained that crap.

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The offense had a good first half. The INT was just bad luck. It was a tipped ball that led to the interception, I don't know if it was the line not keeping Cleveland's hands down or Alex's eyes being read or both.


Second half, the defense only gave the offense 3 possessions and on 2 of them, 5 of the 6 plays were RB runs. There's still good upside with this team if they get healthy. At least they've hopefully gotten the imminent bad game I was fearing out of their system.

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Thinking about the last play, Sorenson or Peters was slow getting back, which risks a delay of game penalty, but in that situation, there was no reason for him to rush. A delay of game penalty puts them five yards closer and they have a shot, but if not called, the game is over. If you hurry back, you save five yards, but they get one last play.


Or would they get a free play?

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Delay of game on the defense.. nope.. offsides perhapa.. game can not end on a defensive penalty.

Thanks, but they only get one play, right?


I guess, I am asking whether they could get a free play - snap the ball with us offsides and if they scored a touchdown they would decline the offsides penalty but if they got an incompletion, they would have another play because it can't end on a defensive penalty? Or would the whistle be blown, stopping the play, giving them 5 yards, and then one more play?


What is the incentive for our players to get onside in a scenario where they need a touchdown and not the field-goal and they are not at the goal line? If it is only 5 yards and the other team needs a touchdown and not a field goal, you might as well see if you can get the clock run out on them like they did. Why hurry back? It's not like those 5 yards would've really hurt us. It would shrink the field and make it harder for Manziel to score a touchdown on the last play.

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Thanks, but they only get one play, right? Manziel couldn't snap the ball with us offsides throw it in for a incomplete on a free play and then get the 5 yards and have another play, could he?


I guess I am asking whether they could get a free play and if they scored a touchdown they would decline the offsides penalty but if they got an incompletion, they would have another play because it can't end on a defensive penalty.l?

Not a rules expert, but i think you're right.  If the Chiefs were off sides and the ball was snapped, the Browns could have declined the penalty if they scored or accepted it and gotten one more play.  In this case, the Browns weren't lined up before the clock ran out so they would have been called for two men not being set or illegal formation IIRC.  In other words, if the center snapped the ball before the clock ran out, the Browns would have been penalized and ten seconds run off the clock.  I'd have to see a replay to be sure.

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Not a rules expert, but i think you're right. If the Chiefs were off sides and the ball was snapped, the Browns could have declined the penalty if they scored or accepted it and gotten one more play. In this case, the Browns weren't lined up before the clock ran out so they would have been called for two men not being set or illegal formation IIRC. In other words, if the center snapped the ball before the clock ran out, the Browns would have been penalized and ten seconds run off the clock. I'd have to see a replay to be sure.

Thanks for your quick response. I edited my post above so if you could look at it and see if that changes anything. Thanks.

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After reading some of the Guest responses, might wanna think about changing to having to register to post. Dude is an obvious troll. Ive been on and off this Forum for years and people like him are the worst. Probably  a Denver fan or something. But seriously, amazing last 9 weeks, regardless of how we won today. 

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Guest Chieftain

Worst possible way to go into the playoffs, foundering. I hope for their sake they figure out why they couldn't beat a team errr a running qb who couldn't hit a broad side of a barn.

A win in the NFL is tough to come by. Many pundits said that the Steelers were the most dangerous team in the NFL yet they lost to a beat up Ravens team. I think the Chiefs are playing safe and not trying to open up too much of the playbook. Alex Smith only threw for 125 yards and they still won. By the way, they aren't floundering, Green Bay is. December football is gritty football.

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Nope. Bronco stud IS a standup guy period. He likes to come in here and talk trash but he'll take his licks.

Wilkie you know he comes in here and throws salt in the wounds when we lose but when the roles are reversed he is invisible. Shit Stick from way back and I don't say that to offend him cause I enjoy arguing with him but he hasn't eat the shit sandwich he deserves yet!

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