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Guest Holmes 4 six

That fucker Addai in San diego. He's a fucking head hunter. Someone on the Chiefs needs to lay his ass out. fuckin bullshit.


Thomas had enough speed and illusiveness that created field postion and defences had to account for. This is a big loss. Our special teams returns have not been the same hence our starting field postion has regressed.

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That fucker Addai in San diego. He's a fucking head hunter. Someone on the Chiefs needs to lay his ass out. fuckin bullshit.


Thomas had enough speed and illusiveness that created field postion and defences had to account for. This is a big loss. Our special teams returns have not been the same hence our starting field postion has regressed.

Non Football Injury is my understanding. He got a note from his Mommy.

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That fucker Addai in San diego. He's a fucking head hunter. Someone on the Chiefs needs to lay his ass out. fuckin bullshit.


Thomas had enough speed and illusiveness that created field postion and defences had to account for. This is a big loss. Our special teams returns have not been the same hence our starting field postion has regressed.

Yeah Alex Smith got in his face that last Chargers game. Fuck that kid

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Just because something is "counter-intuitive" does not mean that the initial intuition is somehow inferior. These researchers evidently understand very little about football. Offensive line interactions are naturally chaotic, and any such helmet-less practices are going to bring about one of two outcomes: Players will practice at the intensity and with the same technique that their helmeted opponents will and accumulate numerous direct blows to an unprotected head, or they will practice with reduced intensity and with a modified technique that will set them up for failure when they play against opponents that will have a huge advantage in how they come out of their three-point stance.


This really is a terrible research paper from a football perspective. This quote from the article says everything: "[Don't] expect that helmets will disappear from football unless there's a radical rethinking of the sport." Maybe their heart is in the right place, or maybe they are simply doing the typical popular-sentiment-fueled-money-grab-in-the-name-of-science.

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People did still have concussions when players wore leather helmets, but they were less. I actually had a relative who was seriously hurt playing football when they played with very little protection. It was on my mother's aunt's side of the family. She told me about it when I was a kid. I don't remember the details. I somewhat believe the guy died due to a head injury. That was almost fifty years ago when she told me, so I'm not sure. 


I do think the more protection people have the more they fail to use their own wits to protect themselves. The common parallel used is rugby, because their players do not sustain as many devastating injuries, and they do not wear much physical protection. Conversely, the other sport where there are a lot of concussions is soccer, and these players have no head protection. 


Most concussion have nothing to do with football. 500px-TBI_causes_chart.svg.png

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  • CDC estimates reveal that 1.6 million to 3.8 million concussions occur each year

5-10% of athletes will experience a concussion in any given sport season

Fewer than 10% of sport related concussions involve a Loss of Consciousness (e.g., blacking out, seeing stars, etc.)

Football is the most common sport with concussion risk for males (75% chance for concussion)

Soccer is the most common sport with concussion risk for females (50% chance for concussion)

78% of concussions occur during games (as opposed to practices)

Some studies suggest that females are twice as likely to sustain a concussion as males

Headache (85%) and Dizziness (70-80%) are most commonly reported symptoms immediately following concussions for injured athletes

Estimated 47% of athletes do not report feeling any symptoms after a concussive blow

A professional football player will receive an estimated 900 to 1500 blows to the head during a season

Impact speed of a professional boxers punch: 20mph

Impact speed of a football player tackling a stationary player: 25mph

Impact speed of a soccer ball being headed by a player: 70mph


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Great answers and discussion.  That's what I was looking for.  It is an interesting article, though.  It calls two quotes to mind for me:


"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is
proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in
everlasting ignorance - that principle is
contempt prior to investigation".
-- Herbert Spencer



"There are many more wrong answers than right ones, and they are easier to find".
--  Michael Friedlande


Here is maybe the best of all:


"You've heard "Don't believe everything you read."
Here are some useful spinoffs: Don't believe
everything you think. Don't believe everything
you tell yourself. And most especially, don't
believe everything you feel".
-- Rev. O.M. Bastet

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Now, we are making an assumption here that DAT's concussion is the reason he is out for the year. His concussion may have been a contributing factor or it may have played little to no impact upon his decision. Until DAT tells us, we don't know. It is a fair assumption because his withdrawal from the sport almost immediately follows a major head injury. 


Head injuries can cause changes in personality. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/professor-cromer-learns-read/201203/after-brain-injury-the-dark-side-personality-change-part-i


My daughter had difficulties during birth because she did not receive enough oxygen to the brain during the thirty hour process. Many things led up to the incident, but I won't detail them all here. Though she suffered damage, it was not enough to mark her mentally retarded. We spent thousands of dollars in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other therapy, just to get her normative with children her age. She was left with a learning disability that caused her anguish and rejection in the classroom. 


All my daughter's progress was reversed by a singular event. My mother in law lives in Paducah. At that time, we lived in Kansas City. She was kind enough to want to keep our kids for a week or two every year during the summer. She took my daughter, my son, and some other grandkids on a trip to the lakes area. They ate pizza, and played video games at Gattiland in Draffenville, KY. On the return, she overlooked and passed up a fruit stand, which she intended to stop at on the way home. So, she pulled around, and turned back. Another car going the opposite way hit the side of her car on the front passenger side. My daughter was knocked out of her seat belt, and lay concussed in the driver's side floor as a result. She was in a coma for a short while. When she awoke, she could not move her legs. 


Fortunately, when we got there, Danielle was able to move, and she was able to walk again. Her gross, and fine motor skills were worse. Things we had worked on since she was an infant were backtracked. The injury to her brain was on the left side of her head. The doc said the force pushed her brain to her skull, and injured the side of the brain opposite from where the car was struck. She was set to start fifth grade, but she lost at least one full year of progress. We tried to get the school system to allow us to move her back to fourth grade. They would not. We spent thousands of dollars on more physical therapy, occupational therapy, tutoring, and so on. She could not do her work, and yet the school system passed her on, and routinely denied us the right to place her in the appropriate classroom setting. 


We moved to Paducah following my daughter's 8th grade of school in Kansas. It was the summer, and we spoke to the counselors at Paducah Middle School. We explained what happened, and showed the documentation. We were set for a fight. Instead, all we got was compassion. Instead of being told what to do, the counselor actually listened. Our daughter was allowed to repeat 8th grade, and she was given a tutor, who went in the classroom with her. The aide worked with my daughter and two other kids. We got the help we were refused in the bigger "better" schools in Kansas and Missouri (what a freaking joke - all those numbers and stats... made up by the schools by the way. Your schools suck!) 


We were told our daughter needed to be in special classes. It wasn't perfect, even in Kentucky the mindless institutionally driven educational system existed. Yet, here we were able to fight back. Eventually, she made progress... little signs of success. She took piano. She was horrible, but we bought her a keyboard, and put on head phones. She took art. She was messy. We gave her the garage to paint. Her room had paint, glue, and sticky things all over. She was creative, but not very exacting - due to her poor fine motor skills. She struggled with kids calling her retarded or LD. The young counselors, freshly indoctrinated, tried to get her into vocational school, and told us her dream of going to college was self defeating. She graduated, went to our local community college for three years, and barely got by. She struggled, but started making better grades by the third year. Then, she went off to a university. She took three and a half more years to graduate. She worked part time, participated in club activities, and in almost every drama event the small school hosted. In the end, she graduated cum laude with a 3.46 GPA. She went to a mission trip to Romania. She traveled to all parts of America with classmates. 


Today, our daughter is back home. One and a half years passed graduation. She is working for very little money in child care. She works weekends at a christian home for abused children and orphans. She bought a house in August, but there were mechanical issues we found, and I am still working on getting those resolved. She's going to be alright. 


Brain injuries are not exclusive to sports, or football. They happen everywhere. What happened to DAT may have caused him to re-evaluate his life. Us fans get to where we think the players owe us something. We talk about them as if they were our possessions. I would remind those who think this way, they may want to see it in terms of what they themselves would do if it happened to them. Have a little compassion. What DAT decides to do with his life is HIS BUSINESS. 


I pray D'Anthony Thomas will find some peace in his life, and be able to live it the best way possible for his own sake. I wish it would have worked out for DAT to be a player with the Chiefs, but it does not look that way. He had a few exciting plays, but fewer than he did as a freshman in college. The NFL is not usually kind to players. Most do not have long careers. 


Go Chiefs. 

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Great answers and discussion.  That's what I was looking for.  It is an interesting article, though.  It calls two quotes to mind for me:


"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is

proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in

everlasting ignorance - that principle is

contempt prior to investigation".


-- Herbert Spencer




"There are many more wrong answers than right ones, and they are easier to find".


--  Michael Friedlande


Here is maybe the best of all:


"You've heard "Don't believe everything you read."

Here are some useful spinoffs: Don't believe

everything you think. Don't believe everything

you tell yourself. And most especially, don't

believe everything you feel".


-- Rev. O.M. Bastet


Unless it is written by me. 


Just kidding. 


Happy New Year, you jerk. 


Your friend, E. 


Don't get a big head, but you are a pretty great guy. 

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Unless it is written by me. 


Just kidding. 


Happy New Year, you jerk. 


Your friend, E. 


Don't get a big head, but you are a pretty great guy. 

Your post was one of the most inspiring things I have ever read.  You are the one who is a great guy, not me. My head was way too big for way too long.  Happy New Year, E.

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Your post was one of the most inspiring things I have ever read.  You are the one who is a great guy, not me. My head was way too big for way too long.  Happy New Year, E.

Those are kind words. You choked me up. Nappy Yew Hear to you as well. 

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