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Appalacian Chief

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I appreciate both your passion and your upbeat attitude concerning the Chiefs.  I was not angered by your response in another thread. However you need to understand that this internet board isn't reserved especially for cheerleading.  There are all kinds and varieties of people who frequent the coalition.  When an opinion is solicited,  we all should be accorded the same right to express what we feel without being mocked or otherwise intimidated by those who feel differently. 


If you want a site that is specifically the Kansas Chiefs public relations party line please go to www.kcchiefs.com.  It is maintained by the Chiefs public relations board who never knew a bad play when they saw it. 


If what I post displeases you the best thing you can do is simply don't read it or ignore it.  It is difficult after 50 years to swallow the kool aid being dished out by one arrowhead drive. 


I don't recall that I have ever criticized you for being a homer.  I used to be a blind homer for decades.  The years have made me more analytical.


In the end, none of it means shit.  This is just a football chat board.  Our opinions are just like assholes,  everybody has one.  And that seems to be where most of our opinions come from.  LOL


Enjoy the game and ride.  I know I will.

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