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It looked to me like that muffed field goal was a bad snap.  We always took Kendall Gammon for granted.   This late in the year there is probably little we can do about it but this is something we need to address this week.


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Reid said after the game that it was supposed to be a pooch punch, but the snapper snapped the ball to Colquitt instead of Santos...


On the plus side....Cairo Santos becomes the first Brazilian player in NFL history to complete a pass...lol

So field position was more important than making it a 16 point game? He didn't think Santos would just line up and make it? Well, we got the worst of both worlds.


If he is telling the truth what our intentions were, since we won the game, I'm glad it did not work. I don't want that in the playoffs. Either get the field-goal or go for the first down. Or really just punt the ball and trust our coverage. I mean, on a pooch punt, do we have the same people as we have on a field goal try or are we relying on people who only protect for a field goal kick to then cover the surprise punt?

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