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Abdullah's father passed away on Saturday....that's why he's not practicing....I don't want know what the Muslim protocol is when it comes to death(I don't exactly want to google "Muslim Death Rituals" on a work computer), but as long as it doesn't deter him, he should be there Sunday. 


The beauty is that Parker/Branch is a pretty good substitute for his absence....


Maclin will be fine....its a bruise....Maclin himself said he's fine.  There's just no point having him practice in pain and risk re-hurting the same spot.


I think Morse plays personally.  He was already upset about not getting to go back in the game on Sunday.  Unfortunately, he's probably at home googling "how to pass concussion tests" so that he can play even if still affected.  I believe the guy that was brought up is just because of how beat up overall our oline is and might need to come in a play or two...


Dee Ford might be held out, but if Hali and Houston play, he would have been used little anyway, so we should be fine...

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The concussion tests are measured against a base line taken earlier, in preseason. They would be a combination of four components, which are physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep. Sleep is probably not something they can evaluate, but they may ask or infer whether he is actually getting sleep after the incident. Physical tests involve sensitivity to light, headaches, sensitivity to noise, visual problems, dazed look, balance problems, nausea, fatigue, numbness and tingling, etc. The cognitive tests involve memory, speed of response to questions asked, ability to concentrate, and so on. emotional tests relate to sadness, irritability, nervousness, and fluctuations of emotions or stability. 


In summation, there is not one single test a person can study up and pass. This is why players may take a few weeks to get over this. The more anxious a player is to get back, the more likely he is to fail a component. Some players have been reported to try to dumb down their initial baseline study. This should be something relatively simple to figure out. There should be ways to double blind the test, or make it difficult to outguess. Some of the smarter athletes may be able to figure it out, but they too, may be the least likely to want to do this. 

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Abdullah's father passed away on Saturday....that's why he's not practicing....I don't want know what the Muslim protocol is when it comes to death(I don't exactly want to google "Muslim Death Rituals" on a work computer), but as long as it doesn't deter him, he should be there Sunday.


The beauty is that Parker/Branch is a pretty good substitute for his absence....


Maclin will be fine....its a bruise....Maclin himself said he's fine. There's just no point having him practice in pain and risk re-hurting the same spot.


I think Morse plays personally. He was already upset about not getting to go back in the game on Sunday. Unfortunately, he's probably at home googling "how to pass concussion tests" so that he can play even if still affected. I believe the guy that was brought up is just because of how beat up overall our oline is and might need to come in a play or two...


Dee Ford might be held out, but if Hali and Houston play, he would have been used little anyway, so we should be fine...

I diagree on ford. With hh coming off injury, I think you'll see heavy rotation.

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Abdullah's father passed away on Saturday....that's why he's not practicing....I don't want know what the Muslim protocol is when it comes to death(I don't exactly want to google "Muslim Death Rituals" on a work computer), but as long as it doesn't deter him, he should be there Sunday. 



You already typed it on the internet, bro. 


You're done.



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Morse went out of the game due to concerns over a possible concussion. He did not return. He has been absent from practice ever since, and today was the last practice before the game on Saturday. The Chiefs brought up an additional Center from their practice team. I don't know how to make it any clearer. Morse didn't suffer any other injury than a possible concussion. Therefore, yes, he had a concussion. 


Morse will probably miss the game at Houston. Let's hope Zach Fulton is up to the task. Fulton has a quick first step, but is not athletic enough to play Guard in the NFL. He can get by at Center, and actually looked better than Morse (IMHO), when he played Center. Of course, he did not go against a player like Vince Wilfolk. Mitch Morse missed week 13 against Oakland, and so Zach Fulton went up against Justin Ellis, who is considered to be one of the worst starting NT in the league. 


Fulton packs on 20 additional pounds, and that could help against the aging Wilfolk. Wilfolk was one of the best in the league, but he is showing his age. None the less, Wilfolk is a player who could turn up in this game. He is best at stopping the run. 

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