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The Smack Talk Thread

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With all the in-fighting and out fighting, I thought it would be good to have a designated crap on other posters, diss on other teams, make and settle bets, and finally get out all the pseudo-drama out of our systems.

I'll start. Mine are lame and innocuous.

Bil is a man who clings to his doctor days like a washed up star tells everyone they used to be famous... and he spells his name wrong.

Eraser doesn't know when to change his avatar.

Wilkie is an attorney. (Going easy on him; I don't want to be sued for libel.)

Oldtimer uses his age as a crutch and his crutch to look up ladies' skirts.

Xen and Semo are alts.

PhataLerror only cost one second rounder.

Robgar hates America so much he moved to Germany.

Bavarianq, too (not really).

I'm trying to figure out if fanatic is a fan, (g)nat), or a tic.

dhitter thinks that being better at dissing than I am is an accomplishment.

Tiltraider is a scared möbius.

Chiefmanzada a Spanish-Chiefs Apple.

BroncoStud's initials are appropriate.

Handswarmer is what Flacco calls his Center.

Wow, calm down, DefensiveMan, no one was talking about you.

Liquidfriend is what I call my gin and tonic, useful when the Chiefs lose.

kccrow, named after what he must eat (happily) if we win the Super Bowl.

mullysalt only shows up for fantasy, so I guess I could say anything and he wouldn't post here.

Derp - Oops, it's said so much, I thought it was a posters name.

Also, Broncostud is what fanatic fits into the mouth, or apparently from what I gather FITM means.

Spfdchiefsfan can't run a Fantasy league because he's too busy making love with his avatar.

West and Maui are too (geo)graphic (sorry for the lameness).

303Chiefs is so far from a Chiefs fan that he only comes in as a guest (just kidding about your fandom).


Gochiefsgo (Gochie Fesco) is really Bob Fescoe.

AppalachianChief is an unethical time-traveler who travels back in time just to make predictions that make him look like a genius. And here I was thinking he was a greedy fortune teller who wouldn't share his gifts with the world for more important things... Or a druggie who won't share his stash.

AZChiefs21, we better not see you torn if we play the Cardinals in the Super Bowl.

TD4Valerio almost quit on us just because we were cancelled for awhile. (I obviously don't know enough about you to properly lamely roast.)

I can't tell if DieHard is serious Bruce Willis or funny Leslie Nielsen.

Holmes4six! has too many exclamation points in his name.

Arrowhead and KC Warpaint, your names are offensive for no good reason.

KCSLC2008 is like verbal diarrhea, as valuable as the novel inside a Playboy magazine. You know it's there, but you mostly skip over it, as any words from it are novels too long to waste your time on. (I actually think the articles are fine, but the women finer.)


Calichief has whiplash. I don't know, you guys make one up.


Kcchiefs4life, Gil, Wolfscall, and jetlord, I got nothing on you three.

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He and eraser should join the diahrrea of the pen club.  I think it interesting that being called an attorney qualifies me for a beatdown.  Since I am retired I would think the most deserve is an acknowledgement.   Bil is the one that cut up dead bodies.  I only demasculated them.


PS:  KCSL  I thought you were a lawyer too.

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He and eraser should join the diahrrea of the pen club. I think it interesting that being called an attorney qualifies me for a beatdown. Since I am retired I would think the most deserve is an acknowledgement. Bil is the one that cut up dead bodies. I only demasculated them.


PS: KCSL I thought you were a lawyer too.


I am. That's why I was making fun of you for it, saying that simply calling you a lawyer was an insult. You say you are retired, but old habits die hard. You still enter multiple spaces between sentences. ;)


Unfortunately, one doesn't have to be an attorney to make fun of one, unlike those Jewish faith or dentists.



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I've never been to Germany but had a German car at the time I joined this board in its first go around. I would like to visit Germany, purchase the latest iteration of the car I had (BMW M4). Preferably picking the car up in Germany, driving it, and having it delivered to the states. This all after the Chiefs put foot-to-ass to whomever they face during this playoff run!!



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I've never been to Germany but had a German car at the time I joined this board in its first go around. I would like to visit Germany, purchase the latest iteration of the car I had (BMW M4). Preferably picking the car up in Germany, driving it, and having it delivered to the states. This all after the Chiefs put foot-to-ass to whomever they face during this playoff run!!

I was thinking of Robgar, whom of which I forgot to put on that. I'll fix it.

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I do not hate the US, but i do live in germany.. and at one point not to far from a BMW factory but, well i moved to berlin... so..



however theres a old song...



Dont ask me what I think of you, I might not give you the answer you want me to..



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I do not hate the US, but i do live in germany.. and at one point not to far from a BMW factory but, well i moved to berlin... so..


however theres a old song...


Dont ask me what I think of you, I might not give you the answer you want me to..



I was just joking, nothing I've seen from you would suggest that you hate America. As far as what you think of me, Yeah, I'll pass. ;)



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PhataLerror only cost one second rounder.

I didn't play at the collegiate level, but I made the most of my opportunities as an undrafted free agent. I'm quite proud of what it cost the next franchise to acquire me, and the lucrative extension that followed helped me get over any lingering concern over the lack of additional or higher draft-pick compensation.

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Guest robgar

A bus crashed today, everyone on he bus was killed.. good ting it was a bus of lawyers... However to prove there is no justice in the world it was only half full..



Lamar Hunt..

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