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D Harris signed!

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Demetrius Harris is not the smartest guy, so it took awhile to introduce him into the offense. He is a good player, and has not demonstrated character flaws. A sharp guy with his skills, size, and a little more experience would have demanded a high draft selection, and a lot more money. The Chiefs will have three more years to develop him into a system that is difficult for a typical athlete. Harris is not the typical athlete. He didn't have the grades nor did he have the test scores to enter a college with a football program. His route was unusual, and it was circuitous. This was not his fault. 


Demetrius Harris should be appreciated for his efforts. Many people would have given up instead of making the efforts it took to get where he is now. He was denied collegiate football. Instead, like many, he went to community college. I am sure he was required to take non credit classes just to get to the point where he could take regular classes. It is not unusual. There are many kids, just like him, who go to community college without the basics in reading or math. Most do not finish the first year. Only 15.8 percent of all community college students earn a 2 year degree. 10.5 percent get a certificate. There are only 10.8 percent of community college students, including those with the basics, that go on to earn a four year degree. For those requiring remedial non credit classes, the odds are not good. 


Harris did the hard work. He went on to a small four year school, and got to play sports. It wasn't football, but he did get to go on scholarship. John Dorsey remembered him, and took another look. Again, the odds were against him. He got an invite, and he did well enough to make it to the practice team. Now, he has a three year contract. His life has already been changed. Not many make it this far. He has done an amazing job. There is a possibility the story continues. Harris should know his chances to make it further are better with the Chiefs than anywhere else he may go. 

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Demetrius Harris is not the smartest guy, so it took awhile to introduce him into the offense. He is a good player, and has not demonstrated character flaws. A sharp guy with his skills, size, and a little more experience would have demanded a high draft selection, and a lot more money. The Chiefs will have three more years to develop him into a system that is difficult for a typical athlete. Harris is not the typical athlete. He didn't have the grades nor did he have the test scores to enter a college with a football program. His route was unusual, and it was circuitous. This was not his fault. 


Demetrius Harris should be appreciated for his efforts. Many people would have given up instead of making the efforts it took to get where he is now. He was denied collegiate football. Instead, like many, he went to community college. I am sure he was required to take non credit classes just to get to the point where he could take regular classes. It is not unusual. There are many kids, just like him, who go to community college without the basics in reading or math. Most do not finish the first year. Only 15.8 percent of all community college students earn a 2 year degree. 10.5 percent get a certificate. There are only 10.8 percent of community college students, including those with the basics, that go on to earn a four year degree. For those requiring remedial non credit classes, the odds are not good. 


Harris did the hard work. He went on to a small four year school, and got to play sports. It wasn't football, but he did get to go on scholarship. John Dorsey remembered him, and took another look. Again, the odds were against him. He got an invite, and he did well enough to make it to the practice team. Now, he has a three year contract. His life has already been changed. Not many make it this far. He has done an amazing job. There is a possibility the story continues. Harris should know his chances to make it further are better with the Chiefs than anywhere else he may go. 

I agree.

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When we first signed him, I thought a basketball player that could jump and catch, but not block. Hats off to him, because blocking is his strength. Pretty impressive. I do think he can run and catch, but blocking got him this deal. Great pair in him and Kelse.

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