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Total embarrassment

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While it was nice to see PIT win, the game was a farce.  It sure wasn't football.  Whether the league, the players, or the coaches, the game had little to do with who was the better team today and more to do with which thugs made the last mistakes.  It was worse than any KC/OAK game of the 60s/70s.  I like football but think bare knuckled fighting would have been a better description of tonight's performance.  The Cincy fans should be given their money back.  

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Cincinnati should've just played for the field-goal. It would've made the Steelers need a touchdown in order to win. I know they were trying, but they were trying to get closer to get the field goal shorter and burn clock. Just trust your kicker. I mean, worst case scenario, if you make the field, you give the ball back to the Steelers with a minute 20 and a four point lead.

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The lack of action by the league and organizations led to that game.


The Steelers cheap shot players all the time, both teams have injured each other this year and the Steelers talked shit all week. Franchises need to be penalized for this game. Both franchises.

People act like it is a sign of toughness. It's a lot tougher to hold your cool amongst that. It's not football and it clearly can costs you. But really, people clarify that stupid shit. I mean the Steelers have a bunch of different rivals in which they fight. I don't think it adds to the game.

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Let's all take a moment and thank goodness that that wasn't us. I would feel so shitty right now if I were a Bengals fan. I know that technically not feeling good could happen later this year, but at least it's not in the wildcard round. This is what Cincinnati gets for not beating Denver in week 16. He could've rested Dalton for another week. We would've won the division. I think we would've beaten that Steelers team at home.

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There was a minute 36 left in first down for the bangles. The Steelers had two timeouts, I believe. So they would've run first down and run off six seconds. 1:30. Timeout. Run one more route six more seconds. 1:24. Timeout. Run one more = 1:18 and then run 40 seconds off or a field goal. 0:38 left for Big Ben.

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Brown concussed on that late hit. Gives Den a huge edge next week. 1 year suspension should be handed out.

Mike Mitchell got just a fine for doing something similar to Tyler Eifert a month ago.  Why should this be any different? 


There was no reason for Munchak to be pulling on Reggie Nelson's dreads and for Joey Porter to go out on the field, basically to start shit with the Bengals. 


The severe penalties should be saved for the franchises, who are least likely to go to court to overturn one.  Take away draft picks from both squads and you'll fix the problems.

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There was a minute 36 left in first down for the bangles. The Steelers had two timeouts, I believe. So they would've run first down and run off six seconds. 1:30. Timeout. Run one more route six more seconds. 1:24. Timeout. Run one more = 1:18 and then run 40 seconds off or a field goal. 0:38 left for Big Ben.

Nugent isn't a super reliable kicker and the weather was shitty.  Running the ball for a shorter FG was the right decision, but it's easy to criticize it now in hindsight. 


Jeremy Hill just has to hang onto the ball.  That's all there really is to it.

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Actually, the Steelers had 3 timeouts after they turned over the ball.  But I do think 1:36 was about right.  While I will agree that both teams were pretty chickenshit throughout that game, I think that hands down Burflict is the biggest deuchebag of all.  There is no place for him on a football field IMO.

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Neither team is well coached. The Chiefs have had similar implosions. I have met a KC fan that was obnoxious, maybe more than one. The NFL has to crack down on this. The climate is hostile towards football in general. The movie, "Concussion", was promoted on TV, specifically on NFL games. Why? That is their audience for starters. Two, there are some who intend to end the NFL. They intend to end football. End it. In end it entirely. 


What if Brown had suffered a fatal blow to the head? On live TV, at a playoff game, just died there. It has happened before. That helmet he was wearing, it offers protection, but not enough to keep him from having a massive brain injury. This is not the first such incident. That earlier play, whereas Pittsburgh was not charged with a penalty for leading with the crown of the helmet... That led to the intensity of the game being ratcheted up. I told my wife, right after that play ended, "this is going to get really chippy." It did. 


1. Marvin Lewis is not in control of his team. The league cannot afford to have one of their franchises be led by a coach who does not have the ability to control his own players. This is the equivalent of giving a revolver to an individual, but that guy you gave it to, he loads it with bullets, and slings it around in a crowded room. This is not the first instance for Marvin Lewis. 


2. Mike Tomlin - you cannot control your own coaches? You cannot control your players either? There is a difference between good hard football, and thuggery. The Steelers are not a good team. They lack discipline. This is a reflection of their coach. 


3. Cincinnati fans cannot restrain themselves enough to keep from throwing bottles onto the field. At least glass bottles are no longer allowed. There has been a problem with rowdy fans from even before the teen age days of Wilkie. Wilkie is ancient, and yet bad fans existed before even him. Throwing water bottles is a bit safer than throwing 9 volt batteries (Oakland Raider's fans). However, its not good. In Indiana, they used to surround the basketball court with chicken wire fencing to protect the players. They put cages around the floor when that failed to stop them running onto the playing surface. That's how the term "cagers" became synonymous with Indiana basketball players. They played inside a caged area. My old junior high school gymnasium still had places where cages once were placed around the floor. I recall numerous times when parents, and fans threw things, cursed at high school kids, and even went onto the court in an effort to fight. Those things of the past need to be done away with, and the fans of Cincinnati should be ashamed of their fellow frenzied supporters. Should be, but the odds are most are not. 


4. NFL player's union shares substantial blame. Whenever a player gets in trouble, they are there to make sure that player does not receive harsh punishment. In fact, no punishment whatsoever may be their goal at times. The players who cross the line, they are the same ones who shorten careers. 


5. Team owners share blame. They give tacit oversight. Its their money, their reputation that is on the line. Some semi illiterate Inside Linebacker should not take the shine off your business. 


This was an implosion. The Chiefs have seen implosions before. What counts is where do we go from here. 

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People act like it is a sign of toughness. It's a lot tougher to hold your cool amongst that. It's not football and it clearly can costs you. But really, people clarify that stupid shit. I mean the Steelers have a bunch of different rivals in which they fight. I don't think it adds to the game.

that is what i was referring to about that late hit by fisher on Watt, it was not necessary and he was in direct eyesight of an official...could have gotten a PF on that. I understand that fisher was probably wanting to prove that he is a tough guy after all that has been said about him the last two seasons but that was bad timing

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that is what i was referring to about that late hit by fisher on Watt, it was not necessary and he was in direct eyesight of an official...could have gotten a PF on that. I understand that fisher was probably wanting to prove that he is a tough guy after all that has been said about him the last two seasons but that was bad timing

Was it a late hit on Watt? If the whistle hadn't blown the play dead then the fact Watt is on his knees has zero bearing on whether Fisher has the ability to hit him again. Looks bush league when you factor in that Watt was hurt and it was away from the play...but truthfully you could find tons of similar type shots on lineman during a game. This was not unusual. If it were anyone not named JJ Watt it probably wouldn't even have been shown.

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I understand that fisher was probably wanting to prove that he is a tough guy after all that has been said about him the last two seasons but that was bad timing

That's what I was thinking, after all the talk about him being afraid to face Watt in the first game. Sometimes we don't know what went on during the course of the game. Watt may have said something to him, but it still was the wrong thing to do IMO.

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Was it a late hit on Watt? If the whistle hadn't blown the play dead then the fact Watt is on his knees has zero bearing on whether Fisher has the ability to hit him again. Looks bush league when you factor in that Watt was hurt and it was away from the play...but truthfully you could find tons of similar type shots on lineman during a game. This was not unusual. If it were anyone not named JJ Watt it probably wouldn't even have been shown.

It was late, the back of the head, and in front of an official. I think that qualifies as bad timing. Do I think that Fisher is a bad guy? No. Do I think it doesn't happen other places? No. But this is the playoffs and we need to avoid personal fouls and we might as well avoid things that lowers our reputation. Pushing him in the back, even late, doesn't lower your reputation, but he hit him in the back of the head, does. I don't really care about reputation, but you might as well. To be tough isn't a late hit to the back of the head. There are other things you can do to be tough.

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This game sure reminded me of the old Chiefs Raiders games..bench clearing brawls and 50 minute delay of game is what I remember.It was a pathetic performance by both teams and coachs. That one guy from the Bengals  would be cut 10 seconds after the game. Isn't that Adam Jones who got called on the last PF penalty the one they called "Pac Man"?. Its what happens when you try to have thugs on your team with no leadership. Anybody remember the Monday Night Melt Down?

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This game sure reminded me of the old Chiefs Raiders games..bench clearing brawls and 50 minute delay of game is what I remember.It was a pathetic performance by both teams and coachs. That one guy from the Bengals  would be cut 10 seconds after the game. Isn't that Adam Jones who got called on the last PF penalty the one they called "Pac Man"?. Its what happens when you try to have thugs on your team with no leadership. Anybody remember the Monday Night Melt Down?


don't ever recall coaches getting involved like the steelers did yesterday...i would not be surprised if lewis gets fired, he obviously cannot get them to the next level

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don't ever recall coaches getting involved like the steelers did yesterday...i would not be surprised if lewis gets fired, he obviously cannot get them to the next level



No the Coaches did not get involved you are correct. Madden was too fat and Stram was too classy. in Munchak's defense those dread locks that the Bengals player had should be outlawed by the team. Munchak could of very easily got his hand tangled up in all that crap. The team as a whole shows no discipline. The Samoan  DT 's hair as well..they can grow that crap out in the off season or on another team or after they retire..no place on the field with such adornment. JMHO of course.


 lewis seems much like Marty..Playoff snake bitten and was fired after he lost the team and went to playing thugs.I would be beyond embarrassed if I was the owner.

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Guest Okiechief1

I got no problem with what Fisher did cause he didn't do anything wrong. Alex was just getting rid of the ball when Fisher shoved him when he was down.


During the pregame they showed a play where watt almost got to Alex then chased down the person he threw it to and it was 10 to 15 yards downfield. That's why you make sure watt stays down because the guy is relentless and doesn't give up on plays.


During the course of a game Fisher probably gets much worse.

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