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The Samoan  DT 's hair as well..they can grow that crap out in the off season or on another team or after they retire..no place on the field with such adornment. JMHO of course.



The ancient Romans didn't grow their hair long. It was a fighting advantage because the enemy couldn't grab it. The Romans kicked ass for hundreds of years.

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I'd have to see the Fisher hit on Watt again to really know, but my impression at the time was that it wasn't really a hit but more of a shove to keep Watt on the ground.  It would have been surprising is the official would have flagged that even if he was staring at it the whole time.  Maybe it was rougher than I thought, but it certainly presented no danger to Watt unless one considers that Watt was injured at the time.


If one googles Burfict (sp?), one will find that his history fits right into yesterday's actions.  He's an out of control thug who cares nothing about his team.  Running that interception all the way down the field and up the ramp was a prime example.  His history in the NFL and at ASU should qualify him for a year's suspension.  Lewis should also be suspended like the N.O. coach was and both teams should lose a second day draft pick.  JMHO

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Guest Okiechief1

I'd have to see the Fisher hit on Watt again to really know, but my impression at the time was that it wasn't really a hit but more of a shove to keep Watt on the ground. It would have been surprising is the official would have flagged that even if he was staring at it the whole time. Maybe it was rougher than I thought, but it certainly presented no danger to Watt unless one considers that Watt was injured at the time.


If one googles Burfict (sp?), one will find that his history fits right into yesterday's actions. He's an out of control thug who cares nothing about his team. Running that interception all the way down the field and up the ramp was a prime example. His history in the NFL and at ASU should qualify him for a year's suspension. Lewis should also be suspended like the N.O. coach was and both teams should lose a second day draft pick. JMHO

I was watching ESPN this morning and they showed a play from last week's Bengals Ravens game. It was the coaches tape and they said it wasn't shown on TV. Showed burfict doing almost the same thing as he did last night, going after the dudes head with his shoulder when the ball was thrown to opposite side of the field.


Burfict is dirty and needs to sit for awhile.

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don't ever recall coaches getting involved like the steelers did yesterday...i would not be surprised if lewis gets fired, he obviously cannot get them to the next level

Lewis will never get fired. Think about it, the 2nd longest tenured coach with the same team and no playoff wins. Belicheat 4 SB, Lewis no playoff wins, Coughlin 2 SB, you tell me if he will get shit canned.
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Lewis will never get fired. Think about it, the 2nd longest tenured coach with the same team and no playoff wins. Belicheat 4 SB, Lewis no playoff wins, Coughlin 2 SB, you tell me if he will get shit canned.

guess you are right, bengals said that there are no plans to get rid of Lewis, so count on another great regular season and a quick playoff exit for them

next year as well

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I think Lewis and Fisher (St. Louis) are having a stare off on who can remain as head coach longer.

Fisher gets a pass all the time, no matter how dirty or how shitty his teams are. He is on the rules committee so everyone thinks he is beyond reproach and his teams would never play dirty or cheat.


Lewis is quiet and flys under the radar. He coaches a team in a prominently black city and relates, or it is assumed he relates to local population. This is not a bad thing, an owner should cater to the masses.


As a disclaimer, my comments are nit meant to be racist but just an opinion.

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guess you are right, bengals said that there are no plans to get rid of Lewis, so count on another great regular season and a quick playoff exit for them

next year as well

When I didn't think our team was good enough to win the division, I was upset with the Bengals being good in the regular season - if you're just going to waste in the playoffs, then don't be good in the regular season. I felt they were taking our wild-card spot. If all goes well, we shouldn't have to worry about that next year. We should put in the hard work to build off this year.

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Most embarrassing Chiefs game I ever watched.., Still hate Shannon Sharpe

You guys remember Derrick Thomas got ejected. Marty sent our middle line e backer...I cannot remember his name...packing the next morning. Lamar Hunt apologised on Channel 9. Most embarrassing time ever to be a Chiefs fan but Marty did put a stop to it. OT is right though. At the end of Marty's tenure we were playing thugs. And then there is the strange story of Joe Phillips...........
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If the league does nothing and Burfict kills or disables someone, won't they be held liable?  If I was an owner, that would be enough concern to find a way to protect myself.

Yes. Don't know about criminal but civil absolutely. Vicarious liability could extend to ownership if Burfict has history of this kind of thing.
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Guest Grizpapa

It was late, the back of the head, and in front of an official. I think that qualifies as bad timing. Do I think that Fisher is a bad guy? No. Do I think it doesn't happen other places? No. But this is the playoffs and we need to avoid personal fouls and we might as well avoid things that lowers our reputation. Pushing him in the back, even late, doesn't lower your reputation, but he hit him in the back of the head, does. I don't really care about reputation, but you might as well. To be tough isn't a late hit to the back of the head. There are other things you can do to be tough.



It wasn't LATE.

Stop with this.


He was finishing a block BEFORE the Whistle was blown.

Our guys get jumped on like this every game.


OL are taught to take guys out of the Play, if they are on the ground keep them there so they can't get up and get down filed to make a play.

Especially with a guy like Watt, who constantly chases down plays you have to neutralize him whenever you can.


Fisher had no idea Watt was injured and had no idea where the play was, Alex could have still been scrambling for all he knew.

He played to the whistle and that's football.

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It wasn't LATE.

Stop with this.


He was finishing a block BEFORE the Whistle was blown.

Our guys get jumped on like this every game.


OL are taught to take guys out of the Play, if they are on the ground keep them there so they can't get up and get down filed to make a play.

Especially with a guy like Watt, who constantly chases down plays you have to neutralize him whenever you can.


Fisher had no idea Watt was injured and had no idea where the play was, Alex could have still been scrambling for all he knew.

He played to the whistle and that's football.


Ok, you're right, but I think you know what I meant. It was unnecessary, which is OK if it isn't in the head. I DO want him to continue to block until the whistle. I just considered it late (I was using the term loosely) because it was in the wrong place, in front of an official, and unnecessary. Again, to continue to block him wasn't unnecessary. Hitting him in the back of the head was unnecessary.


Good to see you over here, Grizpapa. You are a good no nonsense poster. You are like the nonsense police.

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I just watched the last half of this game (Cinci-Pitt). I wanted to see for myself what had happened. That was a straight up stupid dirty play by Burfict. He cost his team the game bigtime.Pacman just made it worse.

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I didn't really want the Steelers to win, but I was glad that it helped cost them a game. I mean, players ALL the time come on and say they won't change because that makes them who they are, to play with an edge, attitude, play rough even if some will think it's dirty - in the name of the game, in the name of WINNING. At least one game and however many games remain after the impending appeal process is over will be for the opposite effect for something STUPID. The one game that can't be appealed, is the playoff game they LOST because of him. I'm not going to entertain some Big Ben magic or hail mary chance, the Steelers weren't winning if he and Pacman didn't do stupid things.

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Eric Fisher was blocking J J Watt, and the whistle had not blown. He did nothing wrong. He sent a message. Watt was hurt, but the extra shot had nothing to do with the injury. Fisher had no idea Watt was injured. Actually, I like it. Fisher wasn't perfect. Watt got around him one time, and that caused Smith to have to move into the pocket, where he was sacked. However, that was about it. Fisher did a good job. Watt ended the day with just one assist, no tackles, no sacks, no interceptions, and no forced fumbles. J J Watt apologized to the fans for not playing better. He did not have to. Watt kept trying all day long. He never gave up. One, he had a groin injury. Two, Fisher was up to the task. 

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Guest 303Chiefs

It was late, the back of the head, and in front of an official. I think that qualifies as bad timing. Do I think that Fisher is a bad guy? No. Do I think it doesn't happen other places? No. But this is the playoffs and we need to avoid personal fouls and we might as well avoid things that lowers our reputation. Pushing him in the back, even late, doesn't lower your reputation, but he hit him in the back of the head, does. I don't really care about reputation, but you might as well. To be tough isn't a late hit to the back of the head. There are other things you can do to be tough.

Oh shut your yap and get off the high and mighty soap box. Good lord...don't forget your tiara Nancy. You act like Fisher straight cheap shotted Watts with intent to injure, we was only finishing a play.

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Geoff Schwartz talked about that on his pod cast. http://blockemup.podbean.com/e/bem-04-monday-review-nfl-wild-card-sunday/ I played it back to find where it started. Start around 7:30. At 8:28, Geoff tells it how he saw the Eric Fisher play, where JJ Watt was hurt. 


"No way", and I completely agree. This was not a bad play. He did what he was supposed to do. The play was still going on. The whistle had not been blown. That means, you keep blocking, and keep being physical. What if Eric Fisher quit after he blocked Watt, and Watt was not injured. Watt might have gotten back into the play. Then we would have complained about Eric Fisher doing a shabby job. 


The Houston fans gave it to Eric Fisher, and he didn't back down. He showed some attitude, and that is good. Schwartz said when Jeff Allen got back into the lineup, the team started to get a more nasty, and developed an attitude. He has said Allen is a good leader on the team in the past. On Twitter, he has been complimentary of Jah Reid. 


The OL for the Chiefs has gotten better. They are the youngest OL in the NFL. New England has gotten worse. This gives me a little hope. 

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Oh shut your yap and get off the high and mighty soap box. Good lord...don't forget your tiara Nancy. You act like Fisher straight cheap shotted Watts with intent to injure, we was only finishing a play.

Come on, man. You're acting like I wanted him suspended or fined. I'm just concerned about the potential for a stupid penalty Ina penalty. Or retribution down the road to our players. If it weren't for those things, I don't care. Not a fan of Watt nor do I think it hurt him.


It's in the same vein as this: I would complain about a muffed punt in a regular season blowout win because of think of fumbles down the road. I wouldn't want the guy kicked off the team, I just would want him to learn and not do it in a playoff game.


Besides, I don't think I was the one to bring it up, your beefs with him.

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