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Alex Smith Bandwagon

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Alex Smith does not do Twitter, I guarantee you that. He doesn't like doing interviews. Lay a mic down in the vicinity of Shaun Smith, and he will snatch it. There are a few who occupy their time on Twitter, and other places. 

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Alex Smith does not do Twitter, I guarantee you that. He doesn't like doing interviews. Lay a mic down in the vicinity of Shaun Smith, and he will snatch it. There are a few who occupy their time on Twitter, and other places.

One thing I didn't get with Jim Harbaugh was that he always wears the same thing because he doesn't want to waste time on decision-making that would be spent on focusing on football. But he is pretty active on Twitter.


I always thought that in the time that is spent on one Twitter post, he could pick seven different outfits and just have his wife or himself randomly put it out every week. Each would already be approved and therefore there's no decision-making.

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Alex Smith does not do Twitter, I guarantee you that. He doesn't like doing interviews. Lay a mic down in the vicinity of Shaun Smith, and he will snatch it. There are a few who occupy their time on Twitter, and other places.

I also remember how Harbaugh did not like to answer anything of substance in interviews. He rubbed it off on Kaepernick, who would give one word answers, especially after a bad game. Smith, I think, basically refused to be that antisocial. I understand the dos advantage that could be if you reveal too much, but these people have to be pretty good at giving fair answers that don't give away the farm.

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