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Reporters/journalist are leaches on society and have been for sometime now. They have stopped reporting actual news and have gone looking for controversy and sensationalism. Most just regurgitate what someone else has said and others just report what they believe someone wants to hear.


I stopped really paying attention to reporters many years ago, they twist the story to fit an agenda whether it's good or bad there is an agenda.


I always felt a reporter should report the facts and let us decide what to take from it without their take on the issue. Too many reporters use their stories to promote themselves or their ideas and beliefs.

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Reporters/journalist are leaches on society and have been for sometime now. They have stopped reporting actual news and have gone looking for controversy and sensationalism. Most just regurgitate what someone else has said and others just report what they believe someone wants to hear.


I stopped really paying attention to reporters many years ago, they twist the story to fit an agenda whether it's good or bad there is an agenda.


I always felt a reporter should report the facts and let us decide what to take from it without their take on the issue. Too many reporters use their stories to promote themselves or their ideas and beliefs.

Yep, I don't understand how journalists and reporters are often referred to as experts when making their picks. Even former NFL players they don't have any insight on predictions. Where they could be valuable is explaining certain plays, the locker room, strategies, etc. But making a prediction on who's going to win? They're not any better than informed fans who aren't *too* homeristic. And even then, the former players can be too homeristic.

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