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Something to note

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I do not put it past the NFL to do something like that, but I also think that because of their history, any call that goes for the Patriots will be scrutinized by the fans.  There's always calls that could have gone either way in a football game. I think that if calls are missed or made that benefit the Patriots, some fans will scream conspiracy. Personally, I think that if you allow yourself to be in a position to lose a football game because of a few bad calls, then you probably didn't deserve to win anyway.

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I do not put it past the NFL to do something like that, but I also think that because of their history, any call that goes for the Patriots will be scrutinized by the fans. There's always calls that could have gone either way in a football game. I think that if calls are missed or made that benefit the Patriots, some fans will scream conspiracy. Personally, I think that if you allow yourself to be in a position to lose a football game because of a few bad calls, then you probably didn't deserve to win anyway.

Depends on the game, I wouldn't give the refs a blank check and I don't believe that a team must play so dominant to beat a team with all the calls in order to deserve to win. One call? Two calls? Maybe, but one call can be 7 points for one team and 7 from the other. Bad calls aren't always on scoring plays, but potentially they have to overcome 14 points in order to deserve to win? Either way, you were doubly penalized. Not only can you not benefit, the other team benefits. That's like two calls right there.

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I do not put it past the NFL to do something like that, but I also think that because of their history, any call that goes for the Patriots will be scrutinized by the fans. There's always calls that could have gone either way in a football game. I think that if calls are missed or made that benefit the Patriots, some fans will scream conspiracy. Personally, I think that if you allow yourself to be in a position to lose a football game because of a few bad calls, then you probably didn't deserve to win anyway.

The NFL doesn't give 2 shits about the fans, just their money. They proved that over and over, not least with the st. Louis fiasco. Doubt they care if the fans scrutinize the calls.

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Will the refs make sure that the golden boy is protected to the detriment of the Chiefs chances to win and will the Patriots cheat somehow and get away with it costing the Chiefs the game. Those thoughts actually woke me up last night.

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The NFL has always attempted to put their hand on the scales. The trick is to be good enough to win despite the counterbalance. I think the Chiefs can do this. The NFL is a business. It is a little more credible than the WWF. So, there's a chance the outcome will be fair enough to ride out a win. 


Gronk will host a party following the game whether the Pats win or lose. He has plenty of leftover goodies (Old spice). So, I am sure folk be gett'n Krunk. IT will git TuRnt uP! Rides to the PD parking lot will be provided free of cost (Chandler Jones).

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Will the refs make sure that the golden boy is protected to the detriment of the Chiefs chances to win and will the Patriots cheat somehow and get away with it costing the Chiefs the game. Those thoughts actually woke me up last night.

You don't get it. ;)


A team can cheat however they like and all they have to say is that they won and that'll shut people up. They just would say they wanted it more and were trying to take every little advantage. That everyone does it. That there wasn't any confession or obvious proof. Circumstantial never counts because people who are guilty always will give clear evidence. (Sarcasm.)


There were so many people said that it didn't matter if they cheated in the deflategate because the game was a blowout. I don't think it affected of the game, much in the way that Nixon would've been re-elected regardless of watergate, but it does matter if you cheat. If they didn't cheat, then of course, it was unfair for them.


There's too much moral relativism in this world. And too many people trying to be "sports PC." What I mean by "sports PC" is saying that a team should still win if the other team cheats. Or that even if a team cheated, they had other opportunities to win. It all depends on when and how cheating is. I want the team game to be one fair and square and if it isn't, I am absolutely going to take it the other way. It's great if you can be the cheating team, but if you lose, depends on the circumstances on whether I'm going to consider that a true loss.


On the other side, I've also seen teams complain about every little thing as if all of it is a conspiracy and all of it is a bad call and all of that is cheating. I'm talking in the pure hypothetical sense of the word; if it is cheating, then I don't excuse anything no matter how many opportunities the other team had.


In fact, if the non-cheating team had a chance to win, that tells me that the cheating definitely affected the game. If it's a blowout, you could make the argument that the cheating didn't matter.

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I was thinking about this today, and I was thinking that if the NFL were actually fixed, Berry's Super Bowl victory after a recovery from cancer would be the perfect storybook propaganda that generates strong off-season attention. The NFL has everything to gain if on every occasion in which someone thinks about cancer, they think about the NFL.


These are the things football fans fuss about because of a seven-day period between games.

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I was thinking about this today, and I was thinking that if the NFL were actually fixed, Berry's Super Bowl victory after a recovery from cancer would be the perfect storybook propaganda that generates strong off-season attention. The NFL has everything to gain if on every occasion in which someone thinks about cancer, they think about the NFL.


These are the things football fans fuss about because of a seven-day period between games.

True, I have already heard about somebody claiming that they want a Kansas City rematch with Green Bay and for Aaron Rodgers to play against Alex Smith. I don't agree with the second part, but whatever.

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I was thinking about this today, and I was thinking that if the NFL were actually fixed, Berry's Super Bowl victory after a recovery from cancer would be the perfect storybook propaganda that generates strong off-season attention. The NFL has everything to gain if on every occasion in which someone thinks about cancer, they think about the NFL.


These are the things football fans fuss about because of a seven-day period between games.

I don't think it's fixed, I do think they will get some shady calls due to the Brady love. I think we will have adversity and I definately see the deep ball phantom PI to set up at least 1 TD.
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Just got to play the game the best you can regardless.   Many years ago I remember seeing Emerson Boozer run into an official that effectively stopped an end sweep that would have given the New York Jets a winning touchdown over Kansas City.  Didn't matter that is was nobodys fault.  An official is a neutral participant and if running into one costs you then it does.  Same thing happens with a string of calls that don't go your way.  Professionals are trained not to let official calls interfere with how they perform.


Although I agree that Eric Barry's recovery from lymphoma would be an NFL feel good story,  no doubt about that,  an equally strong feel good story would be Payten Manning coming back from being relegated to the bench to carry his team into the super bowl just one more time for an old warrior.  Don't want that to be the mantra of this superbowl either.

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Preacher Roe had a novel way to deal with a bad umpire. Elwin Charles Roe was born in the Ozarks of Missouri. He pitched one game for the Saint Louis Cardinals, but was sent down to the minors for five seasons before being traded to the Pittsburgh Pirates. Roe had a good fast ball that would sneak up on a hitter.


One day, Preach was pitching, and the umpire didn't like a single pitch he threw. Even the one down the middle of the plate was called ball. Roe knew something was amiss. He had had trouble with that same umpire before. Roe called out to his catcher, and they convened in the middle, between the mound, and home base. Between the stitching of his glove, Roe told his catcher to pull down his glove, and duck on the second pitch. The first pitch was down in the strike zone, and to the right. "Ball three!" screamed the umpire. The catcher tossed the ball back to Roe. Roe wound up as usual, but put a little extra mustard on the pitch. The ball rose up high in the strike zone. As it passed the plate, the catcher pulled his mitt down, and ducked out of the way. The ball caught the umpire clean in the forehead, between the left and right eyeballs. The ump went down on the ground. He was knocked out cold. 


I personally knew Preacher Roe's cousin. He lived in Kansas City. Roe was a good man, but he had had enough. The story was recanted to me by Preacher's cousin as if it happened that very day. Preacher told him about it when they visited him in West Plains, Missouri. Preacher was in his 80's then, and sharp as a tack. Roe lived on until 8 years ago. He passed away in his sleep after being diagnosed with colon cancer. Roe was 92. 


The NBA lets certain players travel because they are good for the game. Baseball has been known to change the strike zone according to who was pitching. The NFL has granted one team the ability to hold on passing downs, and push off for receptions on others. Each league has based their product on what pleased the most fans, and earned their league the most money. They have been disappointed a few times to find teams in their playoffs from small markets. It hurts their revenues. Due to TV, the reports of cheating have decreased in modern sports. It still happens, but it has to be more subtle. 


The Chiefs will not get the benefit of the doubt in Foxboro. No doubt, there will be holds on both sides of the ball, but I fully expect the Patriots to be given an advantage. The Chiefs must overcome. Its not fair, but life is the same. We all find the cards stacked against us in life. Those who give in, lose. Those who fight on, win. The Chiefs have high character athletes, who love the game. They are coached well. They'll show up, and give the Patriots all they can handle. With a little luck, the Chiefs will live to play another game. The Royals did it, so why can't our Chiefs? 

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Call me dumb, but I don't think there will be any officiating hijinks on Saturday.  Officials, I feel, try and call the game as good as they can.  If they don't, then they do not get good grades and do not get to ref playoff games.  If the Pats beat us on Saturday, then they probably deserve to win. If we win, then we deserve to win.  I'm a life long Chiefs fan, but I get sick of hearing about the Pats and their cheating ways.  They try and get away with anything they can, and that is what all teams should do.  I personally do not think that the stuff the Pats have done have been the determining factor in them winning and losing.   Most times they have just played better than the team that they were playing.  Bottom line, if we win on Saturday then we deserve to win.  If we lose, then we probably deserve to lose.  I think we are the better team and that we will come out on top.  Hope I'm right.  JMO

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Call me dumb, but I don't think there will be any officiating hijinks on Saturday.  Officials, I feel, try and call the game as good as they can.  If they don't, then they do not get good grades and do not get to ref playoff games.  If the Pats beat us on Saturday, then they probably deserve to win. If we win, then we deserve to win.  I'm a life long Chiefs fan, but I get sick of hearing about the Pats and their cheating ways.  They try and get away with anything they can, and that is what all teams should do.  I personally do not think that the stuff the Pats have done have been the determining factor in them winning and losing.   Most times they have just played better than the team that they were playing.  Bottom line, if we win on Saturday then we deserve to win.  If we lose, then we probably deserve to lose.  I think we are the better team and that we will come out on top.  Hope I'm right.  JMO

You could be right. I hope so. A lot of people dislike the Patriots, but that is also a drawing card. The league looks at increasing the money flowing into the league. They make you buy a special package just so you can see a crummy game that is only on the NFL network. Don't kid yourself. They are not about tradition, but about making an extra dollar when they can


Saint Louis built a brand new indoor stadium. The Rams threatened to move. The city of Saint Louis, the outlying area, and perhaps even the people of Missouri in general were prepared to help them build a brand newer stadium... this time to the tune of 1.1 Billion dollars. Instead, the league allowed the Rams to move to Los Angeles, where their citizens are expected to fork over 1.3 Billion bucks to build a new stadium for the Rams. In addition, new improvements will be made to the LA Coliseum so that they will have a "suitable" place to play until their own stadium is completed. 


This is not about fans, or sports, or legitimizing the game of professional football. This is about making money for a few who are lucky enough to be connected, at the expense of others, namely tax payers in America.  

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They try and get away with anything they can, and that is what all teams should do. I personally do not think that the stuff the Pats have done have been the determining factor in them winning and losing. Most times they have just played better than the team that they were playing.

This is what I was talking about when I said there's too much moral relativism in this world. This is sort of like sports PC. If you complain, you sound like you were a sore loser. And people will say that if you aren't cheating, you are trying.


Cheating becomes the noble attempt to win at all costs. I know I cannot stop it and I cannot stop cheating, it is this very additude that bugs me because it comes up EVERY TIME a team is caught cheating.


You are supposed to play fairly and to be the best when playing fairly is honorable. I don't expect it to be done because this is real life, but I don't understand the grandeur about being the best because you figured out a way to cheat and how that suddenly makes you just so passionate to win.


I do understand there's a point in time where when you keep on losing while everyone else is cheating that you start to think, am I being dumb not to cheat, too? The point is to win the game and everyone else is cheating, I understand the draw. And if you do cheat because of everyone else, I still consider it cheating, but I understand. (My analogy here is steroids in baseball, if everyone is taking steroids and getting the big contracts and wins and you're sitting back all natural and you're cut, then what did he really accomplish by being honorable?)


But when you are seemingly the only team that was caught cheating, it appears that you believe you're above the rules. But that's OK, you will still get people who come on and say that you just really wanted to win and you probably would've won anyway because you're so talented. (Rather never safe than sorry!) To me, if you're so talented and you didn't need to cheat then I personally put an asterisk on your win. I don't push for the sports authority's to put an asterisk, just my personal opinion.


And lastly, I understand there's a gray line and there's a way to go on the border of that gray line. I understand there's also the idea that not everyone is caught and people think that if everyone does it but only those who are caught are punished, it's unfair! I understand it, but the same time it's only unfair to those who did not cheat and lost because of it.


I don't know what else to do, if you're caught then you're punished; if you're not then you're not. I know it rewards those who are better at hiding, but what are you going to do? I don't understand the idea that you don't punish those who are caught because other people might be doing it secretly. The answer would be to figure out better ways to find those who are doing it secretly and leave the punishment for those who are caught. Or you look at that rule and reevaluate whether it actually is cheating. I'm not sure how effective a deterrent is, but I believe you might as well. It isn't like the NFL is a beacon for consistency in judgment. So why not punish those who are caught as that would show to be a deterrent and while it's unfair for those who are caught versus who are not, the NFL isn't fair and those who are cheating I don't feel as bad for.

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Roe wound up as usual, but put a little extra mustard on the pitch. The ball rose up high in the strike zone. As it passed the plate, the catcher pulled his mitt down, and ducked out of the way. The ball caught the umpire clean in the forehead, between the left and right eyeballs. The ump went down on the ground. He was knocked out cold.

I can still imagine that umpire, halfway between awake and dreaming, mumbling, "Baaaaaallll."

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