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I've Never Been More Proud To Be A Chiefs Fan

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How about them Chiefs?


They started the season with high expectations, quickly fell to 1 - 5, and pulled it together to tear through eleven straight wins. ELEVEN.


That, in spite of losing arguably the best offensive and defensive players on the team.


They scrapped and played hard and pulled together and won game after game. Behind a patchwork and hobbled offensive line, Alex Smith emerged as a better QB than just about anyone here believed he could be. He made a believer out of me. After the shaky start that is really saying something.


Charles goes down, we think that spells the end of the season, but here comes Spencer Ware. One O-lineman after another gets injured and another takes his place. 


Eric Berry. Enough said.


They go to Foxboro, with the main offensive threat (Maclin) limping and the main defensive threat (Houston) too injured to contribute -- and yet they come within a TD of beating the Golden Boy and the team of the century on their home field.


When NE took a 21 - 6 lead, they could have packed it in. Instead, they played their guts out and clawed their way back. Yes, the time management on the last TD drive sucked, but they showed a lot of heart and punched it in. 


They played hard, like old school hard, and came that close. That close.


Normally, a loss like this would take the wind out of my sails and make me depressed for days. But, not this time. When the final seconds ticked away the only thing I felt was pride for them Chiefs. 


Forgive my lack of eloquence here. I'm tired and emotionally drained. Just wanted to get that off my chest.



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