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While things may have looked bad yesterday, I don't think they played all that poorly.  It is Tom freakin Brady.  Let's remember that.  With all of his tools back yesterday, he still only beat us by 7.  He carved our D up at times, but he does that to everybody.  As far as pressure goes, when he is getting rid of the ball 75% of the time in less than 2 seconds, no one is getting to him.


We missed some INT opportunities, but that is just how it goes.  Timing was just bad.


It is still a great D.  Probably going to have to draft another high round pass rusher.   Hali is more than likely gone.  We see what happens when JH isn't healthy.



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While things may have looked bad yesterday, I don't think they played all that poorly.  It is Tom freakin Brady.  Let's remember that.  With all of his tools back yesterday, he still only beat us by 7.

In less than 21 minutes of possession. That offense gained more than sixteen and a half yards and about 1.3 points for every minute it was on the field. The Patriots' averages on the year per minute of possession were roughly 12.4 yards and less than a point per minute.


The Patriots were missing some playmakers during the regular season, but your awe for Brady ignores that lesser defenses around the league did more to contain the Patriots' offense than the Chiefs did. He's been getting the ball out of his hand quickly all year, and yet defenses got 38 sacks on him, but the Chiefs got none. Brady's been good at protecting the ball, but he did give up 9 turnovers, and yet the Chiefs forced none. Awful.


If you are comparing the Chiefs' performance against the Patriots yesterday to the Chiefs' performance against the Colts in 2013, the Chiefs looked great yesterday. If we're going to set realistic goals for a defense as talented as the Chiefs' is, their performance was awful, and the closer I look at the numbers, the worse it gets.

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In less than 21 minutes of possession. That offense gained more than sixteen and a half yards and about 1.3 points for every minute it was on the field. The Patriots' averages on the year per minute of possession were roughly 12.4 yards and less than a point per minute.


The Patriots were missing some playmakers during the regular season, but your awe for Brady ignores that lesser defenses around the league did more to contain the Patriots' offense than the Chiefs did. He's been getting the ball out of his hand quickly all year, and yet defenses got 38 sacks on him, but the Chiefs got none. Brady's been good at protecting the ball, but he did give up 9 turnovers, and yet the Chiefs forced none. Awful.


If you are comparing the Chiefs' performance against the Patriots yesterday to the Chiefs' performance against the Colts in 2013, the Chiefs looked great yesterday. If we're going to set realistic goals for a defense as talented as the Chiefs' is, their performance was awful, and the closer I look at the numbers, the worse it gets.

The patriots were healthy, rested, and at home. It's the reigning champs playing at home. For the first 9/10 games of the year the patriots OLINE played as they did yesterday. Having Houston hampered hurt. Suttons gameplan was not very good and not creative. The fumble hurt and cost us 7.

The Chiefs looked tired and out of gas. The pressure of winning 12 in a row caught up IMO.

The unit that we have counted on week after week didn't play very good. Would have been a good week for better offensive execution also.

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I was disappointed with Bob's gameplan. I believe the formula for stopping the Patriots offense is to completely take out Gronkowski. I wanted to see Eric Berry on him every single play, and Abdullah helping out on 3rd downs. Double-team him on 3rd downs and play man to man with the other receivers would have been a more ideal gameplan for stopping this team. Gronkowski scored 2 out of their 3 touchdowns. Edelman, LaFell, Amendola, they are not going to beat the Chiefs without this guy.


The Patriots have an obvious zero run game, and almost passed every single down. Andy Reid looked like he wasn't expecting that at the podium when he announced this. Outcoached by the Brady bunch

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