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This offense will only go as far as...


Andy Reid takes them, not Alex Smith.  We continue to be stuck kicking FGs, while the teams we need to emulate, score TDs.  That is, 9 times out of 10, on Andy Reid and downs being wasted because of horrible play calling.  You just cannot afford negative plays in this league.  Defenses are too good.  If he wants to run the WCO, fine.  Just quit throwing in all the trick BS.  It very seldom works, and puts them in a hole when it doesn't.


That being said:


I truly feel that if Spencer Ware would have been healthy yesterday and given 20 touches, we win that game.  He is a bruising back and can demoralize a defense if given the chance.  He needs to be brought back at all costs.  I don't know off the top of my head what his contract situation is.  5.5 ypc this year.  That's Jamaal territory.


We stood with the Pats, on their turf, shorthanded, getting screwed by the refs, until the end.  If we had Ware and Maclin healthy, like Edelman and Gronk finally were for Brady, we win that game.


Can't wait for next year.

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This offense will only go as far as...


Andy Reid takes them, not Alex Smith. 

What did Alex Smith fail to do yesterday? He took care of the football, his offense's 3rd Down Conversion Rate was better than Brady's, and the Chiefs' time of possession and number of plays run far outclassed what the Patriots managed on offense. Smith had 72% of his team's action plays compared to Brady's 85%, so let's not imagine that Smith had some especially remarkable running game to lean on yesterday. The differences were that, offensively, the Patriots had a quarterback surrounded by playmakers, while the Chiefs had nothing left once Maclin was effectively out of the game, and defensively, the Patriots were blanketing the Chiefs' skill players in coverage while the Chiefs' defenders were frequently caught out of position.


This team will only go as far as Bob Sutton takes them. He's the guy coordinating the squad that has been entrusted with the most talent, and he no-showed yesterday: No sacks, no turnovers, and hardly a quarterback pressure. If Edelman and Amendola hadn't dropped some catchable passes, the end result would have been more lopsided than it was.

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Not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, not that it would carry much weight if I did, but to me the reality was that regardless of play calling or QB play we just do not have enough playmakers or a good enough OL.  Has the OL done a sufficient job the second half of the season.  I think most definitely.  The problem is that they had to play as good as they could to just be sufficient.  Have our 2-3-4-5 WR's done a good job stepping up and giving us some options?  Once again, I would have to say yes.  Here again, the problem is that it is not enough when any of them become the 1st option.  We need to get better on the OL, faster and quicker at WR, and I feel that will take care of a lot of our problems.  JMO of course.

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Let not forget how important it is to play with a lead. It affects the offense and defense for both teams.

We needed TD instead of fg. Like the Buffalo game we responded with TD.


Chiefs battled and hung in there even with all of there injuries. If all of our players were healthy I bet we win. There was nothing special about patriots did. we just didn't respond with TDs. The pats knew the way to beat the Chiefs and that was get up on them early so Chiefs could not play on there terms. Simple. If we had scored at least one TD and even a fg on Davis fumble drive we would have been playing on our terms which no one in the league wants to face as we showed we can drain the clock and keep drives going.


Even so called professionals don't mention enough how important it is playing with a lead.

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WTF do you think I said? My blame was pointed towards Andy's shitty play calling, not Alex. Alex played a solid game.


Get a grip, know-it-all.

Forgive me for misinterpreting a post in which you began with a somewhat ambiguous statement and then later specifically argued that the Chiefs needed to run more (which inherently means, 'pass less').


I don't have a problem with Smith or Reid.

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One thing I liked about this game was the near interception play was that Smith didn't take a sack, didn't throw the ball away, didn't run out of bounds, etc. It should be expected, so I'm not praising Smith, but I've seen things that have irritated me before like that. He's smart situationally, but I've seen the normal-for-a-QB share of things that bugged me with either Reid, Smith, or WRs not playing the scramble drill.

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