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NFL Network will try Superbowl 1 again

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I posted in here last week that Superbowl 1 was being broadcast on the NFL Network.  It was the first time since the original that the game was shown in its entirety.  BUT.. the NFL network did a really really shitty job of presenting it.  They elected to let ex football players....90% of whom had not played in Superbowl I,  talk a bunch of worthless BS over the game.  The play by play was supposed to be the original radio broadcast by longtime NBC and ESPN announcer Jim Simpson.  But instead we had a bunch of LA based ex athletes who came in and shot the bull for 3 hours.  Lenny Dawson and Mike Garrett and Fred Williamson were interviewed for the Chiefs but that was about all the insight. What could Michael Irvin contribute about a game that was played before he was born???  They spent an hour of the three hours memorializing  the world famous asshole Vince Lombardi.  It was a really really bad job.


Anyway, having received a boatload of criticism about its presentation,  NFL Network admitted their mistake and they are going to rebroadcast Superbowl I with Jim Simpson's commentary alone.   Leave all the bullshit out of it.


Several of you said you wouldn't watch it again.  But it gives you a chance to see the greatest Chiefs including Otis Taylor,  Lenny Dawson,  Jerry Mays,  Johnny Robinson,  Buck Buchanan  ( who had a monster game ) and others play football the way it used to be played.


I will give them another chance.  Recommend it.

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Glad the NFLN is doing it again.  I was shocked when I watched it last week and they spent most of time talking over it. I stuck with it though because I actually wanted to see what happened in the game. Since the game was played before I was born I didn't really know what happened other than the score.  It was interesting to see it was so close at halftime.  I really think there might have been a different outcome if Lenny hadn't thrown the pick 6 after halftime.  It is worth the watch. 

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