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Johnny Manziel A Chief?

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It depends on the price. Manziel cannot demand much. If he does, move on. The Chiefs have  Bray, Murray, and Smith under contract. I doubt it would work out. Manziel has shown an amazing ability to destroy his value, and perhaps his career as well. Even if he gets his head together, Manziel still may not be good enough to make it in the NFL. So, to make it work, the Chiefs would have to do a contract where there are protections against further idiotic episodes. 


Manziel is not replacing Alex Smith anytime soon, if ever. What he needs is to sit, mature, and learn how to be professional. When a 40 year old backup quarterback can earn $4 M per season, it would behoove the man to grow up quick. The chances of that happening are low. However, if there isn't much at risk, the potential rewards would be worth it. Even if Manziel never starts for the Chiefs, the Chiefs could reap dividends. All that has to happen is for Manziel to grow up a little, and show he can be a starter somewhere. The Chiefs would be buying low, and could sell high if teams believe he can be their man. 

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Manziel is not replacing Alex Smith anytime soon, if ever. What he needs is to sit, mature, and learn how to be professional. When a 40 year old backup quarterback can earn $4 M per season, it would behoove the man to grow up quick. The chances of that happening are low. However, if there isn't much at risk, the potential rewards would be worth it. Even if Manziel never starts for the Chiefs, the Chiefs could reap dividends. All that has to happen is for Manziel to grow up a little, and show he can be a starter somewhere. The Chiefs would be buying low, and could sell high if teams believe he can be their man. 

It's the sort of thing I do in Madden, but not the sort of thing I would do with a real locker room.


He plays for himself, and arguably he doesn't care enough to even do that well. He'd waste a roster spot better used on talent that could develop and replace a future free agent.

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I cant comment on the local news as I dont get it way out here but from what little I did gather from FB etc is that its Johnny himself spreading those rumors. That kid is Fucked up and on a downward spiral.. I'm afraid his story will end tragically

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Not that I care if we have him or not, but I could give 2 shits about his "problems".  He likes to party, so what.  Nothing illegal about that, its just the Browns being idiots as usual.  If there are problems with women then that is a problem, but my recollection is that there has never been anything that he has been found guilty of or had a "league suspension" for.  Lets be honest people, we have had people on this team that were just as shitty of people as him and we were fine with them because they were good and were Chiefs.  I'm not saying that we should even look at him, but until he actually does something illegal or does something that is banned by the league then all his "issues" are just people yacking.  The issues that I do see with him have nothing to do with partying and women.  His issues are that he is a spoiled rich kid that has never been told no, and up to this point in his career has not seemed to put the extra time in that he needs to become a starting NFL QB.  JMO of course, but factually pretty correct I think.

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Lets be honest people, we have had people on this team that were just as *** of people as him and we were fine with them because they were good and were Chiefs.

But those players were actually good.


Normally, middling players that draw that sort of negative attention aren't tolerated. The concern is that Manziel won't progress because he doesn't care enough to put in the time to do so. If he will always be a middling player that will potentially bring shame to the franchise, why bother signing him in the first place, even to a league minimum contract?

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Not that I care if we have him or not, but I could give 2 shits about his "problems". He likes to party, so what. Nothing illegal about that, its just the Browns being idiots as usual. If there are problems with women then that is a problem, but my recollection is that there has never been anything that he has been found guilty of or had a "league suspension" for. Lets be honest people, we have had people on this team that were just as shitty of people as him and we were fine with them because they were good and were Chiefs. I'm not saying that we should even look at him, but until he actually does something illegal or does something that is banned by the league then all his "issues" are just people yacking. The issues that I do see with him have nothing to do with partying and women. His issues are that he is a spoiled rich kid that has never been told no, and up to this point in his career has not seemed to put the extra time in that he needs to become a starting NFL QB. JMO of course, but factually pretty correct I think.

I understand what you are saying, but the minute that he does something illegal or suspension worthy, the team gets the heat. The team gets the heat anyway, but especially when people thought that it was obvious and bound to happen. It really isn't that hard to not set so many red flags.


And the way I feel is that if you know your employer doesn't want you to do something (unless it's something like not marrying a different race or owning a llama) and you go do it anyway in disguise, you're not very reliable. It's your right to do what you want, but also the right of the employer to set rules and act accordingly. We would hope that the rules were reasonable and that if the rules were allegedly violated that the player would get a true investigation fair to both parties.


If he is going to fight for his right to party, he should say it like Iggy Pop. Let the employer know that their terms are not accepted.


Do I think it's fair if a player is considered guilty before he does anything? Not really. But do I feel the team should be surprised if he gets a DUI or nightclub incident? Nope. Frankly, that's true for a lot of non-Johnny Manziel's, but a lot of these non-Manziel's aren't firing out red flags like this with drinking, incidents with their girlfriends, disguises that don't fool anybody.


I do see how the media will report innocent parties that normal people have like they were raucous drunken parties. So it's not all fair. Do I care or feel bad for him? No. Do I like asking and answering my own questions? Sure, why not? Do I like rambling on and on in long novels? You bet. Do I care if people keep reading? Sometimes? Do I think Johnny Manziel will do something dumber than he ever has before. Yep.

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I would assume this speculation is as a replacement for Daniels?  It doesn't make sense as a backup.  I can see him being traded to some place that is desperate for a start and has a group competing.  He would be worth a chance in a place like that, but not here.

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Ah. He just turned 23, when most kids are coming to the NFL. I'd give the shot on an incentive filled deal with no guaranteed money and minimum base salaries. reporting bonuses, show up to meeting bonuses, workout bonuses, etc. makes him an easy cut, he's not going to wreck the cap. The kid has the talent to be a decent QB in the league, he just has to learn to put the work in that it requires in the NFL. I have no problem with the kid going out for a night on the town. The problem with Manziel's nights on the town is their frequency and their interference with his work during the day.

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Guest 303Chiefs

Ah. He just turned 23, when most kids are coming to the NFL. I'd give the shot on an incentive filled deal with no guaranteed money and minimum base salaries. reporting bonuses, show up to meeting bonuses, workout bonuses, etc. makes him an easy cut, he's not going to wreck the cap. The kid has the talent to be a decent QB in the league, he just has to learn to put the work in that it requires in the NFL. I have no problem with the kid going out for a night on the town. The problem with Manziel's nights on the town is their frequency and their interference with his work during the day.

He's a chump.

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He's a chump.


Then Rob Gronkowski is also a chump. Oh wait, Gronkowski is somehow a better human doing the exact same shit as Manziel on a regular basis because he's a good player. Manziel has made mistakes, he hasn't grown up enough yet, but he just might by getting cut and having to work his way up a depth chart. Not like anyone is going to throw any of much money at the kid at this point. He has talent, that's obvious. He needs to be in film rooms and on time to practice and all of those things while learning when to party and when not to. He isn't going to stop partying, and I frankly don't expect him to.

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