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Johnny Manziel A Chief?

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Then Rob Gronkowski is also a chump. Oh wait, Gronkowski is somehow a better human doing the exact same shit as Manziel on a regular basis because he's a good player. Manziel has made mistakes, he hasn't grown up enough yet, but he just might by getting cut and having to work his way up a depth chart. Not like anyone is going to throw any of much money at the kid at this point. He has talent, that's obvious. He needs to be in film rooms and on time to practice and all of those things while learning when to party and when not to. He isn't going to stop partying, and I frankly don't expect him to.

Rob Gronkowski is a chump, but not of the same order as Manziel. Both need to get a handle on their excesses, but Manziel's excesses are more excessive.

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Jesus Christ! Is this really a discussion point? This guy is a poisonous plant that should be killed and not talked about at all. The Chiefs are gonna lose Chase Daniel to the Eagles and good luck to him and have Aaron Murray and Tyler Bray as backups for the next two years. One of those Guys is number two and next years preseason will sort that out. To even talk about Johnny Assclown as a Chief is a detriment to an intelligent discussion about the Chiefs QBOTF no matter how you spin it.

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Guest 303Chiefs

Rob Gronkowski is a chump, but not of the same order as Manziel. Both need to get a handle on their excesses, but Manziel's excesses are more excessive.

Manziel has proven to be a chump and freaking loser more often than not. This whole he has talent thing is overblown bull fucking shit. He hasn't proven to be anything more than a spoiled golden spoon fed ass clown that wouldn't know opportunity if it slapped him across the face. The fact that anyone would suggest the Chiefs would be a landing spot is crazy. Let's just sign Rice too...maybe they could swap stories of their domestic disturbance/assault.


Moronic topic, moronic idea....

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Rob Gronkowski is a chump, but not of the same order as Manziel. Both need to get a handle on their excesses, but Manziel's excesses are more excessive.

Gronkowski has never had to go to Vegas in a disguise. Gronk continually purports to be drug and alcohol free, despite evidence to the contrary. In fact, Gronk's excesses have far exceeded Manziel's, and if you doubt that, just do a little google search. Manziel is a choirboy compared to Gronk. The Patriots, their media, and their fans cover for Gronk.


Manziel has mobility, a rocket arm, and a gunslinger attitude. He does not have the maturity that comes with experience. Manziel is too immature to lead a team right now. He may never be mature enough. I think of him as a player who is potentially on par with either Brett Favre or Marinovich. His career, and sadly his life is a coin flip. Perhaps the better comparison might be Art Shlichter. It appears to me Maziel has addiction problems. So did Brett Favre. So, there goes the theory every person with addiction issues cannot overcome those issues. However, as we know Favre did continue to be a knot head. Following his third retirement, and move to the Jets, Favre (reportedly) photographed his ding-a-ling, and sent the picture to a female reporter. Who knows why that did not go over well? Favre was never completely healed from being a knot head. Favre was contained. If the Raiders or Baltimore Colts would have been successful in containing Shichter or Marinovich, they too may have had a career. 


Roster spots are not so precious that you cannot take a risk or two. The Chiefs took a risk on LDT. They left him on their roster a whole season without him seeing the field. Although he has not yet arrived as a player, LDT is playing, and he has progressed. The Chiefs don't even have to waste a roster spot with Manziel. As we know, there are ways to hide a promising player. The Chiefs don't have to extend a guaranteed contract. They did this with Terrelle Pryor. Pryor was not good enough, and refused to play a different position. Pryor was cut by the Oakland, Seattle, Kansas City, and Cincinnati, before failing with the Browns as a quarterback, and finally converted to a wide receiver. The Chiefs cut Pryor before their season started, and did not waste a roster spot. 


Manziel may get a better offer than the Chiefs. Denver, Dallas, or some other team may take a shot. He may fail there too. I probably think Manziel is a lost cause. However, why not give him a shot. The Chiefs are strong enough to not be harmed by one bad apple. 

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Some great players have been made from immature ass clowns. See Cris Carter, Michael Irvin, Brett Favre, Randy Moss, etc etc etc. Like was said, it is truly a coin flip, but I'm not writing the kid off just yet. I'd give him one more chance.

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hrmm johnny football learning from alex how to handle himself, along with a hc who has proven he can deal with ass clowns.. might not be as bad as you think.

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Roster spots are not so precious that you cannot take a risk or two. The Chiefs took a risk on LDT. They left him on their roster a whole season without him seeing the field. Although he has not yet arrived as a player, LDT is playing, and he has progressed. The Chiefs don't even have to waste a roster spot with Manziel. As we know, there are ways to hide a promising player. The Chiefs don't have to extend a guaranteed contract. They did this with Terrelle Pryor. Pryor was not good enough, and refused to play a different position. Pryor was cut by the Oakland, Seattle, Kansas City, and Cincinnati, before failing with the Browns as a quarterback, and finally converted to a wide receiver. The Chiefs cut Pryor before their season started, and did not waste a roster spot. 


Manziel may get a better offer than the Chiefs. Denver, Dallas, or some other team may take a shot. He may fail there too. I probably think Manziel is a lost cause. However, why not give him a shot. The Chiefs are strong enough to not be harmed by one bad apple. 

About the value of a roster spot:


Between Aaron Murray and Tyler Bray,  which is Manziel better than today that he could be taken on as a QB3?

With Johnny Manziel undeveloped as a quarterback for the West Coast Offense, what could he learn and demonstrate in one season of a two-year contract that would make him an attractive trade target in 2017?

With Johnny Manziel undeveloped as a quarterback for the West Coast Offense, what could he learn and demonstrate in both seasons of a two-year contract that he could be re-signed as a starting quarterback in 2018 and be expected to out-perform Smith on at least a Value of Contract basis?


Why would Manziel be willing to play for a team for which he would have almost no shot of playing a down for as long as he is there?


As this off-season continues, it's beginning to look more and more like Johnny Manziel is on his way to a series of consecutive bans by the NFL. This discussion is probably close to being moot.

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We know Johnny can turn his life around and be OK. But I don't think he will be a very good QB if he does. To take the chance on him, I would prefer more up side. Purely speculation, but I would not be surprised if he is out of the league within 3 years.

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Like they said Andy Reid took a chance with Michael Vick.

There are a lot of differences between the two. People's concerns with Vick was about the dogs scandal as opposed to what he might do next or his desire to play and learn. Protesters were the issue. I don't know if Vick had ever had a DUI or hit his girlfriend before. Vick had proven more in the NFL than Manziel.


That doesn't change Johnny's potential or skills and it doesn't mean that Andy Reid can't get it out of them, I just don't think it's a good comparison/example to show that Johnny could avoid the problems and learn/care or that getting him would pan out.

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Why not agree that he is probably not a good fit for a Team that has an established QB on the verge of competing for a possible championship?

I would suggest that getting some of our real ( well documented) weaknesses addressed would be a much wiser use of our time.



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Guest 303Chiefs



Maziel does not have a ground breaking skill set that separates him from anyone else. Simply put, he's on the fast track to becoming just another Heisman that amounted to jack squat. You can sit there and say if and when he gets it together blah blah blah. He deserves a shot blah blah blah...


Tebow's had a better career than that sack of dog shit. I'd take Tim over Manziel any day of the week if I had to.

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About the value of a roster spot:


Between Aaron Murray and Tyler Bray,  which is Manziel better than today that he could be taken on as a QB3?

With Johnny Manziel undeveloped as a quarterback for the West Coast Offense, what could he learn and demonstrate in one season of a two-year contract that would make him an attractive trade target in 2017?

With Johnny Manziel undeveloped as a quarterback for the West Coast Offense, what could he learn and demonstrate in both seasons of a two-year contract that he could be re-signed as a starting quarterback in 2018 and be expected to out-perform Smith on at least a Value of Contract basis?


Why would Manziel be willing to play for a team for which he would have almost no shot of playing a down for as long as he is there?


As this off-season continues, it's beginning to look more and more like Johnny Manziel is on his way to a series of consecutive bans by the NFL. This discussion is probably close to being moot.


From a talent perspective, both. From a between the ears perspective thusfar, he's a step below Bray and far below Murray.

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About the value of a roster spot:


Between Aaron Murray and Tyler Bray,  which is Manziel better than today that he could be taken on as a QB3?

With Johnny Manziel undeveloped as a quarterback for the West Coast Offense, what could he learn and demonstrate in one season of a two-year contract that would make him an attractive trade target in 2017?

With Johnny Manziel undeveloped as a quarterback for the West Coast Offense, what could he learn and demonstrate in both seasons of a two-year contract that he could be re-signed as a starting quarterback in 2018 and be expected to out-perform Smith on at least a Value of Contract basis?


Why would Manziel be willing to play for a team for which he would have almost no shot of playing a down for as long as he is there?


As this off-season continues, it's beginning to look more and more like Johnny Manziel is on his way to a series of consecutive bans by the NFL. This discussion is probably close to being moot.

Manziel's upside is greater than Bray or Murray. I don't quite understand what you mean, but Manziel would not be the QB3. He would be the QB 2 or he would be gone.


Manziel is perfect for the WCO. 


Manziel could learn a lot in one season, not just two.. 


Manziel may not have many options. The Cowboys may offer him something more appealing. However, then again, he may not get that call. 


Manziel would jump on an opportunity to stay in the NFL, especially, if he has the opportunity to play for a team that can resurrect his career. 


Alex Smith has stayed amazingly healthy while in KC. He has missed only a few games, which is unusual. It is unusual because he has never stayed this healthy in his career. I hope he continues to stay healthy, but the odds are he will miss more games in the next two seasons. If he does, Manziel may get a chance to showcase his skills. Even if he does not, teams are aware of what other teams are doing with players. The preseason will also provide an opportunity to show other teams he has improved. One of the biggest things Manziel can do in the next two years is to stay out of trouble. 


Manziel may be punished by the NFL. So what? He isn't playing anytime soon. 

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From a talent perspective, the Chiefs do not currently have a quarterback on their staff who has the upside potential that Manziel has. His arm is inaccurate, but that is a technical issue. He has a very strong arm. Bray may have close to as good of an arm. Murray isn't close. Manziel can move in the pocket better than either Bray or Murray. Bray has better size. Murray does not. They have similar height, but Manziel is a better physical build. Manziel is better seeing the field than anyone on the team right now. He has demonstrated the ability to find a receiver, while under duress. Manziel creates offense. 


Manziel has two fingers hold onto the NFL. He has just about blown the opportunity, and may not get another shot. I was not a fan of Manziel in the draft, especially in the first round. I felt he had a very good chance of failing. I was right. I tweeted before the draft that Manziel could be our of the NFL inside of four years. So, I am aware of Manziel's deficiencies. I also know the concept of buying low and selling high. 

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Guest 303Chiefs

From a talent perspective, the Chiefs do not currently have a quarterback on their staff who has the upside potential that Manziel has. His arm is inaccurate, but that is a technical issue. He has a very strong arm. Bray may have close to as good of an arm. Murray isn't close. Manziel can move in the pocket better than either Bray or Murray. Bray has better size. Murray does not. They have similar height, but Manziel is a better physical build. Manziel is better seeing the field than anyone on the team right now. He has demonstrated the ability to find a receiver, while under duress. Manziel creates offense.


Manziel has two fingers hold onto the NFL. He has just about blown the opportunity, and may not get another shot. I was not a fan of Manziel in the draft, especially in the first round. I felt he had a very good chance of failing. I was right. I tweeted before the draft that Manziel could be our of the NFL inside of four years. So, I am aware of Manziel's deficiencies. I also know the concept of buying low and selling high.

This loser is now being investigated. Someone who is accused of hitting his girlfriend twice probably has at some point, get real with this junk about how upside and talent.


Fact is his talent has probably declined as he has spent the majority of this NFL career in rehab or missing games because he's drunk in Vegas.


Chiefs are too good for this scumbag, and anyone who thinks he'd be a welcomed addition to those franchise needs their head checked.

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Guest Okiechief1

Until he admits he has anger issues and a drinking problem he has very little upside cause his personal life will interfere with football life. I doubt him getting released from the Browns is what triggers some form of life altering event as he knew it was going to happen and still allegedly beat the crap out of his gf.


His own dad knew he had these issues almost 3 years and said unless he changes it was going to end really bad for him. He hasn't changed and if the reports of him refusing rehab are true he doesn't want to and may never want to.


Wouldn't touch him until he has at least shown he is willing to try n change.

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Until he admits he has anger issues and a drinking problem he has very little upside cause his personal life will interfere with football life. I doubt him getting released from the Browns is what triggers some form of life altering event as he knew it was going to happen and still allegedly beat the crap out of his gf.


His own dad knew he had these issues almost 3 years and said unless he changes it was going to end really bad for him. He hasn't changed and if the reports of him refusing rehab are true he doesn't want to and may never want to.


Wouldn't touch him until he has at least shown he is willing to try n change.



yeah he turned down rehab twice in the last week and his dad said he probably will not see his next birhday in december. 

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Until he admits he has anger issues and a drinking problem he has very little upside cause his personal life will interfere with football life. I doubt him getting released from the Browns is what triggers some form of life altering event as he knew it was going to happen and still allegedly beat the crap out of his gf.


His own dad knew he had these issues almost 3 years and said unless he changes it was going to end really bad for him. He hasn't changed and if the reports of him refusing rehab are true he doesn't want to and may never want to.


Wouldn't touch him until he has at least shown he is willing to try n change.

I feel that he probably either thinks he doesn't have a problem (or that he can fix it himself without help) or that it's nobody else's business. Of course, it is the team's business in risk analysis. He probably thinks that doesn't affect his play on the field, but how could it not since football is so mental and preparation based?

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I feel that he probably either thinks he doesn't have a problem (or that he can fix it himself without help) or that it's nobody else's business. Of course, it is the team's business in risk analysis. He probably thinks that doesn't affect his play on the field, but how could it not since football is so mental and preparation based?

addicts are usually in denial

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Guest 303Chiefs

addicts are usually in denial

Who cares? Why are we talking about him in a CHIEFS board? This is one guy who should never be a Chiefs, ever.

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Guest 303Chiefs

He has cleared waviers and can now sign with whatever team that is willing to take the risk.

Manziel is a walking time bomb, period, end of story. I always thought the purpose was to avoid locker room caner's and he's a grade A example of one. Add that to the fact that he hit his girlfriend...if the Chiefs take a chance shame on them.

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Manziel is a walking time bomb, period, end of story. I always thought the purpose was to avoid locker room caner's and he's a grade A example of one. Add that to the fact that he hit his girlfriend...if the Chiefs take a chance shame on them.

I don't get why anyone would take a chance on anyone who wasn't going to start from the beginning. While Manziel does need to develop, that's not the issue. Players that need to develop, obviously you could get to sit behind Smith. But people who you need to stay out of trouble and out of publicity? Only if they're going to start and do well for the beginning, in my opinion, and think will stay out of trouble.


Besides, I don't think he's all that special and I don't particularly care if it pans out or not. So therefore, I would like him to be an example for those who take fame too seriously and their issues too lightly. Outside of him as a human being, I would like it not to work out for him and be an example for everyone else. Then again, I like quarterbacks who are grounded. I do admit that I have a double standard with QBs versus other positions. Then again, I don't really like Watt or Gronkowski and want to tell Kelce to celebrate after a win, not a 13 yard catch. Not that I really care one way or another.

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Guest 303Chiefs

I don't get why anyone would take a chance on anyone who wasn't going to start from the beginning. While Manziel does need to develop, that's not the issue. Players that need to develop, obviously you could get to sit behind Smith. But people who you need to stay out of trouble and out of publicity? Only if they're going to start and do well for the beginning, in my opinion, and think will stay out of trouble.


Besides, I don't think he's all that special and I don't particularly care if it pans out or not. So therefore, I would like him to be an example for those who take fame too seriously and their issues too lightly. Outside of him as a human being, I would like it not to work out for him and be an example for everyone else. Then again, I like quarterbacks who are grounded. I do admit that I have a double standard with QBs versus other positions. Then again, I don't really like Watt or Gronkowski and want to tell Kelce to celebrate after a win, not a 13 yard catch. Not that I really care one way or another.

I just hope the Chiefs have better sense than to be that team to give him another chance. He's a habitual offender and frankly, he been given everything on a gold platter and thrown in away like a spoiled brat.


On the other hand, right about now, I'd be willing to bet that Denver would be willing to give their left nut to have Smith at QB. Elway is a snake oil salesman and will probably pull some magic rabbit out of his hat or something, so fuck that guy.

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