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Chiefs have officially appealed the Tampering Punishment levied by the NFL

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No, it was great.  Raising kids is a trip, isn't it?  A real journey.  You never know if you did stuff right or wrong.  It probably doesn't make any real difference if they feel the love.

I don't have children of my own, but I can say that for all of the stuff my parents didn't get 100% right, there was love. Even when I didn't see it, it was there. It was in the training, the punishment, the commendation -- everything.

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In my post, I wasn't really referring to tattle tells. I was talking about the tendency of kids (and adults, for that matter) to make excuses for bad behavior by saying that others do it, too. It is about excuse-making. Just because other teams have meddled against the rules does not make it OK for KC. It is still breaking the rules. If you don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.


Anyway, I think the price was worth it. Maclin is worth a 3rd this year and a 5th next year. It was more like an enforced trade of draft choices for a star. In the same way, that is why I have always believed that Alex Smith was worth his cost in draft choices. It very well may be that Dorsey/Reid/Hunt made a calculated gamble, knowing that a sanction would be no worse than a trade of draft choices to get Maclin. A calculated risk.

I don't see it as an excuse but possibly a reason for doing away with the rule. If nobody is following the rules then why have it. Look at holding, everyone does it but only some get caught. How many times have you turned a blind eye to people bending the rules because it went in your favor? Saying everyone else does it isn't an excuse but the fact of the matter. Many believe teams should be full of choir boys and people that follow the rules but unfortunately nice guys/teams finish last in the NFL and the last time I checked it was about winning.


Yes I know morals and following the rules is the right thing but the last time I checked life isn't fair and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

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I don't see it as an excuse but possibly a reason for doing away with the rule. If nobody is following the rules then why have it. Look at holding, everyone does it but only some get caught. How many times have you turned a blind eye to people bending the rules because it went in your favor? Saying everyone else does it isn't an excuse but the fact of the matter. Many believe teams should be full of choir boys and people that follow the rules but unfortunately nice guys/teams finish last in the NFL and the last time I checked it was about winning.


Yes I know morals and following the rules is the right thing but the last time I checked life isn't fair and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Its true.  Clearly, these are not really sanctions.  Its all for show.  I would guess that every single team considers this "violation" to be part of the total formula for obtaining talent.  If a team wants to make a trade of an expensive star to another team for some draft choices but the other team is not cooperative, then they weigh the idea of tampering with eventual sanctions, guessing that the sanctions will be at least the same or maybe more favorable than the negotiated draft choices.  I would guess this goes on all the time.  If so, then teams willingly violate the rules as part of a total package that includes the draft, free agent signings, promoting from within, trades that include future draft choices, or tampering that will end up in future draft choices.  I think the latter mainly works in situations like this Maclin deal, where KC knew that Maclin would love to be with his old head coach, and that by jumping the gun and letting him know through the back door that the feelings were mutual, it would no doubt work.  The only real excuse making has not been the Chiefs, It is Chiefs fans who don't like the cost of the deal in draft choices.  It is these fans that are making the excuses that we should not be sanctioned for breaking the rules because other teams do it, or because one set of sanctions for a lesser player is milder than for a star player.  


I believe there is a pre-existing formula that is used that approximates what a team would have to pay for making the deal in an open way.  So, you are right. The rules are primarily bullshit and just part of an overall package of making sure that a team has to pay for upgrading its talent.  This ensures parity which is good for commercial revenue.  It isn't really fair, because in this case, all teams can vie for the third round and 5th round choice rather than just give those extra picks to the Eagles.

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