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Let's discuss... the pick. You know which one

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I had OSU season tickets the year that Hill went off...  He is literally a top 10 pick you guys got in the 5th round.  Yes, there's baggage, but if the dude stays out of trouble he will be the steal of the draft.  His speed is ridiculous when you see it in person. 

As I wrote, people can change, but they seldom do. If he has changed, and the legal requirements are met, then I will be happy to accept him. I have to forgive. It is part of my belief system. I know I have done things I am too ashamed to admit. Unless you are immortal, you likely have erred as well. Those who say they have never sinned are those who we should worry about the most. 


The criminal actions are much more weighty than the ability for him to produce on the football field. If he can turn his life around, and become a solid citizen who respects women, it really doesn't matter much to me if he plays a down of football. 


I have seen grown men go from a life of debauchery, thuggery, and reckless living to a life of meaning. It can happen. Usually, it is at great sacrifice. They prove themselves by the life they live without the benefit of an award. Generally those who change to get an outcome, such as being able to make money playing a sport, never make the change. They revert because their sacrifice is not great enough. I hope this is not the case in this matter. 


I do not judge, but I do not keep my eyes closed in such matters. 

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I have a daughter. I wouldn't stand for it if she was assaulted by a man. 


That said, this case isn't personal to me. It shouldn't be to any of us. You can be biased and judgmental if you want. However, the guy has been held accountable and punished for his actions.


Our society gives second chances. Rapists, murderers, and child molesters get paroled and walk the streets. Sometimes they change. Sometimes they don't. The laws of society are the laws we must live by. Forgiveness is irrelevant to us. We have no say in that matter. That's up to the victim. 



I am going to give him a chance. I believe that people can change. I believe in having hope. Without hope, nothing and no one would ever change. Change is the only thing that is permanent. I believe a positive attitude is the key to life. I believe there is nothing more sad than wasted talent. I believe Hill has earned a chance to play in the NFL. I believe the road he has chosen is much harder than the one most people in his situation would have picked. I believe he has chosen to dedicate his life to ending domestic violence. I believe that's the only way he was given this opportunity. The most successful people fail the biggest. I believe everyone reading this post has been given a second chance at one time or another. Half of us are probably defined by second chances. If the organization believes in this guy, I will too.

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I have and will never say that I am an expert in this realm so this is just a personal opinion.


I have read some people saying people can't change. I have read some people saying that people can change. IMO people can and do change.


I have seen 17 & 18 year old troubled kids go into the military and come out great young men. I have seen dumb asses graduate high school and 4 years later graduate from college as productive contributors to society. So yes people can change with help and the appropriate guidance.


I am not so foolish to believe everyone changes but I do believe everyone deserves the opportunity to prove they can change.

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"Changed man." :lol: "Mistake." I keep reading this over and over by people who apparently don't understand that this kind of behavior is not mental. It is not a matter of values. It is not a matter of making bad "choices." It is a matter of emotional instability and being prone to violence when angry or frustrated. This will not get better. It will repeat itself. It might happen tomorrow. It might happen in five years. But it will happen. I am hoping that he doesn't make the team, not because it makes us look bad to have him on the team, but because his next episode will take place at a time when the distraction to the locker room will cost them a chance at a division or a playoff game. Emotional illness, even when episodic, is not cured by being talked to, encouraged, by making New Years resolutions, or by growing up, or by "wanting to." Medication is in order, but that would kill his speed on the field and his concentration. Emotional illness can succumb to spirituality that is practiced and cultivated. That is about his only path out of this. Because it changes how you handle emotional upset. It helps you accept things.

I am hoping he does make the team also. I just don't want the circus if he does it again. I hope he is a hanged man, but prefer he prove it elsewhere.

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Confronting a coach (Peters) is different than punching your pregnant girlfriend. Not all mistakes are the same.

I am it comparing them. But Peters did a little now than confronting his head coach. He head butted a WR giving them a first down in the forth quarter. Then he threw a tantrum on the side line when assistant coaches got on to him and he threw his helmet and gloves.


It was not his only problem either. My point is that the other "problem players" people are listing are not major issues. We draft guys like that all the time, it's just that the Hill pick has people making it out to be the Folsum Prison draft class. I don't think that is accurate. Hill is a dirt bag. I am on the same page there.

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I am hoping he does make the team also. I just don't want the circus if he does it again. I hope he is a hanged man, but prefer he prove it elsewhere.

I am hoping that "I hope he is a hanged man" is a typographical error.  Its pretty funny without the "c" at the beginning.

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Well KC Getting National Coverage Now

The significance of a story is no different merely because it gets told in more places.


Controversy challenges people to discuss their viewpoint coherently. The advantage of having a predetermined set of fundamental principles is that public perception in itself won't sway you in either direction. I can show consideration for the viewpoints of other people, but the popularity of a certain judgment (or the lack of it) will not be a primary, secondary, or even tertiary basis as to why I choose to view a situation in a certain way. While various media outlets will handle this story with a certain degree of bias, the only thing that would change my viewpoint about this story is for more relevant, trustworthy information about Mr. Hill's situation to be made available. Right now, media outlets will simply regurgitate the same stories we've already heard, and very little new information is likely to come out.

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Hahahaha.  Nice summary.   


I think Jeffrey Dahmer is available. I hear he can punt really well.


Are there any other bad character guys out there that didn't get drafted? We should sign them if there are. We got nothing to lose at this point in this off season. 

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The NY Post makes a story out of a report from a psychotic killer in prison, who is trying to justify why he killed mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer, and that is the end of it. It has to be truth. In the words of the person who killed Dahmer, he was the "lone wolf". Of course, this does not jive with the official report that says he was jumped by several inmates, beaten many times. That is why he had the prison guard. The killer also killed another inmate. He says the refined sugar in prison food made him crazy.


I happen to know Dahmer was in regular Bible studies. He was a sick, and perverted man. He was homosexual, and yet killed homosexuals because he was disgusted with it. Clearly, the man was not right.


Pulling up a stupid article written by a person who takes the killer's word as fact is interesting. Why do you care so much? What is it to you anyway?


The Prisoner's story is wrong http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-11-29/news/9411290146_1_jeffrey-dahmer-jesse-anderson-lovers-quarrel


The other prisoner was in Bible studies too, and felt rejected. http://www.christianchronicle.org/article/encounter-with-dahmer-changed-ministers-life


I have other details, but this is enough.


OT, Maui, Xen... I get it. Thanks for paying so much attention, but really, your interest in what I write is not of importance to me. It is more of an annoyance.

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Everyone makes mistakes. If it happens again, I don't want to see the kid in a Chief's uniform. But who are we to say he does not deserve a second chance? But like Bilyous said, it's his emotional outbreak that scares us, because that could be a problem that takes years to resolve. Maybe it's a mental issue. If it is, we should be worried. I hope it's not.


I think only time will tell. I hope he won't do anything like this ever again. If he does, good riddance. 


Anyway, probation seems like a weak punishment for a crime like this. Should have served jail time. He's stupid if you ask me

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I had OSU season tickets the year that Hill went off...  He is literally a top 10 pick you guys got in the 5th round.  Yes, there's baggage, but if the dude stays out of trouble he will be the steal of the draft.  His speed is ridiculous when you see it in person. 

Any theory about why Hill got probation rather than jail time?  One might think he got a break because he played for the Cowboys except at the time of the plea bargain, he was already gone, I think.  Not excusing him in any way, but it supports my contention that there's more to the story than we know.  Either he had a clean record up until the choking incident or the judge deemed him not to be a major threat to repeat.

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Of course there are many bad character guys that got drafted in the NFL.  But this is a particularly egregious conduct that Hill plead guilty to.  As Bil said early, this is a patter of an emotional behavior.  It is more than bad conduct.  This is not a case of boys will be boys.  To his credit he didn't try to proffer an excuse like, "She was asking for it....." or some other self serving nonsense.


But I think the overwhelmingly violent reaction to this pick is because we,  the Chiefs fans feel betrayed. Kansas City is the only professional football team I root for.   They are the good guys in my estimation and I hold the players in high esteem.  I confess to having an emotional investment in this team.  So that when I heard that Hill had been drafted,  I groaned and shut of the television.  I felt like it was a personal betrayal directed solely at me.   The Chiefs get high character guys and here they turn around and draft this thug.  I took it personal.


What Dorsey doesn't get is that Chiefs football is for us more than just a group of fans who support their team.  Chiefs fans are rabid.  They live and die this stuff.  They want this team to be the best.  And we feel disappointed when we hear that our 5th round pick was arrested for assault and battery and punched his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach.


Its a blow to the Chiefs family.  Same kind of thing I felt when the Chiefs signed Andre Rison and Tamarick Vanover.

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Of course there are many bad character guys that got drafted in the NFL. But this is a particularly egregious conduct that Hill plead guilty to. As Bil said early, this is a patter of an emotional behavior. It is more than bad conduct. This is not a case of boys will be boys. To his credit he didn't try to proffer an excuse like, "She was asking for it....." or some other self serving nonsense.


But I think the overwhelmingly violent reaction to this pick is because we, the Chiefs fans feel betrayed. Kansas City is the only professional football team I root for. They are the good guys in my estimation and I hold the players in high esteem. I confess to having an emotional investment in this team. So that when I heard that Hill had been drafted, I groaned and shut of the television. I felt like it was a personal betrayal directed solely at me. The Chiefs get high character guys and here they turn around and draft this thug. I took it personal.


What Dorsey doesn't get is that Chiefs football is for us more than just a group of fans who support their team. Chiefs fans are rabid. They live and die this stuff. They want this team to be the best. And we feel disappointed when we hear that our 5th round pick was arrested for assault and battery and punched his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach.


Its a blow to the Chiefs family. Same kind of thing I felt when the Chiefs signed Andre Rison and Tamarick Vanover.

So you don't believe in the legal system. Where a person commits a crime, is tried, convicted or pleads out, and then is allowed to get on with their lives as long as they live within the law.
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 .  But this is a particularly egregious conduct that Hill plead guilty to.  As Bil said early, this is a patter of an emotional behavior.  



What was the pattern?  Maybe I missed it, but thought it was his first issue.  Reportedly, the GF said Hill got into shouting matches but never hit her before.

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