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Is it Ok if the Chiefs court the Saint Louis market?

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I live in Saint Louis and would love to see the Chiefs games, including preseason, without relying on NFL network and NFL Sunday ticket for the regular season.


But I think there is a conflict of interest because a lot of KC seems to hate STL for some reason.


What do you all think?

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I live in Saint Louis and would love to see the Chiefs games, including preseason, without relying on NFL network and NFL Sunday ticket for the regular season.


But I think there is a conflict of interest because a lot of KC seems to hate STL for some reason.


What do you all think?

St. Louis had been the home of the Cardinals, and then the Rams. Both teams had always been NFC teams, so I'm not clear why there would be any deep-seated rivalry between the two. I'm sure my failure to understand this derives from my living in the San Francisco area where, incidentally, many 49ers and Raiders fans seem to hate each other.

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I live in Saint Louis and would love to see the Chiefs games, including preseason, without relying on NFL network and NFL Sunday ticket for the regular season.


But I think there is a conflict of interest because a lot of KC seems to hate STL for some reason.


What do you all think?



 I can only speak for myself and the other KCitian that I grew up with. The Big issue we have with STL  is because STL thinks they are East Coast & KC is a Midwest/Cowtown. I dont think the chief fans care one way or another whether STL becomes a market or not. If anything its a feather in KC's cap that we have something STL doesn't. It does seem strange to me at least that STL can not hold on to a NFL team. My only logic is because the town revolves more around the Cards and Blues. I did go to a Rams game once..the entire atmosphere sucked. The guy I went with wore a suit & I was like WTF? the fan base as a whole just did not seem to "get it". JMHO thats all

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There is a rivalry that seems to go back to the 85 World Series. And maybe even on a cultural level as Kansas Citians think Saint Louisians are snobby with that east coast mentality. It was a culture shock for me when we moved. Saint Louis is very cliquey and KC is way less so.

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I can only speak for myself and the other KCitian that I grew up with. The Big issue we have with STL is because STL thinks they are East Coast & KC is a Midwest/Cowtown. I dont think the chief fans care one way or another whether STL becomes a market or not. If anything its a feather in KC's cap that we have something STL doesn't. It does seem strange to me at least that STL can not hold on to a NFL team. My only logic is because the town revolves more around the Cards and Blues. I did go to a Rams game once..the entire atmosphere sucked. The guy I went with wore a suit & I was like WTF? the fan base as a whole just did not seem to "get it". JMHO thats all

you hit the nail on the head
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The Saint Louis fans will never accept the part of being second to KC. However, I derive much pleasure in it. I would rather be associated with Kansas City than having anything to do with those whiners.


St.Louis will either follow Chicago, or Indianapolis before following Kansas City. They may even place Tennessee above Kansas City. It is likely their citizens are too stupid to realize there is a NFL team in Nashville, despite their (temporary, transitional)team beating the Titans in the Super Bowl.


Despite my feelings of the snobs in Saint Loo, I am in favor of spreading the kingdom. I am doing my little part in Western Kentucky. There is a growing fandom here.

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I know hundreds of people in the Stl.., Not one that I know  hates the Chiefs and I'm pretty blatant about being a Chiefs fan when I'm back there.., I think its prime Chiefs territory, since most in that area hate anything to do with the Rams since they shoved it to the fan base.., I also seem to remember an awful lot of Chiefs games being televised there.,


I say go for it.., Chicago is their biggest competition and they're not very good right now

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I like St. Louis. Great city.  My only fear of a two city fan base would be losing a home game to St. Louis.  Even possibly a name change to something like "The Missouri Chiefs."  I don't think I could stand a name change and loss of the team's identity as KC.  


I was born and grew up in KC and love the place, but from my experience now living near Topeka, KS I see now why so many think think that KC is the snooty one.  They seem to think they are the "Paris of the MIdwest" and that nobody else is worth a damn, especially any place west of Overland Park.  It gets quite obnoxious at times, and to Kansas Citians, no place is as good as KC.  So, I disagree entirely with what is being said about the snooty atmosphere in SL.  Its like the pot calling the kettle black.  Very hypocritical.

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I do agree that the area will probably split off between Chicago (4.5 hrs), Nashville (4.5 hrs), Indianapolis (3.75 hrs) and Kansas City (3.75 hrs).  All of those markets are going to try to appeal to St. Louis fans. Kansas City would be well served to at least go for their share of the pie. Realistically, 30% would be a number I'd shoot if I were in the marketing department for KC (expecting 30% to Indy, 20% to Chitown, and 20% to Nashville).

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I like St. Louis. Great city.  My only fear of a two city fan base would be losing a home game to St. Louis.  Even possibly a name change to something like "The Missouri Chiefs."  I don't think I could stand a name change and loss of the team's identity as KC.  


I was born and grew up in KC and love the place, but from my experience now living near Topeka, KS I see now why so many think think that KC is the snooty one.  They seem to think they are the "Paris of the MIdwest" and that nobody else is worth a damn, especially any place west of Overland Park.  It gets quite obnoxious at times, and to Kansas Citians, no place is as good as KC.  So, I disagree entirely with what is being said about the snooty atmosphere in SL.  Its like the pot calling the kettle black.  Very hypocritical.



Topuka is a shit hole..first wife was from there & altho I still Love my first wife (may she rest in peace) the city is a giant turd

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Topuka is a shit hole..first wife was from there & altho I still Love my first wife (may she rest in peace) the city is a giant turd

It is a shit hole.  It used to be barely OK.  Now there are only empty abandoned shopping centers that are falling apart, a corrupt city manager who lives in Arizona, crappy streets, and nothing much to do.  The symphony is excellent, the NOTO district is pretty cool, and Washburn University and the restaurants around it are decent.  The racetrack is picking up.  But all in all, it is a terrible place with no decent tax base.  The Frito-Lay plant, because of the gasses released from boiling potatoes, smells like a gigantic fart for a mile in all directions. So, yes, it is a shit hole. The Mars candy plant smells like chocolate chip cookies for a couple of miles in all directions. Menninger Clinic left some years ago, and with it, most of the intelligentsia and contributors to the arts. The capital building and state office buildings are filled with moron legislators and Governor Brownback who have ruined Kansas, destroyed the schools, and turned it into Mississippi in the belief that cutting taxes for rich people would make companies flock to Kansas.  Instead they have left in droves, because it has become such a shitty place to live.  The major hospitals that used to be good are now behind the times, and the personnel there are surly.  All the money is on the west side, with the usual franchise department stores and restaurants.  All in all, it is awful.  Fortunately, I live in the country on 52 acres about 7 miles south in the Wakarusa valley, about 3 1/2 miles south of Forbes AFB.  If we were not tied to this place by our house, land, and animals, we would move to Tortola in a heartbeat. Maybe Maui, but probably Tortola. But we are stuck.

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Screw the Lou. All I've heard for 30 years was how they got screwed in the 85 WS. Bunch of freaking whiners if you ask me. Don't need them ruining the great atmosphere of Arrowhead.

They did get screwed in game 6. No excuse for the ass whipping they took in game 7, though.


They don't whine anymore than any other fans. Their success fuels the haters. Similiar to how the Patriots and Yankees are hated.

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Topeka is a shit hole.   My grandmother lived in Topeka and as a kid I used to go up to Topeka and see her in the summertime.  ( She lived in Potwin for those who know)   I had to live in Topeka for 3 years in the 70s while attending lawschool.   I worked for WIBW and later the Kansas Secretary of State.  If you work for the state the first thing you learn is that you have to park 8 blocks away.  The Supreme Court is the only modernized building.   There used to be 8 movie theatres in Topeka and now there is zero.  There is virtually nothing to do.   The main club for 20 somethings was on the second floor of Gage Bowling alley.  The restaurants are sparse.  Topeka is a KState town although Lawrence is only 30 miles away.  During the 60s  Forbes AFB was a home to SAC and when you drove down highway 75 you could see the tail of those gigantic B52s hanging out the end of the hangars because the planes were too big to enclose.  Nothing much to visit or to see although Bil's acreage, which I have seen,  is very nice indeed.  And to its credit Topeka has a Sams store so all is not lost.  I don't think KC/St Louis is much of a sports rivalry.  The Governors cup really did not mean much.   St Louis is a baseball town and the reach of the Cardinals baseball network stretches all across the Midwest.  Bigger network than the Royals to be sure. 


IMHOP in spite of winning the World Series last year,  KC is still a big football town.  I was really glad to see that the Big 12 has reinstalled the Big 12 championship game.   We still go on this site to read about the Chiefs which  has been my one and only pro football team since the 1960s.

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Topeka is a shit hole.   My grandmother lived in Topeka and as a good I used to go up to Topeka and see her in the summertime.  ( She lived in Potwin for those who know)   I had to live in Topeka for 3 years in the 70s while attending lawschool.   I worked for WIBW and later the Kansas Secretary of State.  If you work for the state the first thing you learn is that you have to park 8 blocks away.  The Supreme Court is the only modernized building.   There used to be 8 movie theatres in Topeka and now there is zero.  There is virtually nothing to do.   The main club for 20 somethings was on the second floor of Gage Bowling alley.  The restaurants are sparse.  Topeka is a KState town although Lawrence is only 30 miles away.  During the 60s  Forbes AFB was a home to SAC and when you drove down highway 75 you could see the tail of those gigantic B52s hanging out the end of the hangars because the planes were too big to enclose.  Nothing much to visit or to see although Bil's acreage, which I have seen,  is very nice indeed.  And to its credit Topeka has a Sams store so all is not lost.

Well, it does have a single Hollywood Theater complex with 14 different movie theaters.  It is on the west side of town near the Governor's mansion.  There is one really fantastic Indian Restaurant, the rest being very ordinary,  one truly good Chinese restaraunt, the rest being ordinary, some decent BBQ (two of which are really good, comparable to KC's,  and many pizza places, some great Mexican restaurants down in the Mexican district on the northeast side, a bazillion franchise restaurants, and several really good bar and grill restaurants for the dating scene.  Forbes AFB is now filled with air re-fueling monster jets that practice shoot landings and takeoffs all day long.  The airport has few flights to anywhere of note.  There are more flights to different cities in Manhattan to the west than from Topeka's Billard airport . Topeka has  7 Wal-Marts which tells you all you need to know,, 7,000 pay day loan shark places, quick stop junk food places filled with enormously fat people, and numerous modern medical clinics that few can afford.  It has about 70,000 liquor stores, which is needed if you live there.

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I went to a few games at the Edward Jones Dome and the fans had no idea how to watch a football game.

We were actually shushed and asked to sit down by security.

They had commercials and pumped in songs blaring out of the speakers during breaks in the game. Freaking nightmare.

There are Chiefs fans in Saint Louis that are either transplants or fans gained when the football Cardinals left before the Rams showed up.

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I went to a few games at the Edward Jones Dome and the fans had no idea how to watch a football game.

We were actually shushed and asked to sit down by security.

They had commercials and pumped in songs blaring out of the speakers during breaks in the game. Freaking nightmare.

There are Chiefs fans in Saint Louis that are either transplants or fans gained when the football Cardinals left before the Rams showed up.

Holy shit.  Are they watching an opera?

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I'm not big on the idea of taking in the St. Louis market. They are fair weather fans and that is not what Chiefs fans are about. They can "beat it" as far as I'm concerned. 


They are a baseball town and love the Cards. That should be enough imo.

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I think it all comes down to whether they consider StL a regional market when it comes to televising games.., I think there will be more local interest in KC than Chicago just because of the Jeff City and Central Missouri factor.., Where I'm from its mostly Cardinal baseball and Chiefs football.., All you have to do is look at the advertising sings in the taverns..,


Courting the StL market has no downside as far as I'm concerned.., I doubt that it will ever get to the point where there is a Chiefs home game in St Louis.., Maybe a preseason game, but I doubt that too.., I went to a couple Rams games.., It was like going to a wine sipping contest..,

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