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What would you do?

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Although I don't live in KC and have no real tie to the Chiefs having to stay there, I'd be extremely disappointed that any franchise with such a dedicated fan base would leave the city that supported it for so long in hopes of more money. I'd definitely no longer be a Chiefs fan if they did such a thing, and would transfer over to a local team, probably Green Bay. 

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I know that the NFL is a business and do some extent, people would say they don't blame them for doing what a business does, but I feel that I would only understand or be OK with the move if they were losing money every year with no prospects of improvement.


If they're making some profit and could make a bigger profit elsewhere, I know it's a business, but I would not be support of it. And I would also factor in the level of support from the fans. If they can't grow a business model that makes them money with the fans they have, the TV deals, the stadium deals, and the cost of tickets, that would factor into it but I feel that you should be able.

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