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Fantasy League

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I cannot stand fantasy leagues. I was watching a youtube on Charcandrick West. This piece of crap

came on next. It solidified to me why I hate fantasy leagues.


If every I had ever wanted to take a loaded baseball bat to the cranium of another human being, these two tools would happily be the recipient of my cheerful swings.

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Have you fun. I don't get it. I never will. It's your thing. Last year we went to BDubs with the Physician recruiter for one of our local hospitals. He became a Denver Bronco fan, because Manning moved to Denver, and he was a huge Peyton Manning fan. Flag number one popped up. Then, it became apparent he was a fantasy guy, foremost. All game, instead of rooting for or against the Broncos, he referred to how his players did. Some were on the Broncos, and others on the Chiefs.


My wife wants to go out to Bdubs again with them this year. I will not.

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