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Kaeperdick is a tool


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I guess when you start sucking on the field you need to do something to stay in the spotlight. I have always said he was a thug. Yes he has the right to not stand for the National Anthem and that's not what this is about it's about his ignorance and attempt to draw attention. I use to have some sort of respect for the 49ers but I am sure they will bend over backwards to support him on this stance.


Obviously he has no clue of what is going on. Most if not all the shootings involving LE have been ruled justified shootings. When he made comments about people being put on paid leave and committing murder I knew his stance were against LE, the typical BLM stance.


Where is his outrage about black on black murders?

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I guess when you start sucking on the field you need to do something to stay in the spotlight. I have always said he was a thug. Yes he has the right to not stand for the National Anthem and that's not what this is about it's about his ignorance and attempt to draw attention. I use to have some sort of respect for the 49ers but I am sure they will bend over backwards to support him on this stance.


Obviously he has no clue of what is going on. Most if not all the shootings involving LE have been ruled justified shootings. When he made comments about people being put on paid leave and committing murder I knew his stance were against LE, the typical BLM stance.


Where is his outrage about black on black murders?

it is in the same place as the current presidential regime, that fairy tale land that does not exist 

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Kap was in jeopardy of getting cut outright.  He has stunk up the joint this summer battling for a job.


Chip Kelly is not tied to Kap one bit.


The talk around town is that Kap was on his way out the door anyway.


Going to be a very interesting week here.



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While I don't agree with his actions, I support his right to peaceful protest.  He could be out burning buildings, or blocking highways, or throwing bottles at cops.


Just my $0.02


and then the cops could shoot him in the face.. Happy days in Higbee!

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LOL get the hell out of here..no reason to be here unless your tying to disappear  from intelligent  life


you work for the railroad?



No.  But my Dad was a lifer out there.  40 year Teamster.


I grew up in a little town like that.  330 population.  My graduating class had 16.  We didn't even have to try to disappear.

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No excuse... He is a QB, a role model, and an American. You gotta stand for the National Anthem. I often think there is too much nationalism but this is just basic respect for the freedom we rent... 


I started to defend him a little last night and my wife hit me. lol  :lol:


I can't give him a pass because of my kids. It ain't right.

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If he wants to sit thats fine, let him sit.., Its a free country.., Looks like that's gonna be most of his job anyway.., It doesn't make him a hero tho, just somebody else with an opinion.., I think the sports media is turning this into a soap opera..,


Maybe all this controversy will distract from any actual critique of his football abilities.., I bet they're REALLY missing Alex Smith about now.., :lol:

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I feel the same way...If he wants to sit....go ahead and sit. Who cares.


You know the funny thing?  This was week three and he has been doing it the entire pre-season.


This was the week people actually noticed.


49er fans are so used to him sitting on the bench, nobody gave a shit.



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I feel the same way...If he wants to sit....go ahead and sit. Who cares.


You know the funny thing?  This was week three and he has been doing it the entire pre-season.


This was the week people actually noticed.


49er fans are so used to him sitting on the bench, nobody gave a shit.




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it would be crazy if he wound up in Dallas after the NFL refused to let them wear stickers on their helmets for the cops...  

You mean there's a double standard?  Shocking.  If Kap has such a right to speak out without consequences, why not Curt Shilling?  Don't know if it's true, but the story out in cyberspace is that he converted to Islam this off season and is engaged to some media personality who also is a BLM activist.  Guess if she's hot, he has an incentive to do what he did.

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You mean there's a double standard? Shocking. If Kap has such a right to speak out without consequences, why not Curt Shilling? Don't know if it's true, but the story out in cyberspace is that he converted to Islam this off season and is engaged to some media personality who also is a BLM activist. Guess if she's hot, he has an incentive to do what he did.

You can see the change in him, probably her influence. Before I may not have liked his thug like appearance but he rarely said stupid shit in public. First time I saw him this year he let his hair grow out and started talking shit in public.
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As a white male I may get beat up for this...but I have a theory...


Being as Kaepernick is entering his sixth NFL season and this is the first time we've heard him say a single word about race and oppression(he has a big mouth, and is followed by mainstream media, if he had thoughts about race before now, we would have heard about it), I find it odd that he's decided to start now.  


Kaepernick has lost his starting QB job to a white guy.  The new coach that is choosing the white guy over him has been accused of racial favoritism by former players.  Someone in Kaepernick's circle of friends has pointed this out to him and has convinced him that the color of his skin is the reason he isn't the starting QB, not the fact that he isn't the best QB on the team and prompted him to do something about it.  


Its just another young person trying to blame someone else for them not being able to keep their job instead of owning up and admitting that they weren't good enough.  If/when he gets cut, he will probably blame his stance for the reason instead of his play.  He also won't think about the fact that even if he is the 2nd best QB on the team, not many people are gonna pay a backup QB 11+ million dollars when the other backups are slated to make no more than 1.25 million and the team can save a ton of money for a comparable QB.  



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