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My observation of Phillip Gaines against Benjamin, and against Keenan Allen was he did not fail to shut either down. He is the best corner back on the team.


If Phillip Gaines can stay healthy, he is the shutdown corner. Marcus Peters will get the interceptions, and big tackles (Peters is more physical), but Gaines is the better corner, and that is saying something. Peters has a short memory, and that is very important. He will get burned, and end up burning the QB. However, Phillip Gaines may just be good enough to not be burned.


D J White is a sudden player, who displays pitch perfect timing. He made one tackle in the game Sunday. It was an impactful play. I felt White was a second day pick. When he fell, it was because he is more of a nickle than a corner. That is alright, because he is exceptional as a nickle. Steven Nelson too, had moments, where you could see the talent.


Everyone wants to know how the Chiefs missed on KeiVare Russell. He wasn't good enough. I don't know if Acker is going to be good enough. Gaines, Peters, Nelson, and White are special. We all wondered what we were going to do without Sean Smith. Maybe it's time to stop worrying.

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Gaines & Nelson showed better than expected.  Peters showed worse..


Berry was terrific, given the circumstances.


Parker was his normal self...solid.


My prioritized "worry list";


1. Pass Rush

2. Stopping the run

3. DB's



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Matt Derrick of cjonline says Phillip Gaines was planned to be the "heart and soul" of the secondary.


Peters is a gambling CB. He will get beat, and come back to beat you. That won't work if you don't have a lock down corner on the other side. Gaines was the best corner on the field. When SD went away from Gaines, and Peters settled down (after Keenan Allen left the game), Peters did much better. I think Peters was overly hyped for the game.

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Matt Derrick of cjonline says Phillip Gaines was planned to be the "heart and soul" of the secondary.


Peters is a gambling CB. He will get beat, and come back to beat you. That won't work if you don't have a lock down corner on the other side. Gaines was the best corner on the field. When SD went away from Gaines, and Peters settled down (after Keenan Allen left the game), Peters did much better. I think Peters was overly hyped for the game.

Sophomore slump?
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I think people are getting too quick to draw season long conclusions after one game where nearly the entire team slumped for an entire half.


Could be a slump yeah, but let things play out for a bit.

My god. Guys was DROY... Tied for league lead in picks.

Phillip gaines has played a single game and he's the best corner?

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How do you determine what qualifies to judge the better cb? Do we base it on interceptions, passes defended against, opposing receiver pass attempts and passes broken up, or do we just base it on pff ranking? Gaines allows Peters to be thrown at, which allows Peters to get moreinterceptions. Each has a role, and each is valuable to the team. Marcus Peters' interception statistics stand out more, but are they more important?

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I'd say considering how many picks he came up with last year, the last cb you want to target is Peters. But if your other cb is shutting his guy down, gotta take a chance.


Judging CB play can be difficult without all 22 angle, and possibly knowing how the play is suppose to be ran. A lot of instances, the S help at the top fails them.

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Some of you guys crack me up.  Fisher was a bust.........oops, he had a good opening game so now he's the top rated LT.  Gaines is a hero.  Peters is washed up.  A. Smith can't bring the team back from behind.........nope, he carried them to the greatest come from behind win in team history.  Dorsey is stupid because a third round pick didn't work out.   Maybe it would help if we thought more about the whole season and the future and less about the last play.  If Gaines gets torched by Fuller on Sunday, the hand wringing in here will be tremendous.  

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I think people are getting too quick to draw season long conclusions after one game where nearly the entire team slumped for an entire half.


Could be a slump yeah, but let things play out for a bit.


It was one game. Peters took himself out of the game by making his political speech more important than the game. The NFL caused this by politicizing the game in order to make money.


The NFL used to have the players run out onto the field after the National Anthem was performed. No one stood up, or lets say few people stood. They were in the locker room getting taped up. People didn't see it. There was no audience for the players to act out to . They let their actions show on the field.


Marcus Peters is an emotional person. He is not a good spokesperson. In fact, he makes Bo Jackson look like William Jennings Bryan by comparison. So, he did his speaking through an act. This is common for his generation. Instead of improving writing skills, students learn to speak by tapping on an emoji. Peters used an emoji type to describe how he felt.


Can Marcus Peters return to form? Sure. That all depends on Marcus Peters. I don't believe this is the forum to get into this. I probably already went over the line. This is about sports. However, we bring our personal issues onto the playing field. I did when I was young. I always dreamt of taking the final shot. I pictured it in my mind. Most of the time it worked. Pressure does two things. It either wilts, or it makes steel. Marcus Peters wilted a little last Sunday. He was torched. Off the start, he allowed receivers on his side too much cushion. Normally, that is the way he plays. He lets teams get a little confidence, and then strikes when they start to get too comfortable. Gaines is different. Gaines stays in the hip of the opposing receiver. They are different guys. I see a very good reason why the Chiefs may have selected two very different players to be corners. The Chiefs do not have a #1 CB and a #2 CB. They play left CB and right side CB. You cannot judge Peters the same way you judge Gaines.


Peters is a ball hawk. The sophomore slump mention is valid. Why? Because sometimes it fits. There are reasons a rookie out performs expectations, and is not as good his second season. Peters may turn this whole thing around this Sunday. It can change overnight. What is not up for discussion should not be whether Peters was off last Sunday. This is because it is evident.


I picked on Stephenson a little, and I was blocked. I picked on Peters. Peters did not block me. I like Peters much more than Stephenson. Peters is tougher. Peters has a short memory. Peters' dad was his high school coach. For every one thing I point out negative about Peters, there are ten that I appreciate.

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