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colts vs chiefs

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After watching the game, I came to read this thread. Kinda made me want to throw up in my mouth. Our team wins by 16 on the road at Indy against Andrew Luck, in spite of losing our starting QB and RB, and one O lineman. And all you guys can do is insult, whine, and bitch. I've been here as long as anybody, but this current crowd of Negative Nellies is a disgrace to Chiefs Kingdom. Blecch!!

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After watching the game, I came to read this thread. Kinda made me want to throw up in my mouth. Our team wins by 16 on the road at Indy against Andrew Luck, in spite of losing our starting QB and RB, and one O lineman. And all you guys can do is insult, whine, and bitch. I've been here as long as anybody, but this current crowd of Negative Nellies is a disgrace to Chiefs Kingdom. Blecch!!

I didn't see anything other than Reid is a bad play caller. What exactly are you referring to?

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I couldn't type on this forum while my wife's friend, and husband were at our house. I kept it civil. He went out to smoke his first cigarette after the Chiefs scored before halftime. He started complaining about the NFL, and how he just wasn't interested this year, during the halftime break. They arrived ten minutes after the game started, but he was still a bit cocky. Both wore Indianapolis Colts shirts. My wife, and I wore KC Chiefs jerseys. So, it was a drip, drip, drip of disappointment for our friends in blue, as things went sour. Finally, with eight minutes left in the game, they made their way to the door, and promised to do this again. Nope. Not gonna happen. Once was too much.


The Chiefs were good, but Indy was as bad. The Colts stopped our running game better than I anticipated, but the Chiefs also played good defense. Gaines was outstanding. Peters came really close to getting another interception. Poe clogged up the middle, DJ played great contain, and Dee Ford beat his man. When they get Houston back, their defense will be even stronger. Jacksonville should be a fairly easy team to beat, but the road gets hard after that.

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I couldn't type on this forum while my wife's friend, and husband were at our house. I kept it civil. He went out to smoke his first cigarette after the Chiefs scored before halftime. He started complaining about the NFL, and how he just wasn't interested this year, during the halftime break. They arrived ten minutes after the game started, but he was still a bit cocky. Both wore Indianapolis Colts shirts. My wife, and I wore KC Chiefs jerseys. So, it was a drip, drip, drip of disappointment for our friends in blue, as things went sour. Finally, with eight minutes left in the game, they made their way to the door, and promised to do this again. Nope. Not gonna happen. Once was too much.


The Chiefs were good, but Indy was as bad. The Colts stopped our running game better than I anticipated, but the Chiefs also played good defense. Gaines was outstanding. Peters came really close to getting another interception. Poe clogged up the middle, DJ played great contain, and Dee Ford beat his man. When they get Houston back, their defense will be even stronger. Jacksonville should be a fairly easy team to beat, but the road gets hard after that.

Did you play horseshoes at half time or was it too awkward?

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The guy started off on the wrong foot in the first place. He is a HVAC "specialist", and to start a little friendly small talk, I spoke about our project with my daughter's house, where I am in the process of turning it into a near passivehouse as a fun experiment, and as a gift to her. He started correcting me on minor details. I simply turned to the internet, and calmly did load calcs, heat gain/ loss etc... on the spot to shove it down his face (a little passive aggressive, but he asked for it, and I merely accommodated him). Then he told me my calculations had to be adjusted by 40% due to 2x4 construction. I calmly turned to a calculator again, then said, "wait, I can do this in my head quicker", and gave him the exact numbers to tenth decimal point. If I liked him, and did not think he was a jerk, I may have been nicer. However, he was a jerk, and so I toyed with his brain in a very nonchalant fashion, until my wife noticed what I was doing, and gave me a look that said I had best quit. So, I just said, "you could be right", "I never looked at it that way", and "that is out of the box thinking" for the rest of the night. All of these were euphemisms for you are one incredibly smug, and yet stupid person. 


No, we won't renew a visit.

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It will take a serious concussion to Luck for them to even consider fixing the field. Unfortunately, they will never fix their pension for injury until Pagano is gone. I feel like the only reason why they have kept Pagano is because he survived cancer. They reportedly do not have a good relationship with him.

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It will take a serious concussion to Luck for them to even consider fixing the field. Unfortunately, they will never fix their pension for injury until Pagano is gone. I feel like the only reason why they have kept Pagano is because he survived cancer. They reportedly do not have a good relationship with him.



 that & There really has not been a coach available that they probably thought would be a perfect match for Luck. They really have nor stunk up the joint till this yea.. there will be a sacrificial lamb to be sure but I believe Pagano has another year

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that & There really has not been a coach available that they probably thought would be a perfect match for Luck. They really have nor stunk up the joint till this yea.. there will be a sacrificial lamb to be sure but I believe Pagano has another year

They are waiting for Harbaugh to get tired of Michigan. He leaves his job every four/five years or so. ;) It might actually happen. He played there and I think he grew up somewhere near there? I don't know, his dad was the coach and moved around a lot.

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The play had three cast members. First, Andy Reid. His part was to call a quarterback option play that placed Alex Smith in danger. Since, Alex Smith was already stunned by a hit to his head on a keeper, even though Smith passed the protocol, one could question the wisdom of calling that play in which Smith may have been at risk. Second cast member was Alex Smith, who went to the locker room to be tested for concussion protocol. Earlier, he failed to slide feet first soon enough, and should have known the necessity this time. The third member of our play was Clayton Geathers. Geathers, a strong safety who is known to be a hard tackler, gained speed, and momentum to stop Smith. You cannot blame him for that. This is what he is paid to do. However, upon making contact with Smith, Geathers, used his hand to push Alex Smith's head into the rock hard turf.


The NFL is a collision sport that sometimes is determined by the least injured team by the end of the year. Everyone who plays it has been injured, played injured, and knows the risk they take. However, the NFL also should know the cost of allowing head injuries to happen. They were sued by injured players, and settled with a huge settlement. Rules were installed to help lower the risks. However, with every rule there comes a way to beat the system. Running quarterbacks used the rules to make it a nightmare for defenses to stop players, who took advantage of the penalty against hitting a QB in the head. It was determined, if a quarterback ran, he should be regarded the same as a running-back, who is not protected from a hit to the noggin. Now, quarterbacks must relearn their responsibility to slide early or pay the price. Smith, who had his biggest year running the ball only last season, is currently having the least yards run of his career. He ran, and paid the price Sunday.


As I said, there were three cast members to our play. Without the part played by one of the three, it is unlikely Smith would have been removed from the game. There is a forth member of the play we did not mention. The NFL rules committee. If the league wants to get serious about brain injuries, they have to increase the penalty on the participant. If the NFL removed a player, who intentionally caused a brain injury to another player, it would be less likely Smith's head would have been driven into the turf. I believe players who intentionally cause brain trauma should be removed, stay off the field, and not be paid until the player they injured can return to the field to play. It could be the death penalty for a player who permanently injures another player intentionally. There is already a death penalty. One, the NFL has put into play by not properly ruling on concussions, and allowing it to happen too often.

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Good things and bad things about both quarterbacks.


One thing that I found interesting upon re-watching the game and charting the depth of targets was how little the offensive game plan changed with Foles behind center. The narrative since Sunday has been that the offense opened up once Foles entered the game and that they attempted more shots down the field.


To an extent, one could argue that the shots 20-plus yards in the air doubled under Foles (though he did have seven more opportunities to do so). However, when you look at intermediate and deep shots taken (I always look at both with regards to stretching a defense, as intermediate shots help keep defenses honest nearly as well as deep shots), something surprising emerges: Foles went to those deeper zones on 36 percent of his throws, a significantly lower percentage than Smith. Additionally, Foles threw five yards or shorter in the air 48 percent of the time, much more than Smith.


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