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Who's up...who's down

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Since it's the half way point of the season, maybe a mind game would be interesting.  The question is what teams in both the NFC and AFC have been the biggest surprises, both good and bad?


My picks for surprising good would be ATL.  Ryan has been playing lights out and the Falcons are consistent winners this season.  A huge step up from last year.


Biggest disappointment would be AZ.  I thought they would be the top team in the NFC but Palmer looks old and the team just isn't playing well.


AFC team exceeding expectations might be BAL.  They weren't picked to be good and yet they seem to be able to beat some good teams.


Harder to pick a down team in the AFC, but for lack of a better pick, I'll go with the Bengals.


What's your opinion?

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Minnesota is surprising to me, although they seem to be in a freefall now.  I agree on AZ.  I had them representing the NFC in the Superbowl.  Carolina gets an honorable mention for suckiness.


Oakland would have to be my surprise success in the AFC.  Hopefully, it doesn't last.  I thought JAX would be better.

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