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Stopping the run

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After watching the Raiders offensive line absolutely overwhelm the vaunted Denver defense Sunday night, I am feeling a little unsettled. I really didn't take the Raiders too seriously early on, especially after we won handily in their house. I really thought Denver was still the team to beat...because of their defense. Now I wonder. Was that game a fluke? The announcers kept talking about the Raiders using six linemen. Was that the difference? They made the Bronco defense look downright pedestrian to me. 


We handled them once. Can we do it again? Are they really that good? Is Denver really that bad? Our run defense looked pretty iffy against the Jags, Should I be worried? What do you think?

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Right now the Broncos are simply just pedestrian.


They are minus many starters and other like Ware are old and very limited.  On offense, it's like.......seriously, Donald Stephenson is their starting Right Tackle. 


Also have to account for the fact that was the Raiders first real primetime game in over a decade.  They would of ran through a solid brick wall in that setting.  Denver never stood a chance.

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They played without Latavious Murray last game. He is a much better runner than their rookie.

However, Denver's D-Line is frankly not good against the run. Derek Wolfee is out - Crick & Williams were owned on virtually every play last night. The Broncos boards are all calling for Terrance Knighton to be resigned.

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Denver, like the Chiefs, had a bad game and key players out.  Talib not playing cost them a lot on D.  OAK was hitting on all cylinders in the first half and got fired up.  OAK isn't always that good and DEN isn't that bad.  I hate the Raiders, but they probably did the Chiefs a favor last night.

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