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Andy Reid and Playcalling

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I want to make sure I credit the correct person, but Chiefs Insider on Twitter made a post this morning that I found very interesting.  In yesterday's post game presser, Andy Reid said that he needed to do a better job calling plays FIVE TIMES.  In his tenure with the Chiefs, he has made similar comments over FIFTY TIMES.  Just think about that.  If any individual player's play was mentioned that many times, they would be gone.  If any OC had been called out for that so many times, they would be gone.  Instead, Andy takes the blame and fixes nothing...


     Kind of reminds me of RAC when he seemed to roll out the same stuff every week after a loss...and we know what happened to him.


     I know people will point to the win/loss record and say he's fine.  I'm not a fan of a team with expectations that they have a good record.  I want to see deep playoff runs and championships. 


I don't even have to look at Super Bowls.  Just appearances.  Compare us to the rest of the AFC West:


Broncos:  2016 - nine playoff appearances since 2000

Raiders:  2002 - four playoff appearances since 2000

Chargers:  1994 - six playoff appearance since 2000

Chiefs:  1969 - five playoff appearances since 2000


Think about that...we are 25 years behind the next team in our division in Super Bowl appearances.  The last time we even appeared in an AFC championship game was still longer than the next team actually winning theirs.  And lets face it...had the Chargers not racked up injuries to guys at a record pace, they would probably be racing to another playoff appearance this year. 




I feel like the Chiefs are the Kansas City Royals without the magic.  Small market team more interested in stocking up on prospects and letting their stars leave.  As long as we do just good enough to keep making the owners money, they are happy keeping the current product on the field.  Like the royals, we just have to hope that the sum of the parts becomes something special, because individually, this team really isn't that good.


Yes...I'm feeling sorry for myself after yesterday's game.  I'm turning 38 next month and I've never gotten to see my team from birth advance to the Super Bowl.  I'm bitter.  I thought we had something finally, but instead it looks like we are once again going to fall when it counts.  We can blame injuries, but every team gets key injuries every year.  There are six teams that have 19 or more people currently on IR.  Chargers, Bears, Bills, Saints, Jets, and Ravens.  And yet some of these teams are still completing for playoffs, with the Ravens peaking at the right time again to go on a Super Bowl Run.  We are sitting at 12 with Houston returned.  The Vikings have missed out on their core leader in just about every group all season.  We aren't special when it comes to injuries. 


Just ranting here.  Until this team sees a Super Bowl, I will continue to be frustrated with this team regardless of how many regular season wins they rack up. 

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I don't understand why the offense has changed so much? It is very different than it was the previous three years. This year we are pretty much running a spread offense. Our line was so much better in the old offense when the QB lined up behind center more often than not. I keep hoping that suddenly we are going to go back to that in the playoffs or something and disrupt everyone's game planning. 

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I don't know. Yes I am very frustrated with the O, but we have complained that we get pass happy with a lead and stop the clock. We have complained that we settle for 3 instead of being aggressive. I like the change. I wish we would have thrown more in the second half and gotten some more touches for Hill particularly on those end arounds and at HB. But running it up the guy on 3rd and 4th and goal from the 1 yard line is a good move. It is frustrating that we couldn't block well enough for a stud like Ware to get one yard with 2 tries.


We can't push D lines backwards. That is troubling and it happens often. They are doing a decent job at pass blocking, but if we didn't have Ware, we would not be able to run at all.

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The loss yesterday was a real gut punch.  One of our worst since Ried arrived.  Hopefully, they get it fixed.


I agree, it was  one of the worst. That loss really was on Reid but, I still really like the guy and wouldn't change coaches. 

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What are you talking about

I was just talking about week 4 or 5 when the Eagles were kicking some butt. A lot of people, including myself, was thinking he was the real deal. A HC that does it for years with different franchises may have there warts, but they are solid and have solid teams. Andy coached the Eagles for 13 seasons and only had 2 losing seasons. 9 trips to the playoffs. 4 AFC championship games and a Super Bowl appearance. They never won the big one and ran him out of town because of it. Think they would take him back?


I am just saying that we as fans hurt so much when we don't win it all that we tend to take it out on the QB and the HC. I for one have enjoyed the hell out of the Ried years and will until we run him out of town and go back to a Haley or an Edwards. Same with Smith. He is the best QB we have have since Trent, I mean TrINT.


You will get your 6-10 wish soon enough. Just let me enjoy my some bad ass Chiefs football and not jump off the roof every time we lose one. Or not win one in spectacular fashion.


Not you personally but us as fans. I mean, holy shit we have a legit shot at the 2 seed.

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So true my friend. I am just hurting and worried not wanting it to end. Sorry if I went on a rant there. I am am not meaning to dis our talent. I love our talent. It's just a tough damn game. I mean the Charges are no joke and they are cellar dwellers this year. It is really, really hard to be dominate in this game. NE will realize that when Brady finally breaks down. Some really good teams will miss the playoffs and some really average teams will make it.

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So true my friend. I am just hurting and worried not wanting it to end. Sorry if I went on a rant there. I am am not meaning to dis our talent. I love our talent. It's just a tough damn game. I mean the Charges are no joke and they are cellar dwellers this year. It is really, really hard to be dominate in this game. NE will realize that when Brady finally breaks down. Some really good teams will miss the playoffs and some really average teams will make it.


Brady, shows no signs of stopping. The NFL is having a down year - this is the Chiefs chance. Time to make up for yesterday.

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Here is a thing that kind of annoys me. Andy Reid's reasoning for the Chiefs losing to the Titans was the old, generic "lack of execution". This is akin to asking why the Sahara is a desert and answering "lack of water". I may not be a football coach but I can see with my eyes that an overthrown pass, failure to block properly, a missed tackle. etc. is a "lack of execution". 


The bigger question is..."Why are the Chiefs failing so badly to execute at this stage of the season?" The Tampa game and this game are both prime examples of a team that should have won...but not winning because they didn't execute effectively enough. Why Andy? If guys can't block correctly then replace them. If a runner can't find a hole...bench him. This isn't a friends club. People get paid ,millions of dollars to perform at a high level. If they do not then what is the point? 


We are in the worst possible situation folks. Good enough to have a winning record and make the post season now and again. Not good enough to make a lot of noise once we are there.

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Here is a thing that kind of annoys me. Andy Reid's reasoning for the Chiefs losing to the Titans was the old, generic "lack of execution". This is akin to asking why the Sahara is a desert and answering "lack of water". I may not be a football coach but I can see with my eyes that an overthrown pass, failure to block properly, a missed tackle. etc. is a "lack of execution". 


The bigger question is..."Why are the Chiefs failing so badly to execute at this stage of the season?" The Tampa game and this game are both prime examples of a team that should have won...but not winning because they didn't execute effectively enough. Why Andy? If guys can't block correctly then replace them. If a runner can't find a hole...bench him. This isn't a friends club. People get paid ,millions of dollars to perform at a high level. If they do not then what is the point? 


We are in the worst possible situation folks. Good enough to have a winning record and make the post season now and again. Not good enough to make a lot of noise once we are there.

well said

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Alex Smith had a really bad game. He was inaccurate. Statistically, he only had one other game worse since coming to KC. Normally, those bad games usually come in the first half of the season. In fact, of Alex Smith's five worst games, two were in his first two regular season games, and one was in his fifth game of the season, at Oakland. The only other late bad game for Smith was against Indy in week 16 of 2013. The opener in 2014 at home against Tennessee remains Smith's worst game while at Kansas City.


Perhaps Reid knew Alex Smith was off, and adjusted the game accordingly. Whatever reason, Reid was not on top of his own game. I hope this gets it out of their system. Denver looked lost before winning it all with Manning. I remain hopeful.

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Someone actually took the time to look at Andy Reid's post game pressers after every loss in his nearly 4 years in KC.  In that time, he has said something along the lines of "I've got to get better at playcalling" over FIFTY TIMES!  Must be nice to admit you made the same mistake over and over and over, done nothing to fix it, and kept your job....


He's a hell of a coach and a QB whisperer...but he needs to give up playcalling.  At the very least, give it up in the 2nd half of games...

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The 50 times "he needs to call better plays" is a good stat. Thanks.


Hey DH, we did make a small amounto f noise in Houston last year.


It was louder than its been in my house since Montana was QB.


That said, the window is open and we should gave won that game on Sunday....


That game left a bad taste in my mouth.



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Someone actually took the time to look at Andy Reid's post game pressers after every loss in his nearly 4 years in KC. In that time, he has said something along the lines of "I've got to get better at playcalling" over FIFTY TIMES! Must be nice to admit you made the same mistake over and over and over, done nothing to fix it, and kept your job....


He's a hell of a coach and a QB whisperer...but he needs to give up playcalling. At the very least, give it up in the 2nd half of games...

Hmm... There was a report last year that Pedersen called the plays in the second half of games but not the first. It is a collaborative game plan, but Reid called the plays in the first half. Part of me felt that we sat on leads last year, so it could have been an improvement to go to Reid all game, but it has not proven to be the case. In these last three games, though it's a small sample size, we have not scored offensively in the second half. So it wasn't Pedersen good or bad. If we look at our four losses, only the Steelers game do I think we scored late (?) and that was a bad game. In some of our wins, we did not score late.

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I think most of us will find that we make good defensive adjustments to start the second half, but, we lag on the offensive adjustments - same for our opponents and I think it is hard to adjust offensively. Some of that is trying to burn the clock and therefore not being productive, but we should be efficient and score anyway.

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Play calling was much better. At least half the plays had Alex lining up under center. There were also HB screens, bootlegs, and it was good to see Alex running the ball. The only thing we need is a few more crossing routes to Maclin and this offense will be clicking on all cylinders.

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