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What is the future of the Truman Sports Complex?

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The population of San Antonio and Orlando are certainly comparable to that of Kansas City.  What separates the two is the presence of major league football and baseball.  Sorry but NBA pro basketball doesn't count.   I do not see voters in Jackson County voting their pocketbooks on this issue in a few years.   But a lot can change in 14 years.   Never thought the Chargers would leave San Diego either.

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no this is being drummed up but the In the downtown stadium bunch. All eyes are on the chiefs and in the playoffs for the 2nd time in a yea, looking like they have a sluggers chance at a Super Bow appearance. If they win out the drum will beat even more loudly. In another 8-10 years this will be a subject to seriously consider but if the recent elections are any compass to how voters think they are not for anything else coming out of their pocketbooks.JMO

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