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Will NFL Postpone KC Playoff Game?

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I know I too thought they wete ignorant. I never understood why Californians put themselves down.

Anyone that uses terms like they & them is a person that lives in a world of discrimination. Glad I dont live in your world. Like I said...come to Calif and make your point.

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Come on guys. Stop fighting. All this fighting makes me want to cry. It's all so emotional and dramatic that I just can't put up with it any longer. Why can't you guys get along? It's making me question humanity and whether I want to be on this board at all. All I can think of are the poor fish who get caught in soda can plastic holders, the environmental waste of the energy generators, not to mention the damn blasted car, no, no, I will mention them. Those damn blasted cars are killing the polar bears. And, and those bastards who want to stop some stranger from doing something to some stranger's fetus, the poor immigrants who work so hard being illegal, all the healthcare premiums that aren't being paid for by the rich for those 8 children families who only have 8 because it would just plain wrong to tell them to stop having babies if they can't afford them and they can't afford them because of all you white people drag them down, even if they are white themselves. I just don't understand why people want to stop gay marriage when it's clear they love each other soooo much more than any straight couple, just like immigrants work sooo much harder than you or I do and their families are sooo much more important to them than ours because, you know, they aren't us, so they must be better. And just give those busting their but, literally, to be models or actors, that's right none of this actress stuff that you misogynist sexists call them, a chance, as they are as smart and individualistic as doctors and they are what make America strong an united for all that is good, except for those damn Americans who think they are all that, hate (or love? Who's keeping track?) the Kardashians, but are truly inferior to the Europeans who have others pay for the medical expenses through taxation like a civilized nation. Stupid McDonalds and their misleading fat centers.


Oops, that must have been the California that seeped in while I lived there. Come on, let's try to enjoy the playoffs.

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Come on guys. Stop fighting. All this fighting makes me want to cry. It's all so emotional and dramatic that I just can't stand this fighting. Why can't you guys get along? It's making me question humanity and whether I want to be on this board at all. All I can think of are the poor fish who get caught in soda can plastic holders, the environmental waste of the energy generators, not to mention the damn blasted car, no, no, I will mention them. Those damn blasted cars are killing the polar bears. And, and those bastards who want to stop some stranger from doing something to some stranger's fetus, the poor immigrants who work so hard being illegal, all the healthcare premiums that aren't being paid for by the rich for those 8 children families who only have 8 because it would just plain wrong to tell them to stop having babies if they can't afford them and they can't afford them because of all you white people drag them down, even if they are white themselves. I just don't understand why people want to stop gay marriage when it's clear they love each other soooo much more than any straight couple, just like immigrants work sooo much harder than you or I do and their families are sooo much more important than ours because, you know, they aren't us, so they must be better. And just give those busting their but, literally, to be models or actors, that's right none of this actress stuff that you misogynist sexists call them, a chance, as they are as smart and individualistic as doctors and they are what make America strong an united for all that is good, except for those damn Americans who think they are all that, hate (or love? Who's keeping track?) the Kardashians, but are truly inferior to the Europeans who have others pay for the medical expenses through taxation like a civilized nation. Stupid McDonalds and their misleading fat centers.


Oops, that must have been the California that seeped in while I lived there. Come on, let's try to enjoy the playoffs.



Seriously. Let's unite in support of a Chiefs' victory.

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What a bunch of bull. You don't change it due to cold weather. Lightening storms, extreme blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes I understand but cold, ha.

Right, but this doesn't get any better. We've been rocking at Arrowhead on Sunday Night this greatly improves Chiefs chances.

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What a bunch of bull. You don't change it due to cold weather. Lightening storms, extreme blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes I understand but cold, ha.



They're changing it so that they can clear the roads of ice prior to people heading to Arrowhead. Its for public safety, not for the comfort of the players/fans.

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