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QB Prospects for 2017 Draft

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First, on Stave, he was profiled by the NFL, and was regarded to be 7th round or UDFA. He was an UDFA, and the KC Chiefs are the third team to take a look at him. He has size, and a dent arm. However, he does not seem to know what to do in the pocket, and is immobile. Also, even though he can sling the ball, he is inaccurate. Some of that can be fixed. The coaches will want to look at his footwork, and his point of release. If that is fixed, and he is still off the mark, you can't do much. The lack of mobility is an issue, but you can deal with that if the player has a feel for the pocket. If that is not there, the ceiling is close to the floor.


Second, from what I have seen, Mahomes is the player with the biggest potential. He is not a player who you would consider starting the first year, and maybe not the second year either. I have Mahomes as a second round talent. However, of the 32 teams out there, one desperate team will pick him in the first round, and possibly ruin him. The best scenario is a team would sit him behind a decent QB to learn. Rodgers was better, and Green Bay let him sit behind Favre. It was the best thing to happen for Rodgers, though I doubt he would say as much. 


Nate Peterman is a strong talent, who will be decent, but probably does not have the potential to be a starter. He seems to be a back up.


If you really think you need a QB, then try to trade your first to a desperate team like Cleveland, and snag one next year. Timing is everything.

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Until there is a viable option presented, it will be DeBerg......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Kreig......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Bono......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Grbac......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Cassel......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Thigpen......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Smith or Foles......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Blank......

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Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Smith or Foles......


As I said earlier, I would trade the house for Andrew Luck...but nobody trades Franchise QB's.


...and its about 2000 : 1 odds playing the draft based on history.



Agreed. And those are both options many teams would like to have. Denver, Houston, and Vikes are good teams that come to mind. SF, Cleaveland, Jets, are a few more. I am ready to roll with either and roll the dice on a 2nd or 3rd round QB to compete with Stave and Bray.

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Until there is a viable option presented, it will be DeBerg......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Kreig......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Bono......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Grbac......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Cassel......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Thigpen......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Smith or Foles......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Blank......

You left out Green and Montana. But yesterday has nothing to do with tomorrow.
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You left out Green and Montana. But yesterday has nothing to do with tomorrow.



Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Montana......

Until there is a viable option presented, it will be Green......


Still a few more I'm sure. Still no Super Bowl appearances by QBs that weren't good enough for other teams but were our savior. Montana at least got us to the AFC championship game. Glad the 49ers had a HOF QB to replace him. But still 47 years and counting with this formula.   

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I will say that Montana got knocked out of the championship game or we would have gone.


Green did more than enough but the Colts didn't punt one single time.


I agree with your point, just saying that we have had Rick star QBs and not made it. It is not all QB. It takes a village to storm a hill. Or something like that. The loss this year had several contributors. If you can't run the ball and you can't stop the run, you are in trouble. One of those things can happen, but usually not both.

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Most of those QB's were more successful with the other teams that they came from, the question is why can't they succeed as a Chief, Brady is winning with misfits.

Kreig and Deberg were past their prime when they played so its no surprise that they didn't do well. Bono is the very definition of a jourymen QB so it shouldn't have been huge surprise when he wasn't the guy. Grbac had his best years in KC and cassel was throwing to Moss and playing in an offense that set records the year before.


Brady is possibly the greatest QB of all time. That's what guys that are at his level or close to it, they make guys look better than they really are. None of the QBs listed AZs post were capable of that.

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I don't know what Mahomes could do next year or Foles or anybody else. I do know that Smith hasn't gotten it done. He's 0-3 vs Roethlisberger, Luck & Brady. Same thing over and over and over and over. Same results. That statement that Alex wins is interesting. We give credit to Smith because he just wins. Yet when he loses, excuses fly. So is it fair to say that he wins in the regular season and he loses in the post season? Some will bring up the New Orleans game while he was with SF. Means nothing to me. I don't even remember that. Not important. I'm a Chiefs fan. So. Alex Smith is a good man. He's had his shot. Hope we have someone better that stretches the field, looks down field under pressure, throws beyond the sticks on 3rd & 8. But if Alex is our QB again next year, I'll cheer for him and my Chiefs. Always do. But I think we have a pretty good sample of what to expect. I'm not one who believes that if we plug in an ILB or an OL we are suddenly going to beat the Bradys and Roethlisbergers of the world. Again, hope I'm wrong. That plate of crow is getting cold but I'll gladly eat it.

He'll throw beyond the sticks like on third and 20 in the playoff game and third and 17 earlier in the season. Or numerous times where he threw be on the stick and the ball was dropped. And then add the times, albeit less than before, we picked up first downs running on 3rd and 8+.


We need a quarterback, but talking as if he doesn't do it, is exaggerative. We need better and more good runs on first and second down. We need better blocking. We need better play calling.


I agree on drafting QBs for the future and I understand Smith's tendencies. We will draft someone soon, because I think Smith's availability, Reid coming, was a perfect storm. Now that our team is built better than in 2012 and better than before Cassel, I think we'll draft our own and let him learn the pros (not saying to learn the negatives of Smith, just the rest of the QB position and the pros of Smith).

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Davis Webb had a fantastic Senior Bowl week.

Davis Webb was better in the Senior Bowl game, but he was said to be inconsistent in practices. I personally believe he is better, and has more potential to become a better quarterback than the rest of the quarterbacks at the Senior Bowl. It was unfortunate Deshawn Watson did not participate. If he did, he may have been the better quarterback. Davis Webb was not able to beat out Pat Mahomes at Texas Tech. It may have been unfair that his injuries enabled Mahomes to take his spot. The fact is the coaches at TT decided Mahomes was the better QB. I am glad for Webb that he was able to transfer to Cal, and get the chance to start right away. He may turn out to be the better NFL player. Right now, it seems Mahomes is more consistent, and is seen to be ahead by draft mock prognosticators.

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On 9/30/2018 at 11:34 AM, Chiefsfan1963 said:

Boy it's fun to look back at some of these post. Some were spot on, others way off and still others were close.

LOL! Yeah it was awesome to read. I kept reading, hoping to read someone mention Mahomes specifically. Broncostud & Eraser were on top of it, and I'm impressed. A lot of the discussion was on point also, concerning what the Chiefs might/should do. 

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There were a few others that also ended up helping drive the mahomes train.  Crow and LF if I remember correctly.  Too lazy to check.  Gotta tell you though, I was screaming like a madman at home when we traded up to 10.  I lost my shit for sure.

I was all aboard for Alex until the Pittsburgh game though so what do I know.  Others figured out he wasn't the one before I did.  The Pittsburgh playoff loss just made it obvious.  That's when I started boning up on the draft QBs.

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