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KC Chiefs Players Cut, or June 1 Cut

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RGIII was a very good QB in college. He went to the wrong team, and was coached by a QB killer, who ruined him. Now he plays for the worst team in the league that has had a record of turning decent quarterbacks into feces. I don't know if there will be anything left of him when he is through.


Tyrod Taylor is a very talented quarterback. According to this article http://nflwonderlictestscores.com/how-smart-is-your-teams-qb/ Tayor scored a 15 on the Wonderlic. It does not have RGIII, but I believe his was around 25. I assumed he would have scored higher before the results came out. However, Wonderlic measures quick thinking, and may not always relate to the ability to absorb information. There is a correlation to intelligence, but it is not exact.

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I can't figure out how relevant the Wonderlic is. If I remember right, Alex killed it and quick thinking seems to be his biggest weakness. I think it is instinct more than intelligence that determines quick thinking in the game.

There is a difference from athletic intelligence, and book intelligence. A quarterback needs both.

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Wonderlic is more a test of ability to attain information and elicit a response quickly and accurately, something very important for QBs. It's important for a QB, but I'm not so sure it applies to most positions. I could give a fuck if a D-Lineman got a score of 2 or 42, his job is pretty much to attack. If he can learn a playbook, that's all I really need to know.

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Something that sticks out to me.


Right now the Chiefs will only have roughly 30 million in cap space projected for 2018. They will have 40 million in cap tied up to Smith and Houston.


Houston will still carry a significant dead cap in 17 and they will be letting Dee Ford walk. Smith only carries a dead cap of about 3 million.


I think this is the last year of Alex.

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