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ESPN Power Rankings

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Chiefs at 8.


1. Pats

2. Seahawks

3. Falcons

4. Packers

5. Stealers

6. Cowboys

7. Raiders

8. Chiefs

9. Titans

10. Bucs


Not sure how the Seahawks ranked so high, but I think the Chiefs are about right. I would have them sat 5 or 6, but we will have some trouble getting to the dance with the AFC being so tough.


But look at the love for the Titans and the Bucs. Nice. I think the Titans are going to be a handful this year.


4th in the AFC for the Chiefs. That makes sense. I will believe the Raiders are not the Raiders when they prove they are not the Raiders. Last year they were the cream of the crop and we beat Carr twice. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. We split and we win the West.

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Chiefs at 8.


1. Pats

2. Seahawks

3. Falcons

4. Packers

5. Stealers

6. Cowboys

7. Raiders

8. Chiefs

9. Titans

10. Bucs


Not sure how the Seahawks ranked so high, but I think the Chiefs are about right. I would have them sat 5 or 6, but we will have some trouble getting to the dance with the AFC being so tough.


But look at the love for the Titans and the Bucs. Nice. I think the Titans are going to be a handful this year.


4th in the AFC for the Chiefs. That makes sense. I will believe the Raiders are not the Raiders when they prove they are not the Raiders. Last year they were the cream of the crop and we beat Carr twice. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. We split and we win the West.

Overall seems like a fairly accurate list. I don't think they'll do much or even make the playoffs but I think the Jaguars will be much improved.

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I guess I put AFC teams higher than NFC. I gives some props to the Broncos for grabbing an OT. But they should have gone harder for Oline to give Lynch a shot at success.


Interesting take on the Jags. Are you thinking that first round RB elevates them?

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 I think the Jaguars will be much improved.

in fact, that is part of their marketing slogan this year leading into the season.


"The Jacksonville Jaguars...Much Improved This Year". "And this time WE MEAN IT!"

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in fact, that is part of their marketing slogan this year leading into the season.


"The Jacksonville Jaguars...Much Improved This Year". "And this time WE MEAN IT!"

They might as well tank every year that they don't think that they have a chance of getting the playoffs (aka every year) for next year can be better, even by one game. So win tow, then three, then four, then five, then six, etc. until you get to nine and then tank the next year. Rinse and repeat. They went to the Super Bowl once a while ago so that should bind them over for a while, 40-50 years? Well, they didn't win that year so maybe 30 to 40 is better. I don't think losing in the Super Bowl buys you as much time.

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They might as well tank every year that they don't think that they have a chance of getting the playoffs (aka every year) for next year can be better, even by one game. So win tow, then three, then four, then five, then six, etc. until you get to nine and then tank the next year. Rinse and repeat. They went to the Super Bowl once a while ago so that should bind them over for a while, 40-50 years? Well, they didn't win that year so maybe 30 to 40 is better. I don't think losing in the Super Bowl buys you as much time.

What team are you talking about here?

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Overall seems like a fairly accurate list. I don't think they'll do much or even make the playoffs but I think the Jaguars will be much improved.

people say that about the jags every year.  


and they always suck balls.  


if Luck is healthy, the colts will own the AFC south

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Lord I hope so. Consistently the worst division. Not a legit playoff team to be found in that swamp. I think Tenn can take a step. Maybe Houston now that they have an upgrade at QB.


Colts could be better. Maybe if they hit on those defensive rookies in the first 3 rounds they can turn it around. They are pretty bad though.

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The AFC South is running through Nashville this year.

I think the Titans are a team to be careful of for sure. They have a lot of good, young talent. I like Mariota. Just don't know if they have a killer instinct yet. That opening game at home against the Raiders should be a good test out of the gate.

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Well, it's not running through Indianapolis.


I'm not sure if the Texans got better beyond the fact they traded Brock. Ballard is going to need more than a single spring to undo years of terrible Grigson moves.

andrew luck is enough as long as pagano will stop being terrible
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andrew luck is enough as long as pagano will stop being terrible

And if he learns to stop holding onto the ball for so long. I don't know if it is because his receivers are not getting open or his line is that bad.

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And if he learns to stop holding onto the ball for so long. I don't know if it is because his receivers are not getting open or his line is that bad.

it is a lot of things really.  


1)  route combinations are terrible.  too many times they send everyone deep and for the life of me i don't understand how they don't adjust.   rarely do they have blitz beaters built in.  they just go max protect, send 2 wr's and hope they get open before luck gets killed.   


2)  arians had a big influence on him.  he wants to throw deep and hold the ball.  just like rapistburger did under arians.  luck doesn't check down enough


3)  the line has been bad


4)  lack of a possession wr since wayne left


5)  luck doesn't throw guys open all that well.  he is late with the ball a lot.  lets the wr clear before throwing.  


6)  pagano is a shit coach



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