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He will have a lengthy suspension. I don't think he will be kept on the team. Not even the Raiders are going to put up with that. I think some sort of prison time is more likely than not. Those are some serious charges.

Do we know any of the details? Was it in defense of his sister? Was he drunk? Both? Neither? Was it justified defensive or simply fatherly protective?


Not that the NFL cares about that when they divy out suspensions. They do that even when there is no conviction.

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Do we know any of the details? Was it in defense of his sister? Was he drunk? Both? Neither? Was it justified defensive or simply fatherly protective?


Not that the NFL cares about that when they divy out suspensions. They do that even when there is no conviction.

All I know is what I read. He beat his sister's boyfriend almost to death and stomped on his head. The injuries inflicted we're described as very, very bad. It sounded like they were life threatening. I don't think Smith will ever play NFL football again. JMO.
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No prison. I just don't see it

None of us knows the circumstances. True that his rage may have been justifiable, but emotion and action are two different things. We cannot choose how something makes us feel, but we can always choose what we DO in response to a feeling. To not be able to do that is to "live in a world of reaction." The courts only can consider feelings as motive with regard to sentencing, but whether crime was committed is a different thing. If Smith was justified in his anger, he may get off. But there was unreasonable force if he was stomping on the guy's head after he was down. Smith has an aggression problem, maybe completely as a result of a drinking problem. Many alcoholics become the nicest people in the world once in recovery. But I don't think any NFL general manager will ever want to take a risk on him again. His prior DUI could be everything on how this is interpreted.

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