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They train NFL athletes to be stronger in their muscles than the tendons that the muscles use to attach to the bone.  The muscles are just too strong for the tendons.  Chiefs have no more than their share.  What to do?  No ideas. Make tendons stronger?  Maybe there is some supplement not yet known that increases the stretch-ability of tendons and ligaments.  Its like silly putty.  You pull on it quickly, and it breaks.  You pull on it slowly and it just stretches. Maybe stretching exercises need to include rapid stretching.  As it is, the exercises only stretch out the muscles so that they don't pop or break some muscle fibers. 

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They train NFL athletes to be stronger in their muscles than the tendons that the muscles use to attach to the bone.  The muscles are just too strong for the tendons.  Chiefs have no more than their share.  What to do?  No ideas. Make tendons stronger?  Maybe there is some supplement not yet known that increases the stretch-ability of tendons and ligaments.  Its like silly putty.  You pull on it quickly, and it breaks.  You pull on it slowly and it just stretches. Maybe stretching exercises need to include rapid stretching.  As it is, the exercises only stretch out the muscles so that they don't pop or break some muscle fibers. 


What can they do Bily? What can they do? :rolleyes:

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He wiped Gronk out of the game. They are gonna struggle a lot without him.

Sorenson, has covered TEs pretty well. He's no EB though. Expect Murray step up as well. The coaches have been high on him. Veach, will more than likely sign another safety. As of now we have 3.

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I think the DJ injury during the latter part of 2016 is more dissipating. We had no time to recover and adapt.

I think you're minimizing what a MVP caliber player does just a bit.


Without him KC maybe never comes back to win last night and certainly never would of won the AFC West in 2016. They lost an elite player.

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Sucks bad. The blessing is that is was a deep position. Peters, Houston, or DJ would have hurt worse IMO. We don't have a dirty Dan ready to step in while a Murray learns. It would be KPL or Kpass starting. No idea who would start the Peters.

Someone needs to step up with confidence

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