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Time for the Iggles

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I was going to use the Evad reverse-jynxed methodology in my prediction, but decided to try and stick to reality  :lol:. I just watched the condensed version of the Eagles/Redskins game. The Eagles Dline is good, but I'm not sure about their Oline. The young QB Wentz moves around well in the pocket and gets rid of the ball fast. The Redskins and Eagles didn't run the ball very much, and it seems like it was all on the Quarterbacks trying to make big plays and missing.  If I had to choose between the two, I'd take Wentz.


The TE Ertz for the Eagle is solid, and could give the Chiefs problems, without Berry. Their receivers don't look much better than the Chiefs. If the Chiefs are able to establish a running game with Hunt and a mix of west, it will really help them against that aggressive Eagles Dline. 


I don't know what's going to happen but my best prediction (with some bias mixed in) is 24-17 Chiefs (in a hardfought game). 

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This Sunday's game could be a tough one for the Chiefs.  The Eagles d-line is very good; much better than the Pats and it probable that Hunt won't be able to make the yards that he did in week 1.  Also, Smith will have less time to make his progressions like he did in NE.  The other concern is the Chiefs' run defense on their right side.  Ford just doesn't do the job.  He either penetrates to deeply or gets taken out by the LT or a TE.  Philly will pick up the way to exploit him from the game one tapes.  On the other hand, the loss of Darby will hurt the Eagles big time.  Who will replace him and can that person cover Hill or Conley?  They can't double everyone since Kelce should eat up two defenders.  Also, it's better to face Wentz than Brady 95% of the time.  Expect more of a defensive game than last week.


Chiefs 27

Eagles 20


(I could be wrong)

Sometimes I just amaze myself.   :)  :)

Glad I didn't make an over-optimistic prediction like West did.

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