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Bennie Logan

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Thinking you can easily get a quality starting NT on the second day is not realistic. Getting one in the first round is a crap shoot. If you have one, hang onto him.

0 techs don't have the value they once had.  They aren't that hard to get and every draft pick is a literal crap shoot so ok?


The Chiefs can't afford to keep everybody and if you want to keep Logan so bad, are you going to let Morse or Peters walk?

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Due to position, Morse in a heartbeat. Peters no. But he is not up for a contract next year, is he? I don't think Morse or Logan will break the bank. And maybe Logan falls off through the season who knows. But I still remember an era of Downing, Sims, Freeman, Siavii... Ole Spithood.


For 3 or 4 years we spent most of our first draft picks on DTs and weren't finding much of anything. This group of the 3 amigos with a clogging wall in the middle is a perfect situation to fix our poor run defense and still have guy's that can get pressure around.


If he costs 8 million per that is another story. I agree don't sell the farm to get him. Or anyone this coming off season.

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Being really bad at drafting a decade ago doesn't mean finding a gap clogger is hard.


Morse will command around 9 mil a year on avg. Peters is a guy you want to give a long term deal immediately because he's getting better each year so his cost will go up. The fact he's getting better and better shoots that cost to the moon.


People bitched that they waited too long to sign Berry and Houston...and they did and paid dearly for it. Peters is a star and needs to be paid like one.


The 2 of them could easily avg around 25m a year combined.

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