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Will Houston show up tomorrow?

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Should Justin Houston decide to skip the OTA's starting tomorrow he will be fined up to $60,000(that is total amount) since these are mandatory. 


If he is holding out for a new contract, he might as well skip them and keep the leverage on his side. $60,000 is nothing compared to the signing bonus that he would get with a new deal. 


Will be interesting to see if he shows up tomorrow.

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He is under contract and should show up.....No reason to lose the PR war.




My guess is they have been working on a deal for sometime now. They are probably fairly close, and he doesnt want to jeopardize his future by getting injuried. I completely understand it from his point of view. He hasn't made a ton of money by NFL standards yet, and he is set to have a big pay day. A blown out knee could cost him a lot of money. And if he shows up trying not to get injuried, chances are he will probably get injuried because that is just how those things usually turn out. 

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Nothing official, but I'm reading that he's not going to show up today. 


I'm so sick of players holding out....I don't care about the situation.  The CBA won't let Houston get any more money this year regardless...

Unless he gets a career ending injury, if he's at practice today and gets hurt it shouldn't effect his future.  And if it IS a career ending injury, still believing he should get money is also ridiculous as well...


Do the Chiefs get to ask Tyson Jackson for 30 million dollars back because he sucks?  No....

Do we get 60 million back for Matt Cassel?  No....Larry Johnson....nope....


A contract needs to be honored by both sides.  If a team decides in good faith to give a player a bonus or a new contract, then so be it....otherwise get your pads on an play...


Jamal Charles probably has a better case than anyone in the NFL not named Russell Wilson to get paid more than he is currently.  The difference is that Jamal has performed at his level for several years and still hasn't asked for more....


Have some class NFL....

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Nothing official, but I'm reading that he's not going to show up today. 


I'm so sick of players holding out....I don't care about the situation.  The CBA won't let Houston get any more money this year regardless...

Unless he gets a career ending injury, if he's at practice today and gets hurt it shouldn't effect his future.  And if it IS a career ending injury, still believing he should get money is also ridiculous as well...


Do the Chiefs get to ask Tyson Jackson for 30 million dollars back because he sucks?  No....

Do we get 60 million back for Matt Cassel?  No....Larry Johnson....nope....


A contract needs to be honored by both sides.  If a team decides in good faith to give a player a bonus or a new contract, then so be it....otherwise get your pads on an play...


Jamal Charles probably has a better case than anyone in the NFL not named Russell Wilson to get paid more than he is currently.  The difference is that Jamal has performed at his level for several years and still hasn't asked for more....


Have some class NFL....

Keep in mind contracts are negotiated by both sides with the knowledge that the entire terms of the contract will not be honored.  It's just a way to manage the guaranteed money under the cap.  If players are so naive to think they'll get all of their money on a deal, especially if they are non-productive, then I feel sorry for their ignorance.


The beauty of the NFL salary cap system is that it allows teams to recover from bad contracts.  They aren't stuck like the NBA where one bad contract can ruin your team for years.


Still the cap is a challenge.


That why teams have to use intelligence in how much guaranteed money they give out.  Keep this in mind when watching the Al negotiations, as his agent will be trying to fleece the Chiefs for every guaranteed dollar he can get for himself.  This for a player, like Cassel, hasn't really proven anything.  At least with Al they can wait and see.  They had to sign Cassel on blind faith that he would be the answer.

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Justin Houston and, more importantly, his agent don't care about PR.  They don't care about his leadership role on the team.  He's either a leader or he isn't.  The other players all understand the business end of football and realize a player has to do what he has to do to get paid.


As for the fans and PR.  Really?  JH and co. don't really care about the fan's opinion.  We are a necessary evil in their world.  Besides, we fans are fickle.  We don't really care what a player does until the games start in September.  Justin Houston can hold out, should he choose, for as long as he wants and most like be ready for game 1.  And most of us will not care except for the traditionalists.


Hell, we cheered the biggest jerk in the league, Larry Johnson, as long as he was scoring TD's for our team.


The Chiefs would be smart to handle this now.  JH will never be as cheap as he is today, barring catastrophe.  6 yr/$72M/$20M bonus should do it.  Get er done, Dorsey.  

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Justin Houston and, more importantly, his agent don't care about PR. They don't care about his leadership role on the team. He's either a leader or he isn't. The other players all understand the business end of football and realize a player has to do what he has to do to get paid.


As for the fans and PR. Really? JH and co. don't really care about the fan's opinion. We are a necessary evil in their world. Besides, we fans are fickle. We don't really care what a player does until the games start in September. Justin Houston can hold out, should he choose, for as long as he wants and most like be ready for game 1. And most of us will not care except for the traditionalists.


Hell, we cheered the biggest jerk in the league, Larry Johnson, as long as he was scoring TD's for our team.


The Chiefs would be smart to handle this now. JH will never be as cheap as he is today, barring catastrophe. 6 yr/$72M/$20M bonus should do it. Get er done, Dorsey.

Didn't you argue not to long ago that we didn't need to address his contract this year?

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Well this season is really starting off on the right foot....


Contract woes, stars getting released, no shows at practice, not enough money to keep or sign quality fa's.

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