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Shit I saw in the Game Thread

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Andy’s play calling sucks (one of the best offenses in the league)


Peters is a cancer and needs to go (bitch please)


Sutton’s an idiot (beat Brady, Wentz, Rivers, and Cousins)


Why are we running plays for Wilson (makes key play on game winning drive)


We’re gonna get blown out (how’d that work out)


Talk about some negative fuckery! Geez some of you are fucking depressing


Watch the goddamn game, enjoy it, and stop fuckin’ whining for a couple hours.

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Andy’s play calling sucks (one of the best offenses in the league)


Peters is a cancer and needs to go (bitch please)


Sutton’s an idiot (beat Brady, Wentz, Rivers, and Cousins)


Why are we running plays for Wilson (makes key play on game winning drive)


We’re gonna get blown out (how’d that work out)


Talk about some negative fuckery! Geez some of you are fucking depressing


Watch the goddamn game, enjoy it, and stop fuckin’ whining for a couple hours.

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LOL I feel you brotha :D . But this is a game that evokes strong emotions, doesn't it? So I can understand why people will have the odd moan here and there. But some of the comments you listed were just savage man. I was positive all the way through and tried my best to inspire others to stay calm and keep the faith. We support a damn good team yall, who have given us some epics wins. So a little faith is the least they deserve I'd think.

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Yeah, the game thread is hard for me to read also. It's not so much the negativity, but how bad it reads like the Chiefs are doing. When I get a chance to watch the game for myself, it's never as bad as it seems, IMHO. 

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Andy’s play calling sucks (one of the best offenses in the league)


Peters is a cancer and needs to go (bitch please)


Sutton’s an idiot (beat Brady, Wentz, Rivers, and Cousins)


Why are we running plays for Wilson (makes key play on game winning drive)


We’re gonna get blown out (how’d that work out)


Talk about some negative fuckery! Geez some of you are fucking depressing


Watch the goddamn game, enjoy it, and stop fuckin’ whining for a couple hours.

Andy's playcalling has indeed been suspect, going all the way back to his days at Philly.  A quarter season doesn't negate that.   


Wilson's catch was an improv play that he very nearly didn't catch.  The plays that were designed for him were hardly positive.  With so many other weapons, Wilson shouldn't be getting jet sweeps over Hunt and Hill.

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I look at the Game thread as as more of a vent thread..people have the roller coaster of emotions  that the Chiefs are experts at giving..if you want Sunshine & Daisies listen to Mitch Holthus ..(which OBTW I had to turn off because by half time I wanted to throat punch him) 


 I'm glad..no make that Thankful and overjoyed we got some more guys on the board regardless of the weekly spazz attacks on Game Threads.

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Watch the goddamn game, enjoy it, and stop fuckin’ whining for a couple hours.

I've been saying that for years. It's really sad when people rewatch the game and break it down like some sort of wannabe coaches.


Football is entertainment, if you can't enjoy watching entertainment it must not be entertaining, if it's not entertaining then don't watch.

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Andy's playcalling has indeed been suspect, going all the way back to his days at Philly. A quarter season doesn't negate that.


Wilson's catch was an improv play that he very nearly didn't catch. The plays that were designed for him were hardly positive. With so many other weapons, Wilson shouldn't be getting jet sweeps over Hunt and Hill.

Meh. You have to get other guys involved. If you only ever run plays to the same guys teams will key in on that pretty quickly.

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I guess a game thread is a way for fans to vent while watching the game?????  I'm too old, i only

can do one thing at a time, so i choose to watch the game and it is just a game after all, at least that's

what I tell my son when he screams at the TV  :D

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Oh I bet a few of those are from some of the guys that came from scout. It was annoying and why I stay away from game threads. Grown men can't handle their emotions there. And type it for all to see.

I came over from Scout and all they did was bitch about everything.  Some of the posters would get into personal arguments with each other throughout the threads. 

Soo much negativity and Im hoping it doesn't start over here

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To be fair, it's not just the game day threads. I was at the game and the guy next to me got in a fight with the guy behind him because he would not shut up about Alex Smith sucking and Reid being an idiot. He was using lots of profanity and very loud. It almost came to blows when the kid missed the kick. Here or there, it takes away from the enjoyment of the game. And, generally, it has reflected more on the complete lack of knowledge of the game of the posters and whiners. You would think that after being wrong like 27 times out of 31 that they might recognize that they are not nearly as smart as they think they are.

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I came over from Scout and all they did was bitch about everything.  Some of the posters would get into personal arguments with each other throughout the threads. 

Soo much negativity and Im hoping it doesn't start over here


it wont and if it does let someone know about it.. it'll get


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Great game against a good team. The skins D was the hardest-hitting team we've faced in a while... hit so hard half their defense had to be helped off the field... but we just kept plugging. Smith is playing well...

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Not really that bad. Just discussing as the game went on. We were having similar discussions at the Restaurant as we watched with Chief fans. No reason to lean in to the board if its all goody goody talk.


Reality: If the guy catches that pass in the end zone this conversation would be much different and much more negative. Great win and with some luck too.

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I can never participate in a game day thread because I either have to watch the game delayed or I will rewind to see a play and if something happens live in the time that I am lagging, it screws that up for me.


I cannot watch a game with my dad because he will check the scores while the game is delayed. I can read him like a book even though he thinks I can't. Well, I can't say that. I don't think he even knows that I know he's checking. He will leave the room before something bad happens and then come back and say, "what did you do?" There will be a good play, I will see the "wow" expression on his face or he will accidentally say it. So yes I can avoid looking, but it's an instinct to see. It's not fun having to try to not see.

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Meh. You have to get other guys involved. If you only ever run plays to the same guys teams will key in on that pretty quickly.

You won't get an argument from me on that front, but I can think of about 5 guys I'd rather have touch the ball than Wilson.  I'll give the guy his due, he came up big when we needed it, but I'd be lying if I said I was comfortable with him getting the ball in game situations.  He very nearly didn't catch that pass last night, and if that ball had hit the ground, there would've been thousands upon thousands of people calling for him to be cut today.  It's a game of inches, and on that play he was on the right side of it.  I hate to say it, but I'd be willing to bet that before the year is over, Wilson will put the ball on the ground on one of those jet sweeps.  

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Oh I bet a few of those are from some of the guys that came from scout. It was annoying and why I stay away from game threads. Grown men can't handle their emotions there. And type it for all to see.


yeah, sorry guys.  alot of bed wetters.  I didn't even bother looking at this board until today because of it. 

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Andy's playcalling has indeed been suspect, going all the way back to his days at Philly.  A quarter season doesn't negate that.   


Wilson's catch was an improv play that he very nearly didn't catch.  The plays that were designed for him were hardly positive.  With so many other weapons, Wilson shouldn't be getting jet sweeps over Hunt and Hill.


yep, a HOF coach is a moron.  Stop this nonsense.

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