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Alex "F It" Smith

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It's interesting to read this thread. I remember back in the DV years, we would debate and compare them to the Marty teams. That's just how it goes. What makes this time different for me is that there are no other teams comparable to what those Chiefs teams faced back then.


Both the DV and Marty teams had other teams that could compete very well than them, and gave them problems, the Broncos, Steelers and Bills come to mind (more the Broncos). The Steelers, Pats, and again the Broncos seem to be those teams in this era, but the Chiefs have already beat the Pats and the Broncos and Steelers don't scare me as much ( still scare me some). 


I used to hold back some of my feelings about the Chiefs, fearing I would jinx them. The reality is, they are either good enough or not, and me typing it on a internet forum will make no difference. I think this may be the year for the Chiefs to do something. 


The hard time I'm having is wondering how and when they will lose, and what weaknesses will be exposed, if any; and how they will overcome it.

Great. Now you jinxed them.

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It's nice to see you lie and misquote in here just like you did in the other place. What I said is Tyreek won't be Antonio Brown. And he won't be. He is a gadget player, and a great one. I never said Bowe would become an All Pro again with any other QB. You are truly pathetic, but I guess you still are butthurt by getting exposed for all your anti Dorsey garbage, just days after you said you gave up your season tickets because he was fired. What a joke you became when you had to switch to full homer mode. What a joke you evidently still are. Thought a new start might help you out, but I was wrong.

Hill is far beyond a gadget player.

Darren sproles was a gadget player.

Dante hall, was a gadget player.

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Funny how the jinxing thing works. My father in law would not watch them on television for several years. He could only listen on the radio in his shop. Finally, he realized that he was jinxing them by listening on the radio and switched back to television. He continued to jinx them, but he at least enjoyed it more watching rather than listening. He passed away a few years ago. He would really have enjoyed this latest run.

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It's interesting to read this thread. I remember back in the DV years, we would debate and compare them to the Marty teams. That's just how it goes. What makes this time different for me is that there are no other teams comparable to what those Chiefs teams faced back then.


Both the DV and Marty teams had other teams that could compete very well than them, and gave them problems, the Broncos, Steelers and Bills come to mind (more the Broncos). The Steelers, Pats, and again the Broncos seem to be those teams in this era, but the Chiefs have already beat the Pats and the Broncos and Steelers don't scare me as much ( still scare me some).


I used to hold back some of my feelings about the Chiefs, fearing I would jinx them. The reality is, they are either good enough or not, and me typing it on a internet forum will make no difference. I think this may be the year for the Chiefs to do something.


The hard time I'm having is wondering how and when they will lose, and what weaknesses will be exposed, if any; and how they will overcome it.

Maybe not saying what you think is what jinxed us? ;)

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I'm most impressed by his arm strength. I never thought it was there. He's gotten stronger. Brady's arm has gotten better over time as well.

Those deep outs that he has last week were most impressive. I truly didn't think he could make those throws.

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I'm most impressed by his arm strength. I never thought it was there. He's gotten stronger. Brady's arm has gotten better over time as well.

Those deep outs that he has last week were most impressive. I truly didn't think he could make those throws.


Yup and the pocket presense, no more dropping his eyes or leaving the pocket prematurely to take off running.  That first TD pass to West is something he didn't do in the past.  Alex 2.0 is blowing my mind

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wow, going out on a limb saying Tyreek won't be the best WR in the NFL, lol


Back to the original point, obviously TG would be ahead of Kelce and Kennison would easily be a #2 here for us now. Kennison had good years before he came to us, Dorsey would have not looked the other way just because he was cut by other teams, he didn't do that for guys like Mitchell and Ron Parker so that statement has no legs to stand on.

 The comparison being made was actually to DeShon Jackson which I think will prove to be a pretty good one. This year people started using the A Brown comparisons which is both exciting and also seems unrealistic.  Point is we currently have a WR group of mainly system guys who would be backups elsewhere that are really helped out because Tyreek commands so much attention. And even he right now is clearly still learning nuances of the position.

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I'm most impressed by his arm strength. I never thought it was there. He's gotten stronger. Brady's arm has gotten better over time as well.

Those deep outs that he has last week were most impressive. I truly didn't think he could make those throws.

He had been playing not to lose. Now he's playing not to lose his job. Big difference. Lovin' every minute of it,hey, hey, Lovin' every minute of it.

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It's nice to see you lie and misquote in here just like you did in the other place.  What I said is Tyreek won't be Antonio Brown.   And he won't be.  He is a gadget player, and a great one.  I never said Bowe would become an All Pro again with any other QB.  You are truly pathetic, but I guess you still are butthurt by getting exposed for all your anti Dorsey garbage, just days after you said you gave up your season tickets because he was fired.  What a joke you became when you had to switch to full homer mode.  What a joke you evidently still are.  Thought a new start might help you out, but I was wrong.  

My apologies DaBlue. Fair game to tear apart the idea our WRs have been better with Smith than Trent. But i inflamed situation by going beyond that and shouldn't have. This was my fault. Still crazy to think that Wilson, Conley are in the same league with Kennison or Morton but Ive said my peace. I'll try to stick to debating my points with facts and not trying to point out things not relevant to that.

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I can't stand Larry Johnson, but he was great for whatever reason for 2 years. Definitely the offensive line was a big part of it. But he too had 20 touchdowns a game a 2150 yards from scrimmage for a couple years. You can't say besides Holmes there wasn't much talent when the top two rushing seasons belong to him.


And Charles was crazy talented. But he was not the complete running back that Holmes was in my opinion. And other than YPC, his numbers are not comparable to the ones Holmes put up for 3 years prior to his injury.


There was a highlight that always comes to my mind. LJ comes in to give Holmes a breather and Chiefs are lined up for run in the red zone. LJ takes the hand off and scores from 9 yards out with no defender touching him in the entire process. No DL, LB, or DB laid a finger on him. I think that shows why he was so successful in KC. The OL was one of the best group in NFL history and some "experts" even touted them as the best ever back in those days.

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 The comparison being made was actually to DeShon Jackson which I think will prove to be a pretty good one. This year people started using the A Brown comparisons which is both exciting and also seems unrealistic.  Point is we currently have a WR group of mainly system guys who would be backups elsewhere that are really helped out because Tyreek commands so much attention. And even he right now is clearly still learning nuances of the position.

Moving forward, if we want to get the most out of Hill, we need a true #1 receiver.  He'd easily be the best #2 in the game, but there has to be someone to take that attention away from  him.  What we need opposite him is a Randy Moss, Terrell Owens type of receiver that commands defensive presence.  

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Moving forward, if we want to get the most out of Hill, we need a true #1 receiver.  He'd easily be the best #2 in the game, but there has to be someone to take that attention away from  him.  What we need opposite him is a Randy Moss, Terrell Owens type of receiver that commands defensive presence.  

100 percent agree. The money we save on switching to Mahomes allows us to go get the best WR in free agency next year. Or we use our 2nd rounder. The oline is largely locked up. This has the potential to become a long term lethal offense with a move like this.

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Was listening to Arrowhead-Pride podcast yesterday and the question came up as to who they felt would be our QB in the 2018 season? Out of the three guys one said Smith and the other two said Mahomes simply because Smith is hot property right now and we could get a 2nd round pick out of him, and then unleash Pat. 


And tbh, I'd probably agree with that but if he continues to play the way he has been then my word it's gonna be a tougher decision to make. The only thing that makes me agree is Pat's potential is scary and he could genuinely be a "Rodgers" type of QB. So is there any point in holding him back any longer when we could just let him play and potentially strengthen the team in other areas with another 2nd round pick? 

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Was listening to Arrowhead-Pride podcast yesterday and the question came up as to whether who they felt would be our QB in the 2018 season? Out of the three guys one said Smith and the other two said Mahomes simply because Smith is hot property right now and we could get a 2nd round pick out of him, and then unleash Pat. 


And tbh, I'd probably agree with that but if he continues to play the way he has been then my word it's gonna be a tougher decision to make. The only thing that makes me agree is Pat's potential is scary and he could genuinely be a "Rodgers" type of QB. So is there any point in holding him back any longer when we could just let him play and potentially strengthen the team in other areas with another 2nd round pick? 

Yep, I like the 2nd round draft for Smith. I happy with Smith's performance this year. He is the cog in the offense's success. But I'm also pissed at smith because, where has he been the last 3-4 years? He's made some of us suffer with his conservative checkdown, play not to lose character, and now ALL OF SUDDEN, he's in the MVP discussion?




If we do make it/WIN the SB this year, I think we should try and get everything we can for him, and let him walk.

Mahomes has already showed us what his "Natural" characteristics are...He likes to sling it, and go up top. 


I think Reid's challenge with Mahomes will be getting him to use his checkdowns, versus his trying to convince him to go deep (Alex Smith) 

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Yeah, I would too as I think If we don't win the SB this year, we're certainly gonna be in the mix next year with a couple more quality additions. But that can only be achieved if we get another 2nd round pick. Also think that Pat watching how Alex is operating this year will only do him well. How Alex is running with the ball, operating in the pocket, knowing when to throw the ball away and not just sling it upfield etc, he'll be sucking up all of that information right now. Pat is also a self-confessed Rodgers fan so I also hope that he's watching countless tapes of his idol and soaking up what he sees from Aaron too. 

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It reminds me of SD when they had to pick betwwen Brees and Rivers. Brees had finally had his "f it" moment and took off to NO to play balls out. Can't say either team lost on the deal or that Smith is Brees, but it's going to be a tough call especially if he gets us to the SB.

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Was listening to Arrowhead-Pride podcast yesterday and the question came up as to who they felt would be our QB in the 2018 season? Out of the three guys one said Smith and the other two said Mahomes simply because Smith is hot property right now and we could get a 2nd round pick out of him, and then unleash Pat.


And tbh, I'd probably agree with that but if he continues to play the way he has been then my word it's gonna be a tougher decision to make. The only thing that makes me agree is Pat's potential is scary and he could genuinely be a "Rodgers" type of QB. So is there any point in holding him back any longer when we could just let him play and potentially strengthen the team in other areas with another 2nd round pick?

Don't take this the wrong way as I don't think that Smith wants "to be out of Kansas City" but he will want to play as long as he can and so the sooner he gets to a good situation, the better. He would rather play here one year than go to a bad situation.


So while he is playing for next year and I don't believe he would demand a trade, that would work out best for him in my opinion longer-term.


For us, getting something good in return, using the cap savings, and giving Mahomes more playing time as opposed to learning time would be good. No one wants to be a lame duck quarterback. Especially the one who is going to be 34.


I think that if we win the Super Bowl, that guarantees that Smith will start somewhere next year. If we don't, I believe he will be on a team no matter what and he will have to compete for every year he plays. But this year determines whether he is a mentor, stopgap, longer term starter, etc.


While I thought that Andy Reid would emphasize competition when asked about Patrick, he has instead emphasized that Smith isn't getting any younger. That doesn't tell me anything on their plans on the future because we already assumed that Mahomes is the guy, but it does show a little bit about the mutual understanding that this isn't a job that Smith will fend away for long term. Smith can fend a way to keep his job until next year and then boom everyone gets old.

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I am a Chiefs fan first and I look long term. I feel short term Smith playing at his current level is better than going through the growing pains with Mahomes as a rookie, even if those growing pains are minimal.


Long-term, I don't think that there is much for him to gain by sitting next year. Those growing pains will be even smaller than they would have been this year and this is with the understanding that not everyone has to sit. While I think that this coaching staff would not let him suffer through what Smith did in San Francisco and our supporting cast would not be as poor, and that Mahomes has a natural confidence, I still think it is better if Smith plays if he is playing the way he is now or similar.


Those who have succeeded as a rookie typically have because of their surrounding cast the first year and then afterwords they need to keep up. Prescott is still a good player, and when a rookie does really well, I think they're more likely to have a sophomore slump than a quarterback who starts the second year will.


Secondarily, as a fan who likes Smith, I would like him to go to a good situation in the NFC. One that he could if he plays well warrant another contract that isn't a back up contract. I didn't like his exit from San Francisco because I wasn't a Niners fan and because I felt that he was winning and lost his job to an inferior quarterback who got hot. I think Mahomes is better than that. Here in Kansas City, I think drafting Mahomes gave him a reason feeling that there was not only the need to win but also how to play in doing so. That being in the game was all that was needed and being in the right place could work out wasn't sufficient. I think he already knew that in San Francisco, but Harbaugh didn't need or want Smith's to be any more than that. He wanted to groom and play Kaepernick. I feel Reid is actually trying to develop Smith, win with Smith, and groom Mahomes for the future. Harbaugh was either or, not &. I believe Andy is "and."

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Morton was 31 and done by the time he got here. Nice WR in Detroit, done when he came to KC. Kennison was cut by multiple teams before coming to KC and getting resurrected late in his career. Dorsey would not have signed Morton, and Kennison, if he made the team, would be behind Chesson. And I liked Eddie, but the WR's on this team have been talented, but limited by the QB until this year.

First off I think its pointless to speculate about what Dorsey would or would not have done with said players, but I'll take the bait. I think you are wrong. Dorsey took Jason Avant, Donnie Avery, and traded player for player to acquire AJ Jenkins. All started at some point and all did nothing for the Chiefs. Kennison and Morton had far better careers as Chiefs players than the above mentioned. Kennison had multiple successful seasons prior to the Chiefs as well as some bad seasons.


As for Tyreek Hill being a gadget player...not in 2017. He is the 12th ranked receiver in yards and Kelce sits at 13th. Kelce has probably caught more gadget shuffle passes than any other receiver in the league. Per a stat I read at AP Hill has played 70%+ of his snaps at the same WR position. Not a gadget player.


As for who had better weapons I don't think you can compare. Trent had one of the best lines of NFL history blocking for him. That will make being a QB much easier to shred a defense.

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100 percent agree. The money we save on switching to Mahomes allows us to go get the best WR in free agency next year. Or we use our 2nd rounder. The oline is largely locked up. This has the potential to become a long term lethal offense with a move like this.

I disagree with you both that he can't be a #1 WR. He already is. He's better then most of the NFL's #1 WR. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=0&statisticCategory=RECEIVING&conference=null&season=2017&seasonType=REG&d-447263-s=RECEIVING_YARDS&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-n=1


2 players ahead of him already had their 6th game so he easily could slide into the top 10 this weekend. How is that not a #1 WR? Now I don't disagree that having a better WR opposite him wouldn't take the offense to the next level but I think you both are selling Hill short. He's still learning too.

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I disagree with you both that he can't be a #1 WR. He already is. He's better then most of the NFL's #1 WR. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=0&statisticCategory=RECEIVING&conference=null&season=2017&seasonType=REG&d-447263-s=RECEIVING_YARDS&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-n=1


2 players ahead of him already had their 6th game so he easily could slide into the top 10 this weekend. How is that not a #1 WR? Now I don't disagree that having a better WR opposite him wouldn't take the offense to the next level but I think you both are selling Hill short. He's still learning too.

My point had nothing to do with him being a number one WR. That's just a label. What we need is a really good complimentary WR to make offense elite long term and protect against one injury burying offense. Tyreek has real WR skills and great hands. He's also still pretty raw and not near an elite WR yet.

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I disagree with you both that he can't be a #1 WR. He already is. He's better then most of the NFL's #1 WR. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=0&statisticCategory=RECEIVING&conference=null&season=2017&seasonType=REG&d-447263-s=RECEIVING_YARDS&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-n=1


2 players ahead of him already had their 6th game so he easily could slide into the top 10 this weekend. How is that not a #1 WR? Now I don't disagree that having a better WR opposite him wouldn't take the offense to the next level but I think you both are selling Hill short. He's still learning too.


Yeah, more quality WR's should certainly be a target next season. I'm hoping Robinson can realise his potential though as I think he's got everything in his arsenal to become a star in the NFL.

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All Smith needes was an elite RB and he got it with Kareem. Elite TE and RB just like he had in SF with Vernon Davis and Frank Gore. The O-Line is almost as solid as SFs line back in 2011.

The Squealers have played who at QB so far? Rookie Kizer, Casey Keenum, McGlennon, Flacco, and Bortles..Give me a break. Chiefs win by a couple of scores. Time to set Big Ben's clock back and keep them in reverse. If we are a SB team then this will happen.

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