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So, which one of our WR's replaces Conley?

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I was never Conley's biggest fan to be honest as I like my wide receivers to score touchdowns. But needless to say It's devastating for the guy and he seems like a really nice man so best wishes to him and hopefully, he'll have a speedy recovery.


So the question is who steps in for Conley now? And how do yall think it will effect our offence? Could it actually improve maybe?


These are the guys on the roster



1. Demarcus Robinson


is a video of him.




2. Jehu Chesson


is a video of him




3. Marcus Kemp (practice squad member)


is a video of him




4. Gehrig Dieter (practice squad member)


is a video of him



Albert Wilson and De'Anthony Thomas we already know what they are about. 



So what do you think guys? Now Obviously, Robinson is probably in the front seat as he's been playing more than the others. But what do you think of the skill set of this bunch? Robinson seems to be a decent prospect, but I must say Chesson looks like he has very good hands and some of the routes he runs in that video suggest he's got a lot of intelligence to his play. Do you think either of them will be able to actually improve our offence? Because let's be honest, Conley barely threatened the N-Zone this season despite making some crucial catches at times.


I also think Dieter could be the one who's promoted from the practice squad as his hands are ridiculous in that video. 


I've heard some fans suggest we try and do a trade for a player and if you prefer that option then who would you like to bring in that we could realistically target?



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Like Conley, Robinson is a better fit for a Mahomes run offense but he will outplay Conley if truly given an honest chance. Conley is a better run blocker at the moment though. Robinson has serious talent and hopefully we get to see it.

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I don't think it'll be a "next man up" thing since no other WR has Conley's skill set as he's one of the best athletes in the NFL. I'm guessing Robinson gets more of the workload and might provide a better target for Smith while Reid works on a new approach for the blocking. WCO needs some solid blocking to thrive. 

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Pretty interested to see more of Robinson and Chesson.


So am I. Just read a few scouting reports from both of their college days and Robinson clearly had the better reputation interms of his talent. But his off-field problems seemed to get in the way of him being seen as a major top draft prospect. Chesson was doing well, then got a knee injury that set him back by all accounts. But both have the fundamentals to do well if they put in the hard yards. In Robinson's case, just watching him you get the feeling he could be something special if given a run. He's got decent speed, is tall and one thing that catches my eye is he's elusive. He can slip an opponent with one change of direction or dummy. Something that Conley didn't do a lot of. I really hope that Robinson can become a genuine TD threat for us because if we have another weapon that can do Conley's role, but at the same time score some TD's aswell then our offence will be taken to the next level as teams will have to plan for Kelce, Hunt, Hill AND Robinson which would be very hard to do. 

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Robinson will get more snaps and Chesson will be active. I think that Robinson will bring the ability to get open down the field better then Conley was able to and I think Chesson might be a better blocker then Robinson. Andy will mix and match them all in and get production.

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Just watched THIS highlights video of the preseason game against the Titans and I must say, Robinson looked impressive here. Chesson's TD wasn't bad either was it? :D 


The simple question in my mind is will the likes of Robinson be able to actually improve us in Conley's absence? Because that's the bottom line at the end of the day. Chris, for all his good work, was not a TD threat. So now it's about whether Robinson or Chesson can step in, do the good work Chris did but also be able to at least chip in with TD's every so often. If Reid can get this one right then it has the potential to take our offence to a different level altogether. 


Some are calling for a potential trade but who really is realistic at this juncture that would actually improve us? That's what Veech and co have to think about. 

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Conley was a solid blocker outside the hash. Your correct to say that he wasn't a threat in the red zone. Maybe this is a blessing & we just don't know it yet. Robinson is cool and I like his speed but there is something I like more in Chesson. Now they have an opportunity to make plays that they didn't have before, it's about capitalizing on these opportunities.

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Great article HERE about Robinson potentially replacing Conley. 


Sounds like Demarcus is very familiar with the Reid playbook and how he asked Conley to operate. Smith's comments about him are also encouraging. What I'm hoping to see is that Robinson will do all the things that Chris did, whilst also bringing different threats to the table. Chris is a very "no thrills" type of player to me as in he does the basics well. Whereas Robinson has that "X-factor about him". He can create space by being elusive and can cause a lot of damage in one on one situations. Which to me, makes him a much bigger threat to the opposition than Chris was.


I firmly believe that if Robinson hits the ground running and gets himself some TD's, it has the potential to take our offence to the next level as teams will then have to worry about him, Hill, Hunt and Kelce. And stopping all four over the course of a game would be a tough thing to do imo. 

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