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How do yall cope with a defeat like that?

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Some folks get angry in the moment and then let it go, some folks can just shrug their shoulders and just get on with their daily lives without much fuss. Other folks are simply saddened and that lasts for a few days etc etc. So how do yall cope with a last-minute defeat like that? I must admit, last night I was deeply saddened by what happened, and it's still lingering now. It will probably take a few days to completely get out of my system and I'll be ready to go back into this emotional boxing ring again come Monday morning. It would probably feel a lot less painful if we didn't deserve to win, but despite our defensive flaws, we were the better side imo and should have wrapped up that game. 


Oh well, it is what it is. The ironic thing is the Raiders lost in the last minute themselves last week, that's the game yall, it can give you the biggest high and then punch you right in the mouth. My soccer team are playing tomorrow, and like Kansas, they won a whole bunch of games and then lost for the first time in a while last week. I just hope I don't have to consume a double blow this weekend. 

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Some folks get angry in the moment and then let it go, some folks can just shrug their shoulders and just get on with their daily lives without much fuss. Other folks are simply saddened and that lasts for a few days etc etc. So how do yall cope with a last-minute defeat like that? I must admit, last night I was deeply saddened by what happened, and it's still lingering now. It will probably take a few days to completely get out of my system and I'll be ready to go back into this emotional boxing ring again come Monday morning. It would probably feel a lot less painful if we didn't deserve to win, but despite our defensive flaws, we were the better side imo and should have wrapped up that game. 


Oh well, it is what it is. The ironic thing is the Raiders lost in the last minute themselves last week, that's the game yall, it can give you the biggest high and then punch you right in the mouth. My soccer team are playing tomorrow, and like Kansas, they won a whole bunch of games and then lost for the first time in a while last week. I just hope I don't have to consume a double blow this weekend. 

I cope by hoping some substantive changes will be made NOW and in the future.  Going into the season, it was known that the Chiefs secondary was suspect (except Peters).  Berry's vacancy has not been adequately filled.  Run defense is terrible.  I have to believe there are some available players out there that can provide an immediate positive impact.  The Chiefs could also use another quality WR. 

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My take on it is several things:



Unfortunately, the NFL is losing money this year with all the kneeling and fans cancelling their DirecTV and etc. When the Raiders are in the Playoff hunt, business is better for the NFL.



Unfortunately, when the defense plays bad and the Chiefs win, that part has been overlooked. Phillip Gaines is a liability and teams know it, but Bob Sutton keeps him playing just as much regardless. Change needs to happen, and it'll force Sutton and Reid to address these areas of weakness.



Let's keep in mind that the Chiefs were missing alot of starters and next time the Chiefs and Raiders play, the normal starters will be back: STEVEN NELSON, TAMBA HALI, LAURENT DUVERNAY-TARDIFF, MITCH MORSE, PARKER EHINGER and CHARCANDRICK WEST.

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lol yeah, I was pissed last night for about 10 minutes after the game.  But, I learned to let this stuff go years ago.  I'm fine this morning.


the most infuriating thing with sports for me is the officiating as was the case last night.  I was pissed at Sutton more, but it's so frustrating to get jobbed like that.


I can't even watch college basketball anymore though because the officiating is so bad and biased.

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I could see the "train wreck" coming for quite some time in the 4th Qtr.


The Chiefs were guilty of multiple pass interference/holding calls and so were the Raiders on just about every down on the winning drive.


You have to give it up to Carr for making the plays. Although KC dropped an interception on that drive too.


How do I cope?


Realize, this has been happening since 1971 for many of us. I do not take any regular season games with any thing more than a grain of salt.


I do not take first round playoff games with any real emotion.


The Chiefs will have to advance to the AFC Championship for me to get "emotionally involved"


Our favorite team has been "holding the football" and begging me to kick it for decades.


Ever since "the kicker who shall not be named", I have stayed fairly balance.


Last night, I slept like a baby.



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Looking back at the entire Reid era this loss basically reminded me of the Colts playoff game. Decent offense to start the game and defense trying to make something happen early on. As the game goes on all aspects of the team regress and by the time final whistle was blown Chiefs weren't resembling a playoff or even a .500 team. 


I feel like Reid needs a solid OC next to him rather than puppets. If some things never change over time Chiefs are probably bad at identifying the problem.

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after years of seeing this I just say to my self ..Same ol Chiefs.


that being said a short week and flying 2 time zones surely didn't help and TNF always favors the home team

We are used to let down. Shit happens every single year. 50 years of let down. Nothing new.

I expect and it, and called it yesterday. Even worse sitting in the stands watching the chokers.

Mex And OT said it best.

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Separation of sports and real-life. In real life, I don't directly become affected. I have learned this from being an attorney and that you don't win every argument or case, but you have to look at the big picture and losing an argument can help down the road in a different case or force you to look at something you don't look at before to help you.


I might avoid the sports world more than regular and obviously that's a factor of us losing, so losing does affect my real life, but emotionally, I can shut it off. But within the sports world, I can't find the rationalization that I want. I choose rationalization over denial to cope with the sports world issues.


Rather than trying to convince myself that we didn't lose, I take a fuck it all approach and try to convince myself that we should have lost, lost by more, were screwed by something. These all go in the same category as denial but to me are a bit different. Then I just move on after that.


For example, the Raiders should have made their two missed field goals or at least one of them that wasn't blocked. The Wilson touchdown should have been intercepted or knocked down so I look at the loss like 34/37 to 23. Alternatively, I give Smith credit for going deep even though the bounce was lucky. So alternatively, I look at it like them kicking a field goal at the end of the game to win 33-30, even though our last possession may have been different if we knew it were a tie.

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POed last night for sure as we really could have almost ended the division race with a win over Denver. I thought we would lose by 10 and that would have been easier to take. Won't take much to get past it today as I've already started thinking about Denver. Hopefully Andy gives them a few days off and we come back refreshed and with an altered defensive plan to install vs the Donkeys. We aren't scoring 30 against them so defense has to be better. 

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Also have to add that the older I get the less losing bothers me for more than the moment. We could go 0-16 or 19-0 and win the Super Bowl and I will still have to go to work, raise a family, pay bills, ect, ect....After the Royals won a very unexpected World Series I kept waiting for life to change. It didn't. So why get THAT upset about something that's really pure entertainment. And part of that entertainment is talking about it like this. And by the way how refreshing other than a few echoes this board has moved on to talking zone defense and clock management rather than kneeling and patriotism. 

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While the DBs were awful last night, I guess when the opposing offense pushes off as much as the Raiders do, you tend to get caught up with the chicken fighting instead of playing with your technique. The league has always favored the offensive players and when your defensive players are either young, undisciplined or just not very good (I'll leave it up to you which ones the Chiefs are) so much the worse for your defense. Sutton HAS TO be more aggressive defensively. Our DBs can't cover 5-6 seconds while the QB gets no pressure. Three pass rushers worked for NE, it's not going to work for every week. 


The most irritating thing I saw last night was not the first Oakland TD, although I don't know how you call a penalty for OPI then you don't. But whatever. The thing I lost my shit over was over the TD run. Two guys (DJ and Parker) both hit the RB with a shoulder and made no attempt to wrap him up. INEXCUSIBLE. These are supposed to be our two best tacklers, the MLB and SS! They may have scored anyway but he should have been brought down at the three. What happened to our freaking defense?? No passion, no discipline and no playmakers. They need to fix it over the bye or we are going nowhere.

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Also have to add that the older I get the less losing bothers me for more than the moment. We could go 0-16 or 19-0 and win the Super Bowl and I will still have to go to work, raise a family, pay bills, ect, ect....After the Royals won a very unexpected World Series I kept waiting for life to change. It didn't. So why get THAT upset about something that's really pure entertainment. And part of that entertainment is talking about it like this. And by the way how refreshing other than a few echoes this board has moved on to talking zone defense and clock management rather than kneeling and patriotism. 

Without emotion what's the point of following sport? Now I get it, when you get used to losing one can get into a passive state of mind at times like "whatever", That's happened to me with the Soccer team I've supported for over twenty years. But at the same time I still feel the nerves and the ups and downs because that's why we care, because of how the high of a win makes us feel. Yesterday was gut-wrenching for me, but I've calmed down now and I hope my soccer team can get me a win tomorrow. I know we all have priorities, but sport is a unique experience. It can take you to places other forms of entertainment can't. 

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We are used to let down. Shit happens every single year. 50 years of let down. Nothing new.

I expect and it, and called it yesterday. Even worse sitting in the stands watching the chokers.

Mex And OT said it best.

I just don't get this attitude at all. All we've done for 3 years is beat most everyone we play in the regular season. This year weve beaten the NFCs best team and the defending World Champs on the road. We are 3-1 in prime time with one loss by one point to one of the top five Super Bowl favorites on the road. We've got dynamic YOUNG playmakers at RB, WR and TE. We've drafted a QB in the first round for the first time in 30 years. If you want to get to January and say you expect a loss. Okay. We are clearly changing from the old status quo, but thats fine. But our consistent regular season success over many good opponents in many different ways really doesn't warrant this statement. It's one game. We aren't going to win them all. Nobody will. Just my opinion. We have the AFCs best record still for goodness sakes despite a REALLY tough schedule and a ton of injuries. Many of whom are supposed to be back soon.

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I figured it would happen just about the way it did. But I was still super bummed after. I just think about it he fact that we are 5-2 with the toughest part of our he year behind us. We should have some talent coming back. We have a mini bye, 2 games, then a bye.


I think a lot of people are ready to fire the DC, fire the HC, fire DJ, etc. I am not down at all. I can’t wait. It was no secret to me that we are not a dominant D that can stuff the run and rush the passer. That is what we were last year and before. We have to bend but not break. We have to scramble around and dump it off a lot. We have to rely on Hunt being the best back in the league. We have to get back to taking the ball away. That’s how we have to win the Super Bowl.


Ehinger or Morse coming back won’t change who we are. Berry not getting hurt would not have changed who we are. We are a good team as leader Ng as we play smart football and make plays when we can.

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Those losses, were you should have easily won are far harder than getting beat by 10-14 points.    I was upset because I honestly thought this team could win a SB.   In years past I always felt like the stars had to align and then a little extra luck for us to have a chance, but this year felt like we could just play good and beat every team in the L.   That we had turned a corner and while we might lose a couple games it wouldn't be by horrid coaching and poor execution.   


With that said we are 5-2 and should be getting a bunch of starters back for the stretch run.    The Raiders won a great game last night and are just 3-4 with a long uphill road to climb.   Things aren't as bad as they seem but we need to thump Denver to get back on track.

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Those losses, were you should have easily won are far harder than getting beat by 10-14 points. I was upset because I honestly thought this team could win a SB. In years past I always felt like the stars had to align and then a little extra luck for us to have a chance, but this year felt like we could just play good and beat every team in the L. That we had turned a corner and while we might lose a couple games it wouldn't be by horrid coaching and poor execution.


With that said we are 5-2 and should be getting a bunch of starters back for the stretch run. The Raiders won a great game last night and are just 3-4 with a long uphill road to climb. Things aren't as bad as they seem but we need to thump Denver to get back on track.

My moment was the Pit game. I had to say, maybe we aren’t any better. But I think we are. The odds are sacked against us. But they are stacked against every team. It’s just so weird that NE put a clown suit on Pit in the playoffs. We often put a clown suit on NE. Now us and Pit, are usually tight. But damnit I want to beat them just once.

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I just don't get this attitude at all. All we've done for 3 years is beat most everyone we play in the regular season. This year weve beaten the NFCs best team and the defending World Champs on the road. We are 3-1 in prime time with one loss by one point to one of the top five Super Bowl favorites on the road. We've got dynamic YOUNG playmakers at RB, WR and TE. We've drafted a QB in the first round for the first time in 30 years. If you want to get to January and say you expect a loss. Okay. We are clearly changing from the old status quo, but thats fine. But our consistent regular season success over many good opponents in many different ways really doesn't warrant this statement. It's one game. We aren't going to win them all. Nobody will. Just my opinion. We have the AFCs best record still for goodness sakes despite a REALLY tough schedule and a ton of injuries. Many of whom are supposed to be back soon.

Except when it matters.

Are you really debating 50 years with of repeat?

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