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It was 20-3

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Reid is Reid just like Marty was Marty...no killer instinct. They get a lead and play not to lose even when you know your D is struggling and has become a liability. No lead is safe in today's NFL, especially with a bend and don't break philosophy. He's got to accept it and adapt or leave a legacy of always falling short

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Reid is Reid just like Marty was Marty...no killer instinct. They get a lead and play not to lose even when you know your D is struggling and has become a liability. No lead is safe in today's NFL, especially with a bend and don't break philosophy. He's got to accept it and adapt or leave a legacy of always falling short

Defense was fine tonight. 5 take aways. 2-12 on thirdowns didn't help the defense.
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Reid and Marty are completely different. Marty didn’t have a good qb until he was in SD and was a defensive coach. He turtled because he never trusted his offense. Reid, I have no fuckin clue. Sometimes it’s like he doesn’t want to embarrass the other team, other times he draws up some ignorant gimmicky play that backfires. Tu sum up, Marty never trusted his offense, and Reid is bi polar.

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So much pisses me off about Andy Reid. From the Steelers game passing on a FG for an unsuccessful TD try. Then every week Reid calls for so many different bad play, with the Tyreek Hill halfback pass that was the worst of all of them.

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would you of bitched if he completed the pass

Yes.  While we all would have cheered the surprise TD, it just didn't make since and the odds were very poor in that situation.  The Chiefs were poised to take a three score lead and DEN was on the brinks of being out of it, especially on the road with a sputtering offense.  There was little to gain by the trickery when there was such a good chance to score a traditional TD and, at worst, get a FG.  It was a trick play that just wasn't needed to help with a win.  The whole feeling of the game changed and the possible reward just wasn't worth the risk.

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Yes. While we all would have cheered the surprise TD, it just didn't make since and the odds were very poor in that situation. The Chiefs were poised to take a three score lead and DEN was on the brinks of being out of it, especially on the road with a sputtering offense. There was little to gain by the trickery when there was such a good chance to score a traditional TD and, at worst, get a FG. It was a trick play that just wasn't needed to help with a win. The whole feeling of the game changed and the possible reward just wasn't worth the risk.

Thank you.

And at the time, our offense was working at the time.

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Defense was fine tonight. 5 take aways. 2-12 on thirdowns didn't help the defense.

I disagree, defense was saved by bad qb play and dropped passes. A competent qb would have owned us tonight.


Our O and ST keeps us in these games, but you can't truly believe after watching these last 3 games that our D isn't going to be a liability?

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I disagree, defense was saved by bad qb play and dropped passes. A competent qb would have owned us tonight.


Our O and ST keeps us in these games, but you can't truly believe after watching these last 3 games that our D isn't going to be a liability?

It's an issue. But we had a serious pass rush all night. Nelson looked ok. 1 part solved. Now stop with Sorensen at ILB and that may help some more. Put Wilson in with Ragland. Bench DJ.
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Reid and Marty are completely different. Marty didn’t have a good qb until he was in SD and was a defensive coach. He turtled because he never trusted his offense. Reid, I have no fuckin clue. Sometimes it’s like he doesn’t want to embarrass the other team, other times he draws up some ignorant gimmicky play that backfires. Tu sum up, Marty never trusted his offense, and Reid is bi polar.

I disagree, last time Marty was in the playoffs and brees was playing balls out, he clammed up when he had the lead and played not to lose. He lost and it ended up costing his job.


Sure reid and marty have different backgrounds, but they both play not to lose when they're up. Bill Belichick wins because he will score 50 on you every single time he can just to break your will. They need that edge

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I disagree, defense was saved by bad qb play and dropped passes. A competent qb would have owned us tonight.


Our O and ST keeps us in these games, but you can't truly believe after watching these last 3 games that our D isn't going to be a liability?


The decisive defensive performance was also a reason for the bad QB play. It sure won't be enough against top tier QBs but this is a good defense against guys like Siemian. 

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Someone needs to give Harris some gloves...The dude drives me nuts.


Our D is pretty middle of the road.


Our O Line does not have Reid's Confidence in the Red Zone.


We do not do well in man on man smash mouth football. Pittsburgh owns us for that reason.


O-line MUST improve or its one and done in the playoffs


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Give Den some credit. at least on defense.  The Chiefs are missing LDT and Ehinger and won't dominate most defensive lines, especially one like Denver's.  What's most troubling is the disappearance of DJ.  Maybe it's time to switch to Wilson and Ragland and see how they do against Dallas.  If the Chiefs can afford to lose any game, this Sunday is the one so why not try the young guys?  After that, it's the bye week so there's plenty of time to adjust if they experiment a little this week.  While we can all breathe easier because the Donk offense was so bad, don't overlook the drops by Harris and even one by Kelce.  Add in a couple of misses by Alex and the stupid play call by Reid and it's easy to see how mental mistakes kept the game from being a blowout.  Bottom line:  The Chiefs were a better team than Denver last and that's what we wanted when the season started.

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I can’t speak for everyone but yes I would’ve. I have no problem running that in the open field. On the goal line you’re asking a receiver to throw into a tight window.



read a theory about that pass which would go against the killer instinct argument, supposedly Reid did it because the donks bitched so much about hungry pig right last year that he wanted to give them another FU with another trick play.  If true, I don't mind that at all....

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They had to have run that halfback pass in practice right? Hill threw that like a 6 year old. The receiver was open if he hadn't have short armed the throw. Regardless, stupid play call. Why can't we run slants passes anymore like normal people?

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They had to have run that halfback pass in practice right? Hill threw that like a 6 year old. The receiver was open if he hadn't have short armed the throw. Regardless, stupid play call. Why can't we run slants passes anymore like normal people?

I would have liked it to be a throw it out of the endzone type throw where our guy only had a chance - kind of a QB expectation, not a halfback.

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I would have liked it to be a throw it out of the endzone type throw where our guy only had a chance - kind of a QB expectation, not a halfback.

From watching it, I would say it happened like this.


Reid: Ok everyone huddle up. I was in the bathroom and thought of a play.


(Everyone huddles, excited)


Reid: Tyreek, Have you ever thrown a ball?


Tyreek: No sir.


Reid: Well you're about to.


Tyreek: Don't forget I'm left handed.


Reid: Oh yeah. Well then we'll do it the opposite of what I wrote on this napkin.


Reid: Tyreek, do you remember the play where you run really fast and try to not get tackled?


Tyreek: You mean the one where I try to score?


Reid: Yes. That's the one.


Tyreek: I remember. You said to just run to the end zone as fast as I can.


Reid: That's right. Good job.


Reid: We are going to run that same play, only this time I don't want you to score.


Tyreek: Don't score?


Reid: That's right. We are going to trick them.


Tyreek: Oh boy. This sounds really fun.


Reid: You got it. It's going to be fun. This time, instead of scoring, you are going to throw the ball to the end zone.


Tyreek: Throw the ball?


Reid: That's right. You're going to throw it.


Tyreek: To who?


Reid: Just throw it to the end zone. No matter what. Whatever you do, do not run the ball and do not throw it away.


Tyreek: What if there's Broncos there?


Reid: God damn it Tyreek! I said throw the ball.


Tyreek: Yes sir. Sorry sir.

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