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It was 20-3

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From watching it, I would say it happened like this.


Reid: Ok everyone huddle up. I was in the bathroom and thought of a play.


(Everyone huddles, excited)


Reid: Tyreek, Have you ever thrown a ball?


Tyreek: No sir.


Reid: Well you're about to.


Tyreek: Don't forget I'm left handed.


Reid: Oh yeah. Well then we'll do it the opposite of what I wrote on this napkin.


Reid: Tyreek, do you remember the play where you run really fast and try to not get tackled?


Tyreek: You mean the one where I try to score?


Reid: Yes. That's the one.


Tyreek: I remember. You said to just run to the end zone as fast as I can.


Reid: That's right. Good job.


Reid: We are going to run that same play, only this time I don't want you to score.


Tyreek: Don't score?


Reid: That's right. We are going to trick them.


Tyreek: Oh boy. This sounds really fun.


Reid: You got it. It's going to be fun. This time, instead of scoring, you are going to throw the ball to the end zone.


Tyreek: Throw the ball?


Reid: That's right. You're going to throw it.


Tyreek: To who?


Reid: Just throw it to the end zone. No matter what. Whatever you do, do not run the ball and do not throw it away.


Tyreek: What if there's Broncos there?


Reid: God damn it Tyreek! I said throw the ball.


Tyreek: Yes sir. Sorry sir.

lol and those are direct quotes.

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Good one Reese, made my day. Here's the only missing part...


Reid: So, I know you are left-handed but I want you to throw it as if you are really right-handed and throwing with your off hand. That will really get their goat, right?


Tyreek: But Coach, you know I can throw it 40 yards on a dime...you've seen me do it at practice.


Reid: Who is the offensive genius here?


Tyreek: You are coach, I keep forgetting..

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They had to have run that halfback pass in practice right? Hill threw that like a 6 year old. The receiver was open if he hadn't have short armed the throw. Regardless, stupid play call. Why can't we run slants passes anymore like normal people?

Alex Smith said they worked on the play all week and he even told Tyreek numerous times if it's not there, just throw it out of bounds or run it. Tyreek basically admitted he panicked.

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