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What did Romo say about the Chiefs Defense?

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Don't recall. I thought the Chiefs started out pretty solid. But as the game wore on the Cowboys figured it out. I hate soft defenses and we are pretty soft. Very little pressure the second half and soft coverage by the db's. I think we'll still make the playoffs but we won't get past the Steelers or Patriots.

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I remember him saying at the beginning that they had made some changes, and were playing a more traditional 3-4, with heavier players up front. It seemed to work for a while, especially against the run. The Cowboys adjusted also, and began to make plays downfield.

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Run d gave up some runs here n there, but looked much better in the base 34.. played sub packages with good restraint.. that is until the 4th qr when everyone knew even though Dallas was coming out in 3 we sets, they still wanted to run the ball n eat the clock.. we stayed in the sub 2 drives too long for my tastes.

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